Saturday, February 28, 2015

How to Treat Eczema With Herb Remedies


Eczema is a skin disorders which has affected many people. There are certain factors which may cause eczema such as varicose veins, nutritional deficiencies, allergies, faulty body metabolism, cold and dry weather and failure of the system to excrete toxins from the body. Some common symptoms of eczema are redness on skin, itching, dry and flaky skin, itchy blisters, rough and thickened skin, inflammation on the skin, and small bumps on forehead, neck and cheek.
There are many natural ways of treating eczema which are simple to follow and safe to use. Some of the popular home remedies for eczema which have been used since a very long time and have proven to be effective are:
- One of the most effective home remedies for eczema is the use of unrefined virgin coconut oil. It is rich natural
oil with a good smell. All you need to do is apply virgin coconut oil on the affected area.

- Turmeric is also considered to be one of the effective home remedies for eczema. Just take one tablespoon of
turmeric powder and neem leaves powder each. Mix them together to form a paste and then apply it on the affected area.


- Oat meal can also be used to treat eczema. All you have to do is take some oatmeal and water and make them into a paste. Apply this paste on the affected area of your skin. Or you can try using oatmeal soaking products for warm baths.

- Take an iron vessel and add 200 grams of mustard oil in it. Now boil it and then add fresh leaves of neem (50 grams) in it. Continue boiling till the neem leaves turn black in color. Allow this mixture to cool down and then apply this oil on the affected area four times daily. Using this method continuously for one year will totally eliminate any chances of eczema from happening again.

- In order to reduce the inflammation, pain and redness caused by eczema, you can try using a paste of raw
strawberries on the affected region of your body.

- Take one third cup of cold compressed sunflower oil and half cup of apple cider vinegar. Add them to your bath water and soak your body in this water. This is one of the most effective home remedies for eczema.

- Almond leaves can also be used to treat eczema. All you have to do is mash some almond leaves in water. Now apply this mixture on your eczema.
These were some of the most effective home remedies for eczema which are simple, cost-effective and easy to use.

- See more at:

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