Sunday, July 19, 2009

Cap and Trade: How the Scam Works in Europe
By Bob Ellis on July 19th, 2009

Bjorn Lomborg
Bjorn Lomborg, director of the Copenhagen Consensus, tells us what an incredible scam cap and trade has been in Europe…and will be here in America if the socialists in the Senate pass it.

You see, we’re fortunate here in the United States. Usually any hair-brained, nutty Leftist idea that the socialists here want to force on the American people has already been tried by nutty Marxists somewhere else in the world.

Such is the case with the global warming cap and trade tax. They’ve already tried it in Europe.

Spain initiated a scam, er, program like this a few years ago, and as predicted, it’s a jobs-destroyer. It is estimated that the American scam will destroy thousands of jobs.

Then there’s the increase in your electric bill of 40-48%, and the increase in gas prices of 77 cents a gallon.

And for all this massive expense and devastation of freedom, it really doesn’t do anything. It is estimated that the American cap and trade global warming tax might lower temperatures by 9/100ths of one degree in the next 40 years.

So why do it if it really isn’t going to help?

For one thing, it will greatly increase government control over people’s lives, and socialists really like that. It will be the single greatest blow to Americans freedom in history.

But as Lomborg points out, there is a whole lot of money to be made in the “green economy” (which does nothing of value and produces nothing of value) for the socialists and their friends. Never forget that Marxism isn’t really about true equality and communal sharing: it’s about, as seen in George Orwell’s “Animal Farm,” a ruling elite getting fat on the fantasy of egalitarianism.

Part of the proof that it’s global scamming is that only a small part of the money this will rob from the American people is allocated to producing cleaner energy.

Tell your senator not to vote for this massive anti-American scam. The House already voted for it a few weeks ago, but it can be stopped in the Senate if enough people remind their senators that they’ll be held accountable at the ballot box.

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