Wednesday, February 3, 2016

Gardisil Protocols for healing after injury

January 31, 2016
Japanese MD Develops Nutritional Protocols for Gardasil/Cervarix HPV Vaccine Injury

May 19, 2015
By: TLB Talk Show Host and Contributor: Leslie Carol Botha
“We find no physical cause for the alleged and presumed adverse reactions in those vaccinated girls, so we cannot recommend any specific therapy. We conclude that their so-called adverse reactions are psychosomatic. The government should provide counseling to the girls so that they may be freed from their psychosomatic reactions.” ~ Japanese official task force on the HPV vaccines
“The timing and appearance of adverse effects and symptoms of the HPV vaccines vary for each patient. These symptoms differ from anything that we have previously experienced.” ~ Atsuo Yanagisawa, MD, PhD
It’s all in our heads.. psychosomatic – haven’t we had enough of that arrogant statement? But that is what women hear no matter the ailment. But this post is about good news. A doctor, Atsuo Yanagisawa, MD, PhD, refused to accept the task forces presumption and researched the reported injuries (i.e., took the girl’s seriously) and developed nutritional protocol for healing. In addition to his above statement, he also admits – what we have known and the government and the pharmaceutical companies deny is that
The onset of adverse effects from HPV vaccines arrives several months to a year or more after the injection. This delay makes it very difficult to link the symptoms with the HPV vaccine.
And this is the case with all vaccines. Most of the injured do not relate their illness to the injections, because they happen months later. Only a significantly small portion of the population has an immediate reaction, which is why there is so much denial from the powers to be about a link. So how many of us are suffering from vaccine injury? There are many who believe that most of chronic illnesses, including cancers stem from vaccination. A thought too frightening to let linger in the mind for more than a second.
Orthomolecular Medicine is a safe, effective nutritional therapy to fight illness. However, this time a OM protocol was developed for healing HPV vaccine injuries. The press release below was shared with me just this week – and came at the same time I saw yet another article about yet another Gardasil injured young woman, Jasmyne Gramza, 14 at the time, who was undergoing treatment in May 2014 after her platelet levels dropped to a dangerous low. Her mother, Phoenix nurse Tarah Gramza was the one to realize that her daughter’s autoimmune disorder may have been caused by the vaccine. She looked into suing the manufacturer – Merck & Co, and to her surprise – and to the surprise of so many others – she realized she could not.
Why? because the vaccine companies are protected by law and not liable for any injury and/or death to their product.
The article entitled: National vaccine injury fund tops $3.5 billion, as patients fight for payment was actually published by KTAR News in the midst of the biggest vaccine controversy going on in the U.S. right now – with all eyes on CA and the loss of personal exemptions due to a bill SB-277 that will land before governor Jerry Brown.
Another article on autoimmune disorders published by the web site MindBodyGreen caught my attention this week. That article, written by Dr. Terry Whals, entitled: What Doctors Won’t Tell You About Autoimmune Diseasecites stats on the numbers of people with autoimmune diseases.
About 24 million Americans have an autoimmune diagnosis. Another 50 million people have not felt well for years, with symptoms of pain and fatigue and autoantibodies, but they do not yet have enough damage to their bodies to make an actual diagnosis.
That means a total of 75 million Americans have immune cells that are inflicting damage to their bodies. That’s far more than are affected by cancer(approximately 25 million) or heart disease (also around 25 million). Scientists aren’t sure why, but the rates of autoimmune diagnoses have sharply climbed over the last two decades.
Currently, more than 140 diseases have officially been classified as autoimmune diseases, and the number is steadily rising with each passing year, as we learn more about autoimmunity and its ravaging effects on the body. Source
In addition to the 140 diseases – there are a host of autoimmune disorders that are “unspecified.”How many of those injuries are vaccine-related? How many of our children develop autoimmune disorders post-vaccination? What we do know is that if these autoimmune disorders are not healed, they will affect fertility and may cause still births. The maternal body looks at the fetus as a foreign invader – because it is too damaged to be able to support this new life. It is further jeopardizing maternal health by having to provide nutrients that are no longer available because the mother’s condition is depleted. Source
Just as I am excited to see nutritional therapies for mental health, I am equally excited to see a nutritional approach to Gardasil/CErvarix HPV vaccine injuries.
Because as parent’s of vaccine injured know, their government is not going to protect them.
Renee Gentry, president of the Vaccine Injured Petitioners Bar Association: “It’s knock-down, drag-out fighting at every step.” Source
Orthomolecular Treatment for Adverse Effects of Human Papilloma Virus (HPV) Vaccine
Orthomolecular Medicine News Service, May 7, 2015
by Atsuo Yanagisawa, MD, PhD
(OMNS May 7, 2015) Immunization of adolescent girls with the human papilloma-virus (HPV) vaccine was initiated with the intention to prevent uterine and cervical cancer. The first HPV vaccine, called “Gardasil” (Merck) was approved in 2006, and a second vaccine called “Cervarix” (GSK) was introduced in 2007. By the end of 2013, approximately 130 million doses of Gardasil and 44 million doses of Cervarix had been distributed worldwide. In 2010, both vaccines were widely given to Japanese girls. In April 2013, Japan added both HPV vaccines to their government recommended vaccination schedule.
High incidence of side effects
In June 2013, only 2 months after the law was issued, the Japanese government suspended the recommendation for these vaccines. A new study reported that the adverse events of Gardasil and Cervarix were 1.7 to 3.6 times higher than other vaccines. The government task force analyzed reports of HPV vaccine injuries. They examined 2,500 cases and found 617 (25%) cases to be “serious.”
Amazingly, the official task force then issued this statement:
“We find no physical cause for the alleged and presumed adverse reactions in those vaccinated girls, so we cannot recommend any specific therapy. We conclude that their so-called adverse reactions are psychosomatic. The government should provide counseling to the girls so that they may be freed from their psychosomatic reactions.”
Severity of side effects
When other health experts re-evaluated those cases, they determined 1,112 (44%) to be serious. The initial onset of symptoms occurred several weeks to a year after the HPV vaccine was given. They included: headache, dizziness, muscle weakness and pain, nausea, hypersomnia, learning difficulty, impaired writing, photophobia, tremors of arms, feet and fingers, joint pain, irregular menstruation, gait disturbance, memory loss, skin eczema and acne.
Girls who had adverse effects from the HPV vaccine were variously diagnosed with:
Higher brain dysfunctionGuillain-Barré syndromeMultiple sclerosisADEM: acute disseminated encephalomyelitisSSPE: subacute sclerosing panencephalitisCRPS: Complex regional pain syndromePOTS: Postural orthostatic tachycardia syndromeAnti-phospholipid antibody syndromeSLE: systemic lupus erythematosusRheumatoid arthritisChronic fatigue syndromeFibromyalgiaCushing’s syndrome (exposure to high level of cortisol)Hashimoto’s disease (immune system attacks the thyroid)Hyperprolactinemia (high prolactin, induces breast development and lactation)
Laboratory findings included:
Normal blood chemistryNo inflammatory finding in the bloodIncreased pro-inflammatory cytokines in the spinal fluid (IL-2, IL-10, TNF-à)Reduced brain blood flow by perfusion scintigraphyHigh leukocyte sensitivity against aluminum.
HPV vaccine contains toxic aluminum
Vaccines often contain an adjuvant, which is an additional chemical added to provoke the body’s immune response to the vaccine. The HPV vaccines contained an adjuvant that consisted of an aluminum compound, amorphous aluminum hydroxyphosphate sulfate (AAHS).
Current research strongly implicates aluminum adjuvants in various inflammatory neurological and autoimmune disorders in both humans and animals. For example, a recent research paper explained that nanomaterials such as this aluminum adjuvant can be transported by immune system cells first into the blood, lymph nodes, and spleen, and in some cases may penetrate into the brain. [1] This type of access throughout the body is potentially life-threatening. The brain symptoms are often the most delayed because of the time the aluminum takes to travel from the blood through the blood-brain-barrier into the brain.
Aluminum accumulates in neurons in the brain, and it is toxic to neurons, causing a variety of pathological conditions. It inhibits uptake of dopamine and serotonin, which are important neurotransmitters in the brain. Aluminum toxicity is a known factor in Alzheimer’s disease, and may contribute symptoms of Parkinson’s disease. Dementia resulting from kidney dialysis is related to aluminum and results in memory loss, loss of coordination, confusion and disorientation. In animal experiments, rabbits given aluminum showed difficulty in memory retention and difficulty in learning.
Effective treatments for the adverse reactions from the HPV vaccine
Protocol 1:
Vitamin C, Glutathione Cocktail, given by I.V. (Dr. Yanagisawa)Sterile water, 250ml
Vitamin C, 12.5g – 25g (12,500 – 25,000 mg)
Glutathione, 800 – 1,200mg
0.5 M Magnesium sulfate, 10-20ml
8.5% Calcium gluconate, 2ml
Vitamin B-complex (B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, B12)Case History: 17yrs, female.May 23, 2014. When she visited the clinic, she could not walk without assistant. She complained of general fatigue, joint pain and frequent involuntary movement. The patient was treated with intravenous Myers’ cocktail containing VCG (vitamin C 12.5g and glutathione 1200mg) and oral nutritious supplements (vitamin C, vitamin B, curcumin, SAMe, etc). After 10 days of vitamin C and Glutathione therapy, she could walk without an assistant. By December 2014, she could play tennis. Frequency and duration of involuntary movements were decreased and fatigue and pain dramatically decreased.

Protocol 2:
Vitamin C, Glutathione & EDTA, given by I.V. (Dr. Claus Hancke, Denmark)5% Glucose, 250ml
Vitamin C (500mg/ml), 50ml (25,000mg)
Na2-EDTA (150mg/ml), 10ml (1.5g)
8.4% Na Bicarbonate, 10ml
MgSO4 (2mmol/ml), 4ml
When the infusion almost done, add Glutathione 150mg/ml, 4ml (600 mg)

Protocol 3:
Phospholipid Exchange Therapy and Glutathione, given I.V. (Dr. Damien Downing, UK)This membrane stabilizing protocol is a closely-monitored version of the lipid rescue that anesthetists use in toxic emergencies. As with all IV treatments, this should only be done by someone with full training.Phosphatidylcholine (as Intralipid or Essentiale only) 1,250mg plus
Leucovorin (folinic acid) 10mg plus
Glutathione 1,000mg plus

Protocol 4:
Oral supplements (Dr. Claus Hancke and Dr. Atsuo Yanagisawa)Multiple vitamin/mineral2, 3x per day (Increased slowly from 1/day to 6/day).EPA/DHA/GLA2 x 3 doses per dayVitamin D, (1500 IU)1 x 3Magnesium citrate1 x 2Vitamin C, 750mg2 x 2B-complex1 x 2Thiamine (B1), 300mg1 x 1Probiotic1 x 2Turmeric1 x 2Lipoic acid, 300mg1 x 2CoQ10, 100mg1 x 1S-adenosylmethionine (SAMe)400mg/dayMTHF 5- methyltetrahydrofolate (MTHF)5mg/day

Protocol 5:
Dietary principles (Dr. Claus Hancke)Alkaline foods with no fish, sugar, wheat or milk.
No chemicals or aluminum in the food (e.g. aluminum in table salt)
More greens, nuts and berries.
Use healthy fats: olive oil, coconut oil and organic butter.
Choose tea rather than coffee.
No alcohol or tobacco.To make the body more alkaline, take a glass of water with a teaspoon bicarbonate and the juice from a lemon 3 or 4 times a day.Other treatment options:Ferulic acid from rice bran for memory loss, learning disturbanceLow-dose theophylline for headache, 50-100mg in the morning (excellent improvement in some patients)Low-dose naltrexone (LDN) for hypersomnia, headache, 3mg before sleepSupplements for joint pain, gait disturbance, and to improve stem cell release.
The timing and appearance of adverse effects and symptoms of the HPV vaccines vary for each patient. These symptoms differ from anything that we have previously experienced. Unfortunately, governments and medical professions have not faced the problem proactively. Although treatment with orthomolecular medicine has been helpful in many cases, it is not always adequate to return the patient to normal. In order to establish an effective protocol, scientists and clinicians must work together.
The onset of adverse effects from HPV vaccines arrives several months to a year or more after the injection. This delay makes it very difficult to link the symptoms with the HPV vaccine. In Japan, more than 1,200 girls have been registered as “severe cases” and more patients are registered every day. We estimate more than 100,000 unrecognized cases of mild to moderate adverse effects in girls vaccinated with HPV. The symptoms are commonly seen as fatigue, muscle pain, headache, learning disturbance, difficulty in awakening, hypersomnia, irregular menstruation, among others.
Doctors should be made aware of HPV vaccine adverse effects. Unfortunately, there is no evidence about the effectiveness of cervical cancer prevention by the HPV vaccines. Therefore, in my opinion as a concerned physician, we should discontinue this harmful HPV vaccine as soon as possible.
I would like to thank Dr. Damien Downing, president of the British Society for Ecological Medicine, and Dr. Claus Hancke, FACAM, specialist in general medicine, for their very important contributions to this paper.
(Dr. Atsuo Yanagisawa is president of the Japanese College of Intravenous Therapy. Previously he was Professor of Clinical Medicine at the Kyorin University School of Health Sciences, and Professor of Clinical Cardiology at Kyorin University Hospital. Dr. Yanagisawa is the author of 140 scientific papers in English and Japanese and has published several books. This OMNS is a condensed version of Dr. Yanagisawa’s presentation at the 2015 Orthomolecular Medicine Today conference in Toronto, Canada )

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1. Khan Z, Combadière C, Authier F-J et al. Slow CCL2-dependent translocation of biopersistent particles from muscle to brain. BMC Medicine 2013, 11:99. DOI: 10.1186/1741-7015-11-99.
Author: Leslie Carol Botha
Author, publisher, radio talk show host and internationally recognized expert on women’s hormone cycles. Social/political activist on Gardasil the HPV vaccine for adolescent girls. Co-author of “Understanding Your Mood, Mind and Hormone Cycle.” Honorary advisory board member for the Foundation for the Study of Cycles and member of the Society for Menstrual Cycle Research.
July 11, 2015
In "HPV (Gardasil) Vaccines"
June 28, 2015
In "HPV (Gardasil) Vaccines"
September 26, 2015

In "CDC FDA and Government"

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