Sunday, April 19, 2015

How to Use Urtica dioica, often called Nettle


How to Use Urtica dioica, often called Nettle or Stinging Nettle

The nettle is one of the best healing herbs that we have. Unfortunately, this is knowledge is present only to a little in humanity.

Nettle is, starting from the root and stem and leaf through all the colors that it have,and it’s entirety with healing power.
There is a many illness and diseases that can be treat with nettle.
     Nettle tea is used for eczema, headaches,disorder of the kidneys and bladder etc. Also like and medicinal plants that purify the blood. Woman should use it after the birth. And advise is  to drink nettle tea as nettle prevents from the formation of sand in the kidneys and bladder.
         Nettle is our best medicinal plant for purification of blood that simultaneously increases the number of red blood cells. Because it has a positive impact on the pancreas, nettle tea is removed and the blood sugar level. It can heal the diseases and urinary tract infections, and abnormal stoppage of urine. It is particularly recommended for the spring with respect to a course of the cleaning hose.

nettle tea



    Tea should be drink it on an empty stomach, and a cup half an hour before breakfast and one to two cups a day, slowly, sip by sip. In the morning, tea should be drunk slowly to its effect anything expressive. After one such treatments the feel is indescribably good. The taste of this tea is not so bad. You must drink it without sugar.

          They may be more sensitive to mend his taste by adding chamomile or mint. In folk medicine to cure for several weeks of nettle tea recommended against diseases of the liver, gall bladder and spleen, even in the case of tumors of the body, followed by catarrh of the stomach, respiratory diseases, stomach cramps and ulcers, duodenal ulcer and Lung diseases. To active substances other preserved, nettle never cook it just blanched. Prevention is nettle tea drink only once a day but over an entire year. It is excellent for the treatment of diseases caused by viruses and bacteria.
     Starting from a certain age in the body reduces the amount of iron. It contains iron and is therefore used with success. After treatments nettles man physically relatively quickly feel much better, returning his energy and creative power that seemingly looks like it has flourished.

     When aqueous disease (edema) Nettle assists by drawing a large amount of water from the body. Through active ingredients that strengthen the blood helps with pallor, anemia, anemia, and in severe blood diseases. Together with other medicinal herbs nettle has been successfully applied in leukemia (see article entitled Leukemia). If it is an allergic disease (and hay or hay to sneeze belong here) to be over a longer period of time to drink nettle tea.
    Nettle reduces the tendency to colds and helps with gout and rheumatism.
Especially beneficial to each affected hair tincture of nettles that you can easily make yourself from nettle root, which will in the spring or fall out of the country (see section How to use: Wash hair and tincture of nettle).
          Even with the narrowing of blood vessels nettle extraordinarily helpful. People who suffer from this disease could be spared a leg amputated when he promptly began to apply the baths of nettle root (see the section on use).
        That particular point on this: in sciatica, stabbing them with ischemia and inflammation of the nerves in the arms and legs should be fresh nettles with a v i s m a l c o rub the sore spot. In sciatica, for example, rubbing fresh nettles should start from the ankle (fracture) the outer side to the hook, and from there to continue the inside of the leg to the foot. This should be repeated twice and end up sliding off the hook straight through the buttocks. Similar to proceed when it comes to other painful areas. Thereafter powder your skin.
        And now, another good piece of advice: start from today treatment with nettles. Dried it can be found in pharmacies and stores where it is sold as a tea. Let our herbs to enter the Dogs! In the spring of the arm with scissors and gloves and step into the free nature of the Lord. It is a great joy when nettles can be picked under free sky God. As Nettle fresher benefit is even greater and the success of treatment, as experience has shown. In the mean and winter supplies for which it is best to nettle Beretta in May. Rejoice as yourself something you can do for your health!
      On the other hand, however, today some farmers weed killers sprayed nettle that grows in the clean edges of forests and meadows, far from roads. So toxins that are harmful to humans due in pristine forest areas. Them at the same time does not care what time and at the same time destroy the beneficial insects and birds. Many farmers will not waste time to nettle hair sickle.

       Tea: 1 full teaspoon blanched with a 0.25 L of boiling water, and after a short
time is filtrated.
     Tincture of nettle: the roots, which are removed in the spring and in autumn, washed with a brush, finely diced and put it in a bottle. Overlaid with a alcohol volume 38-40% and the bottle holds 14 days in a warm place.
    Bath for the feet: a full hand of well washed roots and stems with leaves of fresh nettle, put overnight in 5 liters of cold water and the next day the same water returns to a boil. In that warmer water (at a temperature that can be submitted) to bathe the feet for 20 minutes. Nettle while it remains in the bath water.This bath, warmed, can be used two or three times.
    Washing your hair: 4 to 5 full handful of fresh or dried nettle placed in a 5 liter pot filled with cold water and simmer heated until boiling. Pan off the heat and leave to stand for 5 minutes. If used nettle root, a handful of full left overnight in cold water, and the next day the water was heated to boiling. After this is left to stand for 10 minutes. To wash your hair use good quality toilet soap

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1 comment:

  1. 5 years ago I had warts, I was treated with some liquid applied to the warts they continued to grow and spread... The next 2 doctors did laser surgery to remove them. 1 year after the surgery, they grew back close to where the 1st ones were' so I was finally told it was hpv. I have had it for very long time, I contract it from my cheated boyfriend and I found out he was also infected and I end up the relationship between us. the warts was so embarrasses because it started spreading all over I have be dealing with this things for very long time the last treatment I take was About 2 years ago I applied natural treatment from Dr onokun herbal cure, a week after applying the treatment all the warts was gone. it's now 2 years and some months I don't have single wart or any symptoms of hpv. wow"" it's great, Dr onokun has finally cured me. Anyone living with hpv contact Dr onokun for natural treatment.
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