Friday, November 27, 2015

Golden Mixture Recipe – The Strongest Antibiotic and Anti-Cancer Remedy (Recipe Included)

November 27, 2015

This so-called “golden mixture” got its name due to its gold-like color and of course, due to its exceptional health benefits.  It is extremely simple and easy-to-make, yet so effective and healthy.
The mixture itself is recommended to people suffering from bacterial and viral health issues. However, it is known to strengthen the immune system and prevent cancer as well.
What makes the remedy so effective and potent is its combination of ingredients- turmeric and honey, both of which are actually responsible for the “golden” color of the recipe.
Both turmeric and honey are considered to be one of the best natural remedy. When combined, you get a potent anti-inflammatory, anticancer, and antibacterial agent. In addition, the combination is able to improve both red flora and the digestion process in general.
The best part about this all-natural remedy is that it doesn’t cause any side effects, unlike the conventionally prescribed medications and over-the-counter drugs.

  • 1 tbsp turmeric
  • 100 grams organic honey
  • 2 tbsp natural ACV
  • 1 tsp finely grated lemon rind
  • A pinch of black pepper

  • Mix the turmeric, ACV and black pepper in a bowl.
  • Add the lemon rind and the honey.
  • Stir well until you get a smooth, homogenous mixture.
  • Transfer the mixture in a glass bowl and keep it refrigerated.
  • Take 1 tbsp of the mixture on daily basis, in order to strengthen your immune system, improve your overall health, and to prevent cancer. For optimum results, consume the remedy in the morning.
  • In cases of cold or other infection, adhere to the following steps: Take 1 tsp of the mixture on every hour, during the first two days. Take ½ tsp of the remedy on every two hours in the next two days. After the fourth day, take ½ tsp three dimes daily. Repeat the procedure until the symptoms of cold or infection disappear.
  • The most important thing when it comes to this remedy is to adhere to the method of use, in order to obtain the wanted results. In brief, you should put the remedy in your mouth and wait for it to completely dissolve. Swallow and don’t drink anything in the next couple of minutes.
  • This mixture can be also used as breakfast or added to tea. However, make sure the tea is not too hot in order to avoid loss of its effects.
  • If you decide to use it as breakfast, spread the mixture on a piece of bread and consume it in the morning.

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