Monday, April 30, 2018

How Dieneke Ferguson best multiple myeloma with curcumin

How Dieneke Ferguson beat multiple myeloma with curcumin

With one year to live, Dieneke Ferguson beat multiple myeloma cancer using high dose curcumin after conventional treatment failed. And her case is documented in the BMJ!
Dieneke was diagnosed with monoclonal gammopathy of undetermined significance (MGUS) in March 2007, which developed into multiple myeloma (a type of blood cancer) by May 2008.
She underwent three rounds of chemotherapy, as well as four failed attempts to harvest stem-cells for a stem-cell transplant. During this time, she also lost her memory for three days.
In November 2008, two of Dieneke’s vertebrae collapsed, as a result of the myeloma. One vertebrae could not be repaired, and she lost 7 cm of height.
By May 2011, her future looked bleak, as no other traditional medical options were available. According to statistics at the time, her life expectancy was, at the very best, one more year.
Dieneke learned about the anti-cancer effects of high-dose curcumin from another myeloma patient/blogger named Margaret and in May 2011, she started taking high doses of curcumin (8g a day). This is the protocol used by the curcumin-myeloma clinical trial (2007) at the MD Anderson Cancer Research Center in Houston, Texas.
A few months later she began weekly hyperbaric oxygen therapy for 90 minutes at 2ATA.
Her paraprotein levels gradually decreased and her blood numbers steadily improved. Five years later she was reported stable with no progression of disease and normal quality of life. And she even carried the torch in the 2016 Rio Olympics!
Dieneke’s remarkable case was written up in the British Medical Journal, and was published in April 2017 – “Long Term Stabilisation of Myeloma with Curcumin.”
She is still alive and well today!
In May 2017, BBC4 Radio Food Programme produced a show on turmeric/curcumin and interviewed Dieneke and her consultant/co-author of the report, Prof. Jamie Cavenagh (Consultant Haematologist at London’s Barts Hospital). Dieneke’s interview starts at 22:30.
In January 2018, the British Medical Journal published its most read case studies of 2017, and Dieneke’s case study was second on the list.
Dieneke’s Curcumin ProtocolDieneke takes Doctor’s Best C3 Complex Curcumin with BioPerine 1000mg tablets.
C3 Complex is a standardized curcumin extract that has been used in 45 human clinical trials. BioPerine is a extract from black pepper that increases curcumin absorption.
Dieneke took 8g (eight 1000 mg pills) all at once at night on an empty stomach. She is currently taking 9g per day.
The 8 gm per day protocol will cost roughly $100 per month. A 120 tablet bottle is currently $50 per bottle on amazon and will last two weeks. I think it makes sense to get six bottles, take high dose curcumin daily for three months supply and then get your blood work checked to see if there’s improvement.
To prevent any adverse reaction, it is recommended that you gradually increase the curcumin dose over four weeks, doubling each week, until you get to 8 grams per day, which is what Dieneke did.
Week 1: 1 gram per day
Week 2: 2 grams per day
Week 3: 4 grams per day
Week 4: 8 grams per day
*1 gram is a 1000 mg tablet. If you buy 500mg tablets instead of 1000mg tablets, you will need to take twice as many.
Multiple human clinical trials have demonstrated that 8 grams of curcumin per day is generally safe, and this study demonstrated that 12 grams of C3 Complex can be taken per day with out adverse effects.
My go-to daily curcumin supplement is Bosmeric-SR, formulated by Sunil Pai, MD, which contains C3 Complex, boswelia (frankincense), ginger and BioPerine.
However, for a high dose protocol such as this I would take Doctor’s Best C3 Complex Curcumin with BioPerine, as it is more cost effective.
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