Thursday, February 11, 2016


Avocado is one of the most complete and beneficial fruit for our health, plus the avocado seed is very powerful and useful. Today, we’ll show you why.
Over 65% of the amino acids can be found in the avocado seed. It also contains more fiber than many other foods. 

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1- It is very effective in combating arthritis, as it’s an anti-inflammatory.
2- The avocado seed helps reduce inflammation of the gastrointestinal tract. Also useful for diarrhea, it can be used to make medicines for infections and stomach problems.
3- It is a good source of rejuvenation, according to recent studies, it was found that this increases the level of collagen, helping to make your skin firm and reduce wrinkles.
4- Strengthen your immune system and helping to prevent disease.
5- Very effective when it comes to burning fat, it also gives us is feeling full we need to lose weight.
6- Contains high levels of energy to help you keep energized all day.
7- The consumption of this seed can be eaten in salads, make tea, smoothies or shakes.
8- Avocado seed prevents the growth of tumors thanks to it having a flayonol content.

Persin is a fungicidal toxin present in the avocado.[1] It is generally harmless to humans, but when consumed by domestic animals in large quantities it is dangerous.[2]
Persin is an oil-soluble compound structurally similar to a fatty acid, and it leaches into the body of the fruit from the pits. Negative effects in humans seem to be primarily in allergic individuals.
Consumption of the leaves and bark of the avocado tree, or the skin and pit of the avocado fruit have been shown to have the following effects:[2]
  • In birds (which are particularly sensitive to the avocado toxin), the symptoms are: increased heart rate, myocardial tissue damage, labored breathing, disordered plumage, unrest, weakness, and apathy. High doses cause acute respiratory syndrome (asphyxia), with death approximately 12 to 24 hours after consumption.
  • Lactating rabbits and mice: non-infectious mastitis and agalactia after consumption of leaves or bark.
  • Rabbits: cardial arrhythmia, submandibular edema and death after consumption of leaves.
  • Cows and goats: mastitis, decreased milk production after consumption of leaves or bark.
  • Horses: Clinical effects occur mainly in mares, and includes noninfectious mastitis, as well as occasional gastritis and colic.
  • Hares, pigs, rats, sheep, ostriches, chickens, turkeys and fish: symptoms of intoxication similar those described above. The lethal dose is not known; the effect is different depending upon the animal species.[3]

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