Tuesday, October 10, 2017

Breaking: Anti-Geoengineering Legal Team Sues The US Department Of Commerce

Written By Dane Wigington from GeoengineeringWatch.Org with all links at bottom of page.
The “Government” of the United States long ago decided they were above the law, the completely illegal covert climate engineering operations are a glaring case in point. Exposing and halting the ongoing climate engineering / geoengineering assault continues to be the primary focus of GeoengineeringWatch.org and the Legal Alliance to Stop Geoengineering (LASG).

Geoengineered skies in Bangor, Maine. Photo credit: Penny Oliphant
The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) is completely stonewalling the “Freedom Of Information Requests” (FOIA’s) from LASG attorneys. Governmental agencies are legally required to respond to such requests. The US Department of Commerce is the government agency that oversees NOAA.

In response to the government’s illegal withholding of information, legal action has been initiated by LASG against the US Department of Commerce. The statement below is from LASG attorney, Petra Brokken.
Stop Geoengineering Minnesota has brought suit in United States District Court for the District of Columbia against the Department of Commerce, as well as against NOAA, for the failure to respond to requests for information regarding weather modification under a Freedom of Information (FOIA) request.  SGM is a project of the non-profit, Minnesota Natural Health Coalition (minnesotanaturalhealth.org), which works in collaboration with Geoengineering Watch (GeoengineeringWatch.org), in an effort to bring attention to weather modification and to litigate issues related to geoengineering and illegal weather modification. SGM has requested records concerning weather modification in the possession of the Weather Service, and the reason for the agency imposing illegal gag orders on their employees.  SGM is requesting an order to have the Dept. of Commerce promptly provide the records; declare that the failure to disclose is unlawful; that the failure to make a timely determination is unlawful; that the failure to provide SGM with an estimated completion date for their FOIA request and appeal, is unlawful.
The attached PDF below contains the full LASG legal suit filing against the US Department of Commerce and NOAA, the freedom of information act submissions (FOIAs) from LASG attorneys, and the NOAA responses to those requests.

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Click the PDF image to view the full legal filing and related communications

The legal efforts ot LASG, Stop Geoengineering Minnesota and GeoengineeringWatch.org are an essential part of the overall effort to fully expose and halt the ongoing global climate engineering assault. Reaching a critical mass of public awareness is the great imperative in this battle, sharing credible data is essential. All of us are needed to help sound the alarm, every day counts.

May be freely reprinted, so long as the text is unaltered, all hyperlinks are left intact, and credit for the article is prominently given to GeoengineeringWatch.org and the article’s author with a hyperlink back to the original story.

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