Friday, April 1, 2016

Pneumonia Homeopathy

Joette Calabrese, HMC, CCH, RSHom(Na)
February 16th, 2014  |  24 Comments

This year I have received many reports of pneumonia. Some started as cases of the flu and progressed, some started as a cough that got worse, and others reported mild coughs that wouldn’t clear and were diagnosed with pneumonia.
Pneumonia can be viral or bacterial, and typically the sufferer has a cough that may produce rust-colored sputum, pain in the chest, fever, weakness, chills, and even nausea and vomiting. However, mild forms may just have a lingering cough. Conventional treatments involve antibiotics, but for more than 200 years, homeopathy has successfully cured cases of pneumonia quickly and completely.
In the early part of the last century, homeopaths experienced much greater success treating pneumonia than their allopathic counterparts and saw far greater rates of improvement in their cases. Consider this quote from the National Center of Homeopathy’s paper on pneumonia:
“The same year, in 1928, Drs. Alfred and Dayton Pulford of Toledo, Ohio, wrote in their monograph on pneumonia: ‘It has been stated, and we have every reason to believe truly, that fully 80 percent of all pneumonia cases would get well without any medical interference whatever, under proper nursing, so that any system or method of medical healing that cannot lower the death rate to less than 20 percent would seem rather a menace than a blessing to pneumonia patients.
‘After treating 242 cases of pneumonia, of all types and degrees of severity, some coming directly from and others having been confirmed in the diagnosis by allopaths, with but 3 deaths, a rate of but 1.4 percent, we can hardly understand a fixed minimum death rate of 25 percent, much less a maximum rate of 95 percent, in a disease as readily amenable to the proper remedy as is pneumonia. The death rate under the homeopathic simillimum should at no time exceed 5 percent; a higher rate would rather reflect on our ability.’”
When Monica had pneumonia, she had just gotten over the flu, and her fever was gone but a cough remained. She kept assuring her family that she was fine, “just a little cough,” so it seemed unnecessary to offer her a remedy. But then she noticed that her chest felt as if it had been stuffed with cotton. The relentless weakness alarmed her family most. Her sister, who had taken a homeopathy course, finally give her Antimonium Tartaricum 30C  twice daily, and within the first few days, the strength returned to her voice, and she was able to cough up mucus for the first time in weeks. After a week of repeated dosing, Monica was nearly herself again. No antibiotics, no side effects, a complete recovery, all in a $15 bottle of Antimonium Tartaricum 30C .
The Banerji Protocol calls for one main remedy when treating pneumonia: Kali carbonicum 200 twice daily. For a gagging cough, then perhaps Ipecac 200 can be employed as well, every three hours.
Many other remedies fit specific forms of pneumonia, but as we learned from our homeopath friends of yesteryear, the real issue of whether homeopathy will heal the pneumonia lies in the ability of the prescriber. The right remedy must be employed, and when it is, healing is swift and complete.
Contact our office to purchase your own remedy kit (716) 941-1045.  Have the remedies available when you need them, avoid waiting for the mail.

Joette is not a physician and the relationship between Joette and her clients is not of prescriber and patient, but as educator and client. It is fully the client's choice whether or not to take advantage of the information Joette presents. Homeopathy doesn't "treat" an illness; it addresses the entire person as a matter of wholeness that is an educational process, not a medical one. In order to be treated or diagnosed, Joette believes that the advice of a holistic physician is in order.

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