Sunday, July 19, 2009

VRM: Citizen’s Legal Action to Stop Mandatory Flu Vaccine

By Vaccine Resistance Movement

A suggested draft Petition for you to file in your state to stop mandatory vaccines for H1N1, also known as the swine flu, (A)H1N1, or novel H1N1. Following the Petition is further info and links. ~ RA

Annie Oakley
Post Office Box 1234
Your Town, CA 99999
(999) 999-9999

Petitioner pro se


_______ DISTRICT OF _________


Petitioner, Annie Oakley, brings this action pursuant to [insert appropriate state code], for wrongful intent to cause bodily harm, against Respondent, United States Department of Health and Human Services, and in particular, for intending to administer mandatory vaccinations for all American citizens, in violation of the First Amendment to the United States Constitution.


Petitioner seeks an order to enjoin respondent from administering mandatory vaccinations.


Jurisdiction is conferred upon this court pursuant to Title 28 U.S.C.A. § 1331, which authorizes original jurisdiction on the district court of all civil actions arising under the Constitution, laws and treaties of the United States. Jurisdiction is also conferred upon this court pursuant to Title 28 U.S.C.A. § 1343(c)(4), which grants jurisdiction to the district court of any action to recover damages or to secure equitable or other relief under any Act of Congress providing for the protection of civil rights. Jurisdiction also exists pursuant to Title 28 U.S.C.A. § 1367(a), which authorizes jurisdiction over state law claims that one so related to the other claims in this lawsuit that they form part of the same case and controversy.


Venue is proper pursuant to Title 28 U.S.C.A. § 1391(e), which authorizes that a civil action may be brought in a judicial district in which a substantial part of the vents or commissions gives rise to a civil rights claim.


Petitioner, Annie Oakley, is a natural person, and is, and at all times mentioned herein was, a resident of North County, San Diego, California. The agency records described herein are situation in North County, San Diego, California. Respondent, United States Department of Health and Human Services, (herein described as “Respondent Agency”), is, and at all times mentioned herein was, a public health agency of the United States federal government.


3. Petitioner has personal knowledge that Respondent Agency has a well-formed plan to act in a manner that will surely cause Petitioner serious bodily harm.

4. The planned act complained of is to administer mandatory vaccines for all Americans pursuant to clauses in the Model State Health Emergency Powers Act PD51, and sections of the Patriot Acts, the John Warner Defense Act, and the SPP Agreement of 2005 between USA President Bush, Mexican President Vincente Fox, and Canadian Prime Minister Harper.

5. The threatened bodily harm is irreversible serious injury or death.

6. Respondent Agency alleges, by its own statements, that the planned vaccination program effectively protects the public-at-large from infection from the model (A)H1N1 virus.

7. Genetic and molecular studies reveal that the recombinant nature of H1N1 to acquire new genes from its hosts through polymorphisms, combined with the high rate of speed with which H1N1 replicates which is almost three times the replication rate of any virus in history, means that to create any vaccine against H1N1 or any recombinant strain, within the timeframe that the current vaccine manufacturers have prepared vaccines for use by Respondent Agency, is not possible.

8. There exists no peer-reviewed factual data that any of Respondent’s proposed vaccines have any effect in protection against viral infections, while much factual data exists to show that historically vaccines have contained known deadly toxins and unknown untested toxins.

9. One vaccine manufacturer, Illinois-based Baxter Labs, has been evidenced to have “accidentally” shipped contaminated samples containing live H5N1 Avian Bird Flu viral pathogens from its Austrian branch to 3 neighboring European communities in February 2009, including the Czech Republic where the contaminated samples were given to ferrets which died after vaccination. Subsequent charges have been filed and an investigation is underway.

10. Respondent Agency has publicly announced that schools, first responders and military will be among the first to be vaccinated, and Respondent will be operating as a proxy for US transfer of Pandemic Preparedness and Medical Martial Law under direction of the WHO pursuant to the Model State Health Emergency Powers Act, as Pandemic Level 6 has been declared by the World Health Organization (WHO) as of 11 June 2009.

11. Respondent Agency has publicly announced that vaccination programs are poised to start as soon as contracted vaccine manufacturers have stocks available to Respondent as early as August 2009.

12. H1N1 was created in a laboratory at Fort Detrick, Maryland beginning in 1997 by Jeffrey Taubenberger and ending in 2004 starting with samples from carcasses dug up in the permafrost from the 1918 Spanish Flu pandemic and incorporating Asian avian genetics as well as swine genetics.

13. Mandatory Swine Vaccination from Respondent in the years 1975 and 1976 caused between 30 to 60 human fatalities, and irreversible Guillaine-Barre ascending paralysis in over 500 US citizens, and other major and delayed autoimmune disorders. Legal settlement of a US Class Action suit was successful against Respondent in 1976 for the US Federal Swine Flu Vaccine Program.

14. The threat is imminent because of clauses in the Model State Emergency Powers Act and statements made by the head of the Respondent Agency, HHS Secretary Kathleen Sebelius, and United States President Obama.

15. An action for money damages alone is insufficient to restore Petitioner to her status quo ante after the threatened harm because irreversible serious injury or death cannot be remedied financially.

16. The threatened harm to Petitioner, Annie Oakley, outweighs any substantial harm to the Respondent because to mandate any vaccinations will cause irreversible injury or death to Petitioner, whereas to not mandate any vaccinations will cause no physical harm to Respondent.

17. There is no substantial public interest that will be contravened by this Honorable Court issuing an injunction favoring this particular Petitioner.

18. There is a substantial likelihood that Petitioner will prevail in this action, because the facts obtained in the record by discovery will reveal that Respondent Agency has knowingly conspired, along with other federal, non-government and foreign agencies, to mandate a harmful and potentially fatal vaccine program on the American public-at-large, in violation of Respdent Agency’s own mission statement, in which HHS “is the United States Government’s principal agency for protecting the health of all Americans.”

19. There is a substantial likelihood that Petitioner will prevail in this action, because the facts obtained in the record by discovery will reveal that toxic adjuvants and other harmful technologies are contained in vaccines supplied to Respondent Agency by Respondent Agency’s vaccine suppliers.

20. The United States Department of Health and Human Services is a public health agency of the United States federal government.

21. A temporary injunction is necessary to protect Petitioner and US Citizens and Residents of California from the threatened harm.



WHEREFORE, Petitioner moves this Honorable Court to enter an ordering enjoining Respondent HHS Health and Human Services, a United States Federal Agency, from executing a Mandatory Vaccination Program, and granting such other and further relief as circumstances may warrant:

For an injunction ordering Respondent to refrain from administering mandatory vaccinations;

That the Court declare the respective rights and duties of the petitioner and respondent under the regulation in question and that by its declaration and judgment the court declare that the regulation has no application to petitioner, Annie Oakley, in this matter; or, that, if it does, it is unconstitutional, invalid, and void;

For a permanent injunction, enjoining respondent and their agents, servants, and employees, and all persons acting under, in concert with, or for them from administering mandatory vaccines;

For costs of actual damages sustained by the petitioner, including damages for mental suffering [Civ. Code § 1798.48(a)].

For the costs of the action together with reasonable attorney’s fees as determined by the court [Civ. Code § 1798.48(b)];

For costs of the suit herein incurred; and, For such other and further relief as the court may deem proper.




I, Annie Oakley, am the petitioner in the above-entitled action. I have read the foregoing petition and know the contents thereof. The same is true of my own knowledge, except as to those matters which are therein alleged on information and belief, and as to those matters, I believe it to be true. I declare under penalty of perjury under the laws of the State of California that, the foregoing is true and correct.



BEFORE ME personally appeared Annie Oakley, who, being by me first duly sworn, executed the foregoing in my presence and stated to me that the facts alleged therein are true and correct according to her own personal knowledge.


Notary Public My commission expires:


[See this link for the original draft petition, DR. DEAGLE'S CITIZEN'S INJUNCTION (click on *more information* to access the complete file, bottom right hand corner of intro page). Factual allegations 1 and 2 were missing from the original when I downloaded it.]

Image courtesy of

Again, I ask that everyone activist get on board the H1N1 Truth and Vaccine Resistance Movement and do what you can help with this urgent, pressing issue. We had a meeting last night in Vancouver, BC and are pushing forward. I have attached a report from Joel Lord below.

I have some compilation DVDs available now about H1NI and Vaccines to help spread info on the streets.

If anyone has already fliers or if you can put something together quickly that has a list of short, compelling facts about H1N1 and vaccines, send it to me. We also need T-Shirts, bumper stickers, etc designed.

If you are on Facebook, please visit this page and join up:


Message to the members of VACCINE RESISTANCE MOVEMENT


Hello everyone, this is an important update so please read through it and paste it on to others in your circle. We’re moving ahead with our operations in several respects. After my recent interview with Dr.Bill Deagle ( ) and subsequent discussions with him it has become clear the Injunction route is our best bet. Deagle has smartly written up a new defense, what’s called a PRO SE Citizen’s Injunction to be served by you & me respectively to our applicable courts.

We’re drafting a Canadian version of it here to accommodate our laws as such. If you are an American less adjustment will be needed. Similar conversions must be done in your country of origin. Why is an Injunction so effective? Assuming you have followed all the correct procedures & the data is rock solid they MUST BY LAW see you in court. Meaning a judge will have to allow you to APPEAR & defend your charges. Stage 2 as we are calling it is KEY. Getting past the legal FRONT GATES. Then we’ll co-ordinate a live video appearance to include Dr.Deagle, Dr.True Ott and others if possible to back the allegations & FORCE DISCOVERY.

Dr. Deagle has agreed to help us in the manner. He calls this the “Legal Militia”. So keeping informed with me will be important as I can reach Deagle by phone. We have to ensure there is an organized headquarters to keep track of those who have served it where & what the reply has been. Thus we are now moving swiftly to set up a formal website away from FB (which lately has repeatedly threatened to delete my account). This new central base will manage chapters which we need to delegate nationwide/worldwide.

We must keep track of those Injunctions served & how each court has responded. Once we have successful court date we can spread the precedent and use it to pressure other courts to agree to see us. Anyone wanting to serve their own file please get in touch with me directly first. Make certain your Injunction is applicable to YOUR REGION.

We’ll also be making flyers, T shirts etc for circulation when ready. We’ll be setting up a donation box money bomb on the new website and please send what you can once that is up & running. All the resources will be used to further our cause. We’ll be setting up lecture tours to reach out to community groups/parents before it’s too late. Knowledge has to get out as the Globalists are manipulating the press everywhere to ensure the public remains frightened & misinformed.

It’s up to us to get the word out hall by hall, parking lot by parking lot. Door to door if necessary.

Anyone wanting to represent their constituency we’ll set you as an Officer and you can help organize in your area. We have approximately 3 weeks to get this all set up.

The hour is now!

Those wanting to join the effort please E-mail me directly if so via my home box. Serious enquiries only as my capacity is limited. (Contact Rady and I’ll give you the email address if I know you and believe you’re serious about helping.)

DR.DEAGLE’S CITIZEN’S INJUNCTION (click on *more information* to access the complete file, bottom right hand corner of intro page)

We’re also working closely with Dave MacLucas & JoAnne Cremer, founders of the excellent group site supporting Jane Burgermeister’s amazing Criminal Injunction. Please join this other group and support their cause. Both Injunctions will be immensely powerful & awaken the masses if applied together.


For those just joining us please refer to these links for all related info -





Just a note our original petition is still essential. It will be utilized to roll out a formal Class Action suit once casualties start pouring in. Then we have documentable evidence to apply.


Godspeed and may the light of the truth always shine our way through these dark time.

Joel Lord / founder VRM


PLEASE forward only to other individuals who you think will WANT TO TAKE ACTION on this issue.

We don’t have time for debates, long-winded discussions, orders from headquarters, politics, egos, a cheering section, nor a peanut gallery.

This is too serious and too urgent, and we do NOT have time, energy nor resources to waste.

Thanks and Best Regards,

Wayne P
PS listen to the NutriMedical Report Mon to Friday on GCN from
Noon to 3 pm Pacific for daily updates.
Info here:
with FREE archives

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