Friday, September 29, 2017

How To Detox From Vaccines

By: thedrswolfson
February 21, 2017
You may have noticed there is a lot of controversy around the concept of health through vaccination.
To us there is no debate. We have been at the forefront of the movement against vaccination for years. On CNN, NBC, print media, radio, internet and the stage, our endorsement of natural immunity and no vaccinations has been unwavering.
To summarize, The Drs. Wolfson are about boosting the health of the body, not tearing it down. Vaccines tear your health down by adding toxins, poisons, and chemicals to your body that always injure and can kill.
You see, injecting aluminum, mercury, formaldehyde, animal tissue, human tissue and hundreds of other pollutants into your body will never be the way to health. Big Pharma, the government, and the media understand this concept. But they don’t care about you. They care about money.
The past is the past. Let’s not dwell on it. Accept that you are injured in some way, and so is your child.
That doesn’t mean the story is over, because the more time elapses with the toxins in the body, the more damage occurs in the long term. Do something to rid the body of these harmful toxins NOW.
If I say aluminum causes dementia, it stands to reason that getting that metal out of the body will be beneficial.
The simple answer is EVERYONE. If you are vaccinated, you are injured. When and how the injury manifests down the road is unknown. So why not get the toxins out of your body as soon as possible?
Clearly, some people need to detox more than others. Here are some examples of those who need to clear the body of vaccine poison now.
  • Children on the autism spectrum and ADD/ADHD
  • People with eczema and other skin disorders
  • People with auto-immune disorders
  • People with a family history of dementia
  • People with depression, anxiety and poor mental health
Talk with your holistic doctor prior to starting any detox.
Before we get to 10 Ways to Detox Vaccines, let’s start with rule #1: stop poisoning yourself. It does not do much good to detox if you are still getting intoxicated. Air, water, food and your environment are where the toxins are coming from. Here are some ways to stop poisoning yourself:
  • Eat organic. I am known as The Paleo Cardiologist and the Paleo Diet is what The Drs. Wolfson recommend. But as I mention in my book, The Paleo Cardiologist, no matter what diet you follow, make sure it is organic. The less toxins you ingest the better and pesticide produce is just that…loaded with pesticides. If pesticides kill pests, they will kill us, specifically our good gut bacteria. Animals that consume toxins will gladly share them with us via our dinner plate. Eat free-range, pasture-raised meats.
  • Drink clean water. Tap water is loaded with pollutants. Drink filtered water. We promote the best, the Pristine Hydro System. Head on over to our shopping cart and buy this system today. Find a local plumber to install. Fantastic investment in your health. More on this during our Top 10.
  • Breathe clean air. Our air, especially indoor air in our homes, is full of pollutants. Get an air purifier. We use and sell the Austin Air System. There are other quality products out there. If not Austin, find one. An air purifier can normalize blood pressure and reduce inflammation. It is in the scientific literature.
  • Detox your house. How can you heal when you are breathing toxic laundry detergent, dryer sheets, and fabric softener? Same for cologne, perfume, and scented plug-ins. Furniture off-gases as do paint, glue, adhesives, and flooring. Search out natural products. In our office, we sell Dr. Bronner’s Sal Suds. We add little white vinegar to our load. Primal Pit Paste for deodorant. Fluoride-free toothpaste from Weleda. Head on over to your natural grocer for more options. Throw away your toxic laundry products today. Get rid of the scented plug-ins and candles that are polluting your house.
Without water, life on earth does not exist. This is the reason water is first on our list.
By drinking quality water, you are going to flush out the pollutants through your kidneys and colon. Via urine, your body discharges all kinds of contaminants including metals, plastic, phthalates, and hundreds of others.
Our favorite water system is the Pristine Hydro. We have use it for years and love the taste AND the health benefits. Five step purification and five step re-mineralization, oxygenation, and restructuring. Our patients and clients love it. Our plants love it. Third party tested for purity.
We suggest drinking ½ your body weight in ounces daily. This equates to 2 quarts a day for a 130-pound person. Therefore, if you are 250 pounds, you are staring at 1 gallon of water daily. Bottoms up!
Bottled water is another option, but only from glass. Unless you are travelling through an airport and must buy plastic, go with glass. Our favorite is Pellegrino. Loaded with the detoxifier sulfur, this water tastes great, is super-refreshing, and boost glutathione to rid the body of chemicals.
The body excretes toxins through the liver, kidneys, colon and skin. Keeping these organs in working order is of the utmost importance. Let’s talk about these briefly.
Your liver makes thousands of life-sustaining molecules. It also performs double-duty as a major detoxifier and cleanser of the body. From the liver, bile is secreted, fills the gall bladder, and dumps the good and the bad into the intestines.
Keep the liver healthy by avoiding alcohol, sugar, and artificial foods. Go organic. There are many different liver cleanses and liver support products. Our Paleo Cleanse is perfect for the job.
Next is the colon. An often-overlooked key of a detox is the bowels. The goal is 2-3 movements per day. Drink plenty of water. Eat high fiber foods such as vegetables, avocado, and seeds such as chia and flax. Add organic psyllium husk if needed.
Some people need colonic therapy. This is always a good idea at least once during your detox. If you are not stooling daily, drink more water, add magnesium (5 capsules nightly of our magnesium glycinate, increase to diarrhea then back off), and do a daily enema with filtered water.
The most important way to cleanse the kidneys is with quality water. Many holistic docs, including The Drs. Wolfson, suggest eating the kidney organ from a pasture-raised animal. Other remedies include Hydrangea, Marshmallow, and Gravel Root. Uva Ursi is also beneficial. We sell an excellent blend that you drink as a tea. Call us if you are interested.
Scandinavians have known this for years. Sweating gets rid of pollutants and toxins naturally generated by the body AND artificially.
We suggest getting in the sauna daily for 20-30 minutes or until you are profusely sweating. Stay well hydrated with quality water.
The evening is a great time to sauna so you remove the toxins from the day. Be careful though, some people have difficulty falling asleep after an evening sauna. If this is you, sauna in the morning or afternoon. I find it invigorates me for the day if I sauna early.
If you are considering a sauna, make sure it comes from an enviro-friendly company. No glues or adhesives in the construction. In our house, we have a Heavenly Heat 4-person model.
Your body undergoes daily repair. This happens mostly when you sleep. So, make sure you get 8-9 hours of sleep. Our ancestors went to sleep with the sundown and awoke with the sunrise. Follow their wisdom and that of Mother Nature.
The sun is the source of all life. Embrace it. Run from those say otherwise.
We all know that sunshine creates vitamin D. This vitamin has receptors on every organ and tissue in the body. This includes major detox pathways of the liver, kidney, and skin. But the sun also increases nitric oxide, a molecule which promotes detoxification, amongst many other functions.
Sunshine promotes sweating. Same benefits as the sauna. The energy from the sun heads straight to the mitochondria. These tiny factories in our cells make energy. Energy used to detox poison from the body. Are you starting to get the picture?
Glutathione is made in the liver and binds toxins. Over 100,000 scientific articles espouse the benefits of glutathione.
Raise your glutathione levels with protein and supplement with N-acetyl cysteine. We have an NAC product called Glutathione Boost. Suggested dose is 1 capsule 2x per day while detoxifying.
Selenium is an element necessary for the success of glutathione. Eat Brazil nuts, the single best source of selenium. We love making homemade Brazil nut milk. Nuts, water, blend. It’s simple. Store in glass in the refrigerator.
Detoxification requires adequate function of all body systems. Nothing is more important in the equation than chiropractic care.
By optimizing our brain and nervous system, chiropractic is uniquely positioned to flush the toxins out of the body. I think it is the balancing of the autonomic nervous system (sympathetic and parasympathetic) through chiropractic that allow the liver, kidneys and other organ systems to work their magic.
During a detox, see your chiropractor 2-3x per week. More often if you are having symptoms related to either the vaccine or the detox process.
Need a good chiropractor, ask a friend. They probably see one. Ask Facebook friends or check Yelp. Email us if you need assistance.
Garlic is great source of sulfur, an element that builds glutathione.
Eat raw garlic AND cooked garlic. Delicious and healthy.
The proven benefits of garlic are astounding. A search on, the official website storing all medical journal articles, returns over 5000 results. Garlic supplements like our Garlic Force are proven detoxifiers. We suggest 1 cap daily.
The jury is in on chlorella and spirulina. Both are a tremendous source of protein and phytonutrients to nourish the body. That is why we combined the two in our product, Superfood. All food and all organic.
Chlorella is well known to bind metals and flush them out of your body. Spirulina packs the body with vitamins and minerals to aid with detoxification.
We suggest 1 heaping teaspoon of Superfood two times per day in quality water. Also, drink this product after any seafood meal. You can learn more and buy your supply by clicking here.
The word chelate comes from the Greek word for “claw.” The idea is that a chelator can bind a metal and lead to its excretion.
The evidence is out there and aluminum from vaccines can be cleared from your body.
EDTA is a synthetic chelator available for IV, oral, and suppository use. We have found the oral form works very well and recommend 500mg 2x per day for 1 week and break for 1 week. Make sure you take plenty of minerals such as those found in our multivitamin. Four capsules of our multivitamin should suffice.
Get your intracellular nutrients tested every 3 months when on EDTA.
Other chelators include the aforementioned garlic and Superfood, but also malic acid (found in supplements and apples) and citric acid (found in citrus…eat the peels too).
For mental and physical benefits, nothing beats the massage. Improving blood and lymphatic flow will help move the vaccine toxins out of the body. We recommend getting a massage at least once per week during a detox. Make sure you drink plenty of quality water after your massage. Using a sauna after massage is a great addition.

Thank you for reading our post. Please feel free to email your questions or comments to

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