Wednesday, January 10, 2018

NSAID Drugs May Wreck Havoc on Men Robert Rowen MD

NSAID Drugs May Wreak Havoc on Men – Compensated Hypogonadism
I’m proud to say that I’ve never recommended the NSAID class of drugs. These are drugs like ibuprofen, naproxen, and even aspirin. Whatever they do to reduce pain can be found in molecules made by plants, such as curcumin, luteolin and other bioflavonoids, or even real essential fatty acids (not fish oils).
We now have more evidence of harm from these drugs. They apparently may act as male hormone disruptors, like xenoestrogens in the environment do in both sexes.
Previous research showed that these druge, when taken during pregnancy, can alter testicular function in male babies.
Aspirin, acetaminophen (paracetamol) and ibuprofen disrupt male hormones. A research team studied this effect on human male volunteers and found a quick decoupling between the level of LH (the hormone that stimulates certain testicular cells to make testosterone) and the level of testosterone. For a short time, this is not likely dangerous. But long term, the consequences could be dear. CNN says, “This hormonal imbalance produced compensated hypogonadism, a condition associated with impaired fertility, depression and increased risk for cardiovascular events, including heart failure and stroke.” LH hormone has to go higher to stimulate an adequate amount of testosterone, compensating for the reduced testicular output.
Folks, these are very popular drugs. And now that researchers are actually looking for subtle effects, the adverse effects are there to be found. Oh, don’t expect Pharma to go looking for things like this when it puts out a new petrochemical drug.
In men, sperm counts have plunged over the past 40 years, up to 60%. Some 25% of couples have fertility issues. And while women are looked at first, poor testicular function is a rising tide. I’ve written in the past how NSAID drugs like ibuprofen can reduce your joint pain today, only to destroy your cartilage tomorrow. Men, now we see it might also destroy (or simply damage) your testicles.
Our environment is being degraded at an escalating rate. It doesn’t make sense to add to your toxic burden with petrochemical pharmaceuticals when God/Nature made natural products in plants that can accomplish the same absent toxicity. Ozone therapy is another terrific alternative as could be (depending on condition) pulsating electromagnetic field therapy, laser therapy, microcurrent, and more. 

PS I wonder if the doctors who have been on this page to harass me could honestly say that they have never given long term NSAID drugs to a patient. And I am the one called the "QUACK". Well I admit it. I try to deliver QUAlity Care with Kindness. I'm as imperfect as the next integrative physician, but we do our very best, I assure you.

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