Thursday, February 12, 2015

Absinthe parasite Which Herb is a Friend of Digestion and Destroy Parasite?

Which Herb is a Friend of Digestion and Destroy Parasite?


Of course Absinthe

      Large branched plant with specific smell and unpleasant bitter taste. Silver leaf is characteristic.
        Legend says that the goddess gave absinthe women to ease childbirth and got its Latin name – Artemisia absynthium. And it is often mentioned in the Bible.
      Greek physician Hippocrates write for Absinthe like pain killer, cure for amnesia and rheumatism.

     Prepare plant is extremely healing if given the proper proportions, while in larger it has a narcotic effect.Famously hallucinogenic drink absinthe was accidentally got this name, but because its main ingredient wormwood, which gives it the properties. 
     However, in smaller doses, absinthe is harmless and is regarded as the strongest natural remedy ever known, and is especially effective when parasites and digestive problems.

The parasite killer
      Parasites are among the major causes of many diseases. Absinthe is one of the few plants that have strong suppressor activity.
This plant contains thujone and izotujone,  which kill not only adults but parasites and their eggs. Among the ingredients in Absinthe is alsothe santonin,and sesquiterpene lactone, known as a cure for diseases caused by parasites.
     Absinthe is one of the most effective and fastest acting drugs for all kinds of problems with digestion and bile. The great bitterness operates in digestion and circulation. Therefore You’ve probably heard that taking bitter foods before meals improves digestion.
    Absinthe is used against high temperatures and malaria, while surpassing known, but toxic quinine. Systematically treated and obesity and diabetes.
   There are extremely invigorating effect and removes physical weakness.
    In small quantities stimulates the kidneys and helps with kidney disease pelvis, inflammatory irritation of the kidneys, bladder catarrh and dropsy.
Women are recommended to encourage and regulate menstruation.
It was noted that many of these steroids were no longer necessary, and that their quality of life has improved, and it’s one of the things that they did not provide modern drugs.
Curative effect of Absinthe:
• destroys parasites
• prevents the growth of bad microorganisms
• eases cramps
• removes  chronic constipation
• improves digestion and appetite
• improves liver and gall bladder
• cures poisoning
• stimulates the menstrual cycle
• suppresses fever
• recovers and speeds up the body
• weight lost function
   How to use Absinthe
      Pick this herb between July and August before flowering. Use root and leaf. Use fresh or dried in the shade.
      From wormwood can prepare powder, wine, brandy, tincture and extract.
     Take it to a strictly prescribed dosages. Because of it’s extremely bitter taste, you can mix it with honey or juice or drink in a capsule.
    Tea made from Absinthe
    Pour a teaspoon of Absinthe in a cup of hot water and let stand covered for 15 minutes. Then strain. Drink up to three cups a day, a maximum of one week.
     Wraps of Absinthe
     Soak a cloth in the tint of Absinthe, and lay it on the sore spot. Wraps are used in open wounds or contusions tissue.
     Flu stopper
    Twice a day, eat one gram of powder wormwood with a spoon of honey.
    Absinthe like natural insecticide
    This is a herb that everyone should have planted in the garden, because it protects the fruit from a variety of pests.
Against aphids, rust mites, caterpillars and ants in 10 liters of water (preferably rainwater) Soak 300 g of fresh leaves and flowers of Absinthe or 30 g of dried one.
Leave Absinthe to soak in water for two to three days, after which the liquid is ready for spraying.
     Do not use Absinthe during pregnancy, lactation and bleeding in the stomach or internal organs.


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