Thursday, February 12, 2015

Reversing Osteoporosis Naturally – Are Mountain Spices the Key?

Reversing Osteoporosis Naturally – Are Mountain Spices the Key?
Reversing Osteoporosis Naturally – Are Mountain Spices the Key?
GENERALNATURAL REMEDIES February 12, 2015 Cass Ingram 0
Reversing Osteoporosis Naturally- Are Mountain Spices the Key?
It was discovered long ago and as quoted in the Cure is in the Cupboard that there are a number of aspects of wild oregano and other Mediterranean spices which are novel and which go well beyond the established uses. Yes, it’s a food herb. However, for instance, for the ancient Greeks it was a medicine more than a food, and they were surrounded by it in all their cities. Through an immersion of the wild spice in extra virgin olive oil they made a tonic rub, which they rubbed all over their bodies. Doesn’t sound like a food, does it?
Why, then, were aromatic spices, such as wild oregano, rosemary, and sage, used by those ancients more as medicine than food? Upon researching the powers of wild oregano and other high-mountain aromatic spices a simple fact was determined. This is the fact that these spices grow preferentially not on soil but, rather, on rock. This means that they concentrate the matter in rock, that is the major minerals and trace minerals. Moreover, it is not just any kind of rock but is, rather, while, calcareous rock: ancient limestone beds, in other words: ancient matter from primordial seas.
Therefore, such wild spices have the attributes of medicinal complexes more so than being mere food; unlike foodstuffs, the wild spices do not do well on mere soil. In fact, they become sick or diseased, even suffering from mold rot.
That which grows on soil is food, while all that grows are hard rock is medicine; it’s a good rule of thumb that will reveal the ultimate power of plants.
Even so, the culinary value of spices is, no doubt, recognized. Yet, here, the interest is in the medicinal use of such Mediterranean spices which preferentially grow on highly dense calcium-rich rock and which, therefore, become extraordinarily energized as a result of their growth environment.
These spices can virtually grow on marble, one of the most dense rocks known. Does anyone get the hint? Therefore, what could these spices be good for? It is, surely, for the bones and skeleton.
This is precisely what the letter of the research is determining. It is now known that when fed to the diet of test animals, certain spices dramatically increase bone density. Just as dramatically these spices, as well as their steam-distilled oils, halt bone resorption. It is the latter which is that dangerous element that leads to degenerative disease, notably osteoporosis.
In a most novel finding the spices work not only through their ingestion but also through topical application, that is of their essential oils. What a crucial, potentially life-saving finding it is. There are some 700,000 spinal fractures yearly in the united States, along with nearly 300,000 hip fractures. It is crucial to increase the bone density of such areas of the skeleton in order to prevent such fractures, as these can prove deadly, especially sudden fractures of the hip.
Osteoporosis is not inevitable. In fact, it is a highly preventable condition. This is particularly true now that the data regarding the powers of certain anti-osteoporotic foods, spices, and also essential is known. Much of that data comes from a region highly familiar with mountain-grown spices and herbs: Switzerland.
It was investigators at the University of Bern who made the discovery. Using an osteoporosis model in rats, they fed the animals a diet containing powdered herbs, essential oils or purified monoterpenes from these essential oils. The feeding period was short, a mere 10 days. The journal reporting this, along with the authors, is demonstrated by the following screen capture:

Bone breakdown during this time was measured by the release into the urine of bone breakdown markers.
What were the top agents which demonstrated a decrease in the release of these markers? It was the high-mountain calcium-concentrating ones, sage, rosemary, and thyme (or wild oregano). The oils of such spices, too, halted bone breakdown, as did other non-food oils, that is oils of juniper, pine, and eucalyptus.
The oils were deemed so powerful that they were described by the investigators as “efficient inhibitors of bone resorption in the rat.”
Even so, quite incredibly, the foods and culinary complexes were also deemed effective in halting bone loss. In the work led by R. C. Muhlbauer some 50 common foods and substances were tested. Only about half showed definite anti-osteoporosis powers. Notice that among the top five are rosemary, sage, and thyme (which is actually most likely wild oregano).

Other important substances/food complexes which scored exceptionally high are garlic and Italian parsley as well as onion and dill. It is curious that a supplement already on the market consists of wild oregano, organic garlic, and organic onion, along with Rhus coriaria, and has been noted in human testimony as an aid to bone loss:
I love (brand-name omitted, that is an herbal supplement containing wild oregano, organic garlic powder, and organic onion powder) for digestion problems. As a side effect, all the minerals from the wild herbs stopped the bone loss and pain. It helped me heal a fractured hip and stopped the terrible pain. God blessed the plant and anyone who uses it is blessed (a testimony from Manitoba).
In a clinical case I evaluated a woman had tested with bone density some 30 years older than her age. She took the same supplement, about 6 capsules daily. After six months, she reported, her bone density improved dramatically, equaling, now, less than her age.
This makes sense, since the substances in these capsules follow the letter of the research as quoted above.
Moreover, the spices mentioned as scoring particularly high, the sage, rosemary, and thyme (that is oregano), are natural sources of estrogenic compounds, particularly sage. Rosemary has been demonstrated to increase circulation to the bony tissues and joints in a number of models. Wild oregano, particularly the extracted oil, is a potent antiinflammatory agent. In a 2007 study with 153 fibromyalgia patients a rosemary oil containing essential oil complex “showed moderate reduction in pain in all study participants.”
Currently, a supplement is being made available containing wild sage, oregano, and rosemary, along with MCHC (raw calcium hydroxyapatite or raw bone). Also, there is available a bone activated rub made from wild oils of sage, oregano, and rosemary.
This is a crucial area of continuing research.  Let there be additional research to further document the vast potential of mountain spices and spice oils for the reversal of osteoporosis and for the fight against this dreaded disease.


Cass Ingram
Dr. Cass Ingram is a nutritional physician who received a B.S. in biology and chemistry from the University of Northern Iowa (1979) and a D.O. from the University of Osteopathic Medicine and Health Sciences in Des Moines, IA (1984). Dr. Ingram has since written over 20 books on natural healing. He has given answers and hope to millions through lectures on thousands of radio/TV shows. His research and writing have led to countless cures and discoveries. Dr. Cass Ingram presents 100's of health tips and insights in his many books on health, nutrition, and disease prevention. Dr. Ingram is one of North America's leading experts on the health benefits and disease fighting properties of wild medicinal spice extracts. A popular media personality, he has appeared on over 5,000 radio and TV shows. He now travels the world promoting perfect health – the natural way.

1 comment:

  1. I am happy as Dr. Lance sensitive treatment of Osteoporosis using herbal medications touched me deeply.
    I was diagnosed with Osteoporosis, my medical condition was heart broken. The first thing I did was get myself informed. I was subjected to different medications, by my doctors for treatment without the assurance of having a permanent cure. Despite my visit to several doctors my health wasn't getting better, I took Fosamax 70 mg once weekly for nine months until I could no longer endure the side effects. I’ve made many lifelong friends when I was looking for a natural cure for my ailment. At the verge of giving up, I went to the internet to search for a treatment at least. But I found a cure instead. I read a testimony of a lady just like mine and the good news was that after using herbal medicine she was cured. She shared an e-mail address about the Doctor who treated her using Herbal Medication without complications. I was lucky to have access to Herbal Medicine, and have a pretty normal life now. I am 64years Sure, it has been challenging, and there have been many ups and downs, if you're having Osteoporosis this is not the end of the world don't ever lose hope. I want to tell you that you need to learn to love yourself just the way you are- you are a special person that deserves love. Never never never give up!!!! Contact him on for more info.
