Friday, August 21, 2015

Recovery From Ankylosing Spondylitis Update 2014

1 comment:

  1. My name is Rafa, I am from southern Spain. First of all thank you for your vídeos about AS. I hope you are doing well. Back in february 2017 ,after 3 painful years, I was diagnosed with AS and started to get info about alternative ways for dealing with it. I would like to share with you the four things I do to keep AS at bay.
    1) Ever since (in 10 days) I started the no starch diet I got better ( just eat fish, meat, lots of fruit-antioxidative-and vegetables). I did the experiment and went back to starch for 2 weeks to see the way my body reacted...and the AS symptons came back. Seeing that diet was a key factor I decided to consult one of the best doctors in Spain specialised in nutrition for elite soccer players (the Spanish league is among the most important leagues in the world). He said that AS was not his speciality, however he gave me some good advise, he said "Rafa! Take note: take 3 capsules a day of CURCUMA PIPERINA, 3 pearls a day of liver-codfish oil.In the morning, put in the blender 25 blueberries, 12 strawberries and 8 blackerries and a portion of melón "(at home I add 1/2 a lemon with the peel, an Orange, cinnamon and 4 spoons with Olive oil extra virgen (1st press).
    2) seeing that by pampering my guts I improved my condition I started VISCERAL MASSAGE THERAPY with my osteopath
    3)I also took a pilates course with a phisiotherapist to learn how to practise LOW PRESSURE EXERCISES.
    I also practised jogging in a swiming pool
    Until november2017 I felt that though I was getting better, however I needed something more to improve my conditon. In november 2017 I started my
    4) THERAPY with BEE VENON and apitherapy in general consuming the different product of the hive exept for royal jelly ( orgánic polen,honey,propolis). You shoud listen to Dr. Henri Joyeux from France, he is a staunch defender of apitherapy.
    I take 1 session a week
    1st session 1 Bee
    2nd 2 bees
    3rd 3 bees
    4th 4 bees
    From the 5th session I get 15 bees
    With this therapy I have managed to improve even more my condition. The crisis are by far much more soft and bearable than they used to.(I keep my fingers crossed)
    My next step will be using Bee VENON in the acupuncture points otherwise known as apipuncture.
    Once again I would like to express my gratitude to you, exactly right after being diagnosed I listened to to your video and felt there was something out there apart from a bazooka of antiinflamatory pills and other medicins with loads of side effects.
    Thank you so much
