Thursday, November 10, 2016

A Letter From Levi Quackenboss to President Elect Donald Trump

Putting the boss in quack.
@realDonaldTrump A letter from parents of the vaccine injured
Dear Donald,
Remember this?

So do we. Thank you for meeting with Vaxxed director Dr. Andrew Wakefield. He is the voice for so many of the vaccine injured.
But many parents on our side, both those who supported you in this presidential run and those who did not, are afraid that you’re going to go the way of Obama once you’re in the White House. They remember his campaign promises about the right to know if our food has been genetically modified, which dragged out for eight years and finally ended with him signing the Monsanto Protection Act while he and his family ate out of an organic garden— and he handed out federal appointments to any Big Ag honchos who complained about it.
They remember how one of his White House attorneys— autism dad Michael Strautmanis— rounded up autism parent activists in 2007 and promised them that this was going to be their President. Obama knew what happened to Strautmanis’ severely effected child and that he would put an end to the epidemic of vaccine induced autism.
And what happened? Obama promptly took $20 million of pharma money for his 2008 campaign and told everyone to go get their flu shot. Strautmanis hasn’t been heard from since.
We know you won’t do this, Donald. You are not President Obama.
We are here to help you stop the autism epidemic and I’ve taken the time to write out my wish list for your first term.
  1. Drain the swamp we call the CDC. Drain it of corruption, corporate influence, and public policies that fly in the face of health. Hell, drain it of all funding—you wouldn’t be the first to say it should be done. Nobody needs a billion dollars of Zika money in the United States. Nobody needs an ebola vaccine. The CDC has grown into a fear mongering monstrosity not worthy of having access to speak to the American people. Take vaccine safety away from the CDC and set up an independent agency to monitor it. If there is anyone who deserves to be grabbed by the private parts, it’s the CDC. At minimum, appoint a CDC Director who understands that health does not come from a needle and that food is medicine, and who is willing to build a national health foundation on giving access to truth.
  2. Get Dr. Ben Carson to man up about autism if you’re going to nominate him as Secretary of Health and Human Services. This so-called “lack of evidence that vaccines cause autism” is really a lack of investigation into vaccines causing autism and we all know it. Hold his hand and let him know that it’s OK to admit that in some children, vaccines do cause autism, and together you’re going to turn this tide. Tell him to sell his pharma stock first. He alreadys knows the schedule is dangerous, with his public references to “too many, too soon” and wanting to stick to the “core vaccines.” But if Dr. Carson is going to have the job of caring about human conditions then he needs to care deeply about the condition of the voiceless who have been robbed of the life they deserved.
  3. Nominate a US Surgeon General who understands that autism is an illness and not a mental disorder so that we don’t get some bullshit patronizing response to a vaccine petition that gathered 132,000 signatures like this one. If it’s the Surgeon General’s job to care about public health then they need to care about the bowel disease, immune system devastation, and seizure disorders brought on by the current vaccination schedule. We can’t make America great again with 1 in 30 boys on the spectrum and 1 in 6 kids being chronically ill.
  4. Publicly acknowledge the CDC Whistleblower investigation. We know you know all about this, but most of America does not. I don’t know if anything will ever come from the CDC investigation, given that their actions are 16 years old by now, but the public deserves to hear that a CDC scientist regretted his actions and that of his team in covering up the MMR-autism connection. And they deserve to hear it from the President of the United States.
  5. Dilute the CDC vaccination schedule back to one that is reasonable. While states are responsible for setting their own vaccination requirements for school, states wouldn’t add doses of a vaccine that’s not on the CDC schedule. Make personal referrals for Dr. Carson when it’s time for him to staff the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices to shake that schedule up. Send him experts who realize that one cannot keep a child’s body in a constant state of inflammation and low level infection without serious consequences. Make it clear that no more vaccines are to be added, period. The infant doses of hepatitis b should be removed entirely and required only when the mother is hep b positive. Remove the polio vaccine since the disease is eradicated in nearly every country of the world. Remove the chicken pox vaccine for being entirely unnecessary. Delay the MMR vaccine until four years old and demand that single doses replace the three-in-one again. Expose the flu vaccine for the hoax that it is. Don’t allow children to receive more than one vaccine at a doctor appointment, and get rid of five-in-one vaccines. Set fire to Gardasil and let us enjoy watching it burn to the ground. Immediately halt the practice of recommending vaccination of pregnant women for flu and pertussis. Ban recommending acetaminophen for pregnant women and infants. Forbid the CDC from uttering the phrase “herd immunity” during your presidency.  Consult with Paul Thomas (buy his new book in that link) on what the new schedule should look like since he has eliminated new cases of autism from his medical practice with simple changes to the vaccination schedule. In fact, go ahead and tell Ben Carson to add Dr. Paul Thomas, Dr. Bob Sears and Dr. Rachael Ross to the ACIP.
  6. Make your personal stance against vaccine mandates known, and that there will never be a federal mandate on your watch. We all know this is lurking. We’ve got this Florida Representative’s nut job mandatory vaccination bill that was submitted last year and this inconceivable Executive Order to keep the world free of disease that Obama signed last week. Repeal that immediately, please. Send a message to the states, to the people, to the lobbyists, the legislators: state mandates go against the wishes of the highest office in the country.
  7. Work toward legislation to ban pharmaceutical campaign donations to Congressmen. Recognize pharmaceutical companies as the domestic terrorists that they are. They should not be able to give direct donations, not PAC donations, not any donations. The pharma lobby must die. We know that you cannot be bought, but you are not a one-man army. Our leaders are owned and it is an embarrassment to our nation.  Pharmaceutical companies not only have a direct hand in the vaccines added to the CDC schedule, but they are responsible for the epidemic of children on antipsychotic drugs, anti-depressant drugs, attention deficit drugs, pre-diabetic drugs, and now, cholesterol reducing drugs. We can’t move forward as a nation with pharmaceutical companies debilitating our children.
  8. Create an Autism Prevention Program. Vaccine induced autism is preventable. There is no one single path to autism, but the superhighway is the vaccination program. Force the CDC—if it will still exist—to get honest about autism prevention. Honest about SIDS prevention. Honest about anaphylactic food allergy prevention. Honest about juvenile diabetes prevention. They all stem from the same place. No reasonable person from the vaccine education crowd expects or asks you to ban all vaccines, but most vaccine injuries are avoidable on a lengthier and more diluted childhood schedule.
  9. See that we amend the National Vaccine Compensation Program. This will have to be done after you’ve kicked pharma out of campaign finance because performing surgery on this legislation is a can of worms you don’t want to open as long as pharma lobbyists are able to slip in poison pills to make the program worse than it already is. Years-long cases, an adversarial environment, a limited table of injuries, a short statute of limitations, a battle of the expert witnesses, a pathetically small number of cases being compensated— was never the intention of the legislation drafters. It is an abomination and a nightmare for the parents of the injured and the dead.
  10. Pardon Julian Assange and Edward Snowden. This world needs more government and corporate whistleblowers, and nobody knows that like them. They are not traitors. The world is a better place because of the information they’ve shared. Make America a safe place for the truth tellers to shine the light into the darkness of corruption.
You now have the unexpected gift of two years to do practically whatever you want with a Republican Congress, and they are not going to stop you from protecting our children once their pharma funding is gone.
But what if these changes impact your chances of reelection? Who cares? Come in, kick ass, then go back home to New York City having changed America for decades to come.
Thanks for listening.


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