Thursday, June 27, 2019

Polysorbate 80

Pinkeye Conjunctivitis and Homeopathy

Pinkeye, Conjunctivitis and Homeopathy

Joette Calabrese, HMC, CCH, RSHom(Na)

August 28th, 2014  |  43 Comments

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Pink Eye
“One of the greatest threats to public health is the rise of antibiotic-resistant bacteria…this is due to the misuse and overuse of antibiotics.“
James M. Steckelberg, M.D.
Chair, Infectious Diseases
Mayo Clinic
Conjunctivitis.  Pinkeye. Eye infection. Whatever you call it, it means the same thing:  inflammation of the conjunctiva, due to either a bacterial or viral  infection, or due to allergens or irritants.
So get to the doctor and get a prescription for an antibiotic, right?
Baloney!  Do it yourself!
Conjunctivitis  frequently troubles children, but adults can also be afflicted and it is very contagious. Yet conjunctivitis is rarely serious.  If infections spreads beyond the conjunctiva there is concern for deeper pathology yet this is an uncommon occurrence.
If viral in nature, no antibiotic will touch it and it will secrete clear and watery tears, while discharges that are thick, yellow or greenish are usually bacterial.  Even without treatment most of these infections resolve within 10 days or so.
A worthwhile way to treat this illness is with the herb eyebright or Euphrasia.  If purchased in alcohol as a tincture, it needs to be diluted 1:25.  That is, one drop of tincture to 25 drops of warm water. This mixture is then dropped by an eyedropper directly into the eye.  If this is not possible, a clean cloth dipped in the solution can be gently placed and squeezed into it.
Homeopathy, however, is the most profound and effective way of treating pinkeye. It will not only abort the present condition, but support the system so that the likelihood of it returning will be lessened.  If it in fact it does return, it will be of a lesser severity. This is the kind of health we’re looking for….robust, resilient, independent of the props of conventional drugs.
When choosing a homeopathic remedy for conjunctivitis, give a dose three to four times in a 12 hour day for as long as three days. As in most homeopathic settings, as soon as there is completion of the illness (it no longer exists) stop administering the remedy.
The first homeopathic remedy to consider is Belladonna 30c.  The need for this remedy is determined by the intense redness of the conjunctiva (membrane of the front of the eye and the inner eye lids) including bloodshot appearance to the whites.
There may be pain that is throbbing in nature or the eye may be experienced as hot . External environments affect the comfort of the eye, such as too much light, and even loud noises.
Conjunctivitis might also be accompanied by a fever or it may not.  UseBelladonna 30cwhen the eye infection comes on quickly, is associated with a high fever (above 105),  and use it as soon as possible.
But remember that the outstanding characteristic for the use of Belldonna is its intensity.
That is, concentrated heat, intense pain or vibrant redness.  If the case is a mild version, don’t consider this remedy.
Euphrasia officinalis 30c is another homeopathic medicine of great value in pinkeye. It is made from the herb eyebright discussed above, but is potentized in the homeopathic method, hence it is more powerful (yet gentle) than the herb in its crude form.
The use of this remedy is most valuable when there is a large quantity of clear flowing watery tears that burn the eye and the surrounding skin. This may in time develop to a greenish or white discharge and be accompanied by the sensation of having a foreign object such as sand embedded in the eye.
Pulsatilla 30c  is the homeopathic remedy for pink eye that presents with a great deal of itching.  There is often a thick yellowish or greenish discharge that doesn’texcoriate the skin.  The person needing this remedy is often a female, but not always.  She may be extra clingy, feel worse in a warm room and more comfortable in cool breezes. Cool water applied to the eyes is often soothing and she will crave this. Eruptions may appear around the eyes and on the lids such as pimples, whiteheads and scales. Often this person has little or no thirst.
There are other remedies to consider but I love to make this blog easy for you to use and pass on to others, so I’ll cut straight to the quick.
When an eye infection comes your family’s way, do what I have done and useHepar Sulph. 30x,  every 3 hours until improvement, while also droppingEuphrasia tincture (diluted of course 1:25) directly into the eye.
It has worked every time for my family, including for our dog, Buster and cat, Carmelina.
I’ve taught this method to my students and have heard only first-rate reports.
You’ve just learned what pediatricians wish they knew…how to cure without antibiotics.
Now stay home and cure your family and then pass on this blog to your friends.
I love sharing other’s competent research on my favorite topic…gut health.
In Dr. Mercola’s blog today, he recounts the importance of good gut health.  He tells us that we need to treat our gut like royalty.  You might want to check out his take, which is, that diet is everything.
I agree and I also promote  Dr. Weston A Price’s values and teachings, but  my message is slightly different.  It’s that diet is not enough. Particularly when damage has been already done via antibiotics, steroids and other drugs, some are left with a frustrating, never ending cycle of trying to figure out what needs to be eaten (and not eaten).
I am joined by the likes of Dr. Natasha Campbell McBride, founder of the GAPS diet, when I say that once a gut has been made chronically ill, diet needs to be adjusted, but then homeopathy ought to be employed to finish the job.
Should this subject be of interest to you, go to  Good Gut Bad Gut – A Homeopathic Strategy to Uproot Seemingly Unrelated Illnesses in Body and Mind and learn how to reverse gut related illness.

Part II: Cholesterol Lowering Medications and Vaccines Are Safe? Where Are the Safety Studies?

In part I of this series, I wrote about why Repatha should be pulled from the marketplace. In that article, I showed you that both Repatha and the fake placebo used in the study were both associated with nearly 25% serious adverse effects including hospitalization, death, and disability. Recall that in the fake placebo, polysorbate 20 was a main ingredient. I surmised that perhaps the high rate of serious adverse effects in the fake placebo was due to the polysorbate 20. Please refer to my original blog from May 3rd, 2019 “New Cholesterol-Lowering Medications Associated with 25% SEVERE Adverse Effects!”

Polysorbate is used widely in medicines as a dispersing agent—it helps the medicine absorb better. Polysorbate 80 is also found in many vaccines. As I will show you in this post, similar to polysorbate 20, polysorbate 80 has not been properly studied–especially as an injectable agent.

The Powers-That-Be state that vaccines are safe and effective. To make the ‘safety’ claim, one would think that there must be many studies on the safety of injectable items before they are allowed to come to market. If the FDA, CDC, and HHS were doing their jobs, there would be appropriate safety studies on injectable ingredients.   However, for over 25 years, I have been writing about the failure of our Governmental agencies to oversee The Big Pharma Cartel.   This colossal failure is a large part of why we are spending so much money on health care yet we continually rank last (or next to last), when compared to other Western countries, on every health indicator according to the WHO.

POTUS ran on a platform of draining the swamp. So far, the health care swamp hasn’t been drained. In fact, it is enlarging and getting worse. POTUS’ appointments to CDC, HHS, and FDA have ALL been swamp insiders who know how to promote Big Pharma’s agenda.

But, I digress.   Let’s get back to Part II of this series; the connection between the toxic effects of Repatha and vaccines.

Polysorbate 80, found in many vaccines, is a very similar substance to Polysorbate 20 and the MSDS sheet reads similarly. Unbelievably, Polysorbate 80 is found in many vaccines that are mandated not only for our children but for adults as well. Perhaps we are seeing an epidemic of childhood illnesses because of the overload of toxic products found in vaccines.

Section 11 of the Material Safety Data Sheet for polysorbate 80 states, “May cause reproductive effects based on animal test data. No human data found. May cause cancer based on animal test data. No human data found. May affect genetic material (mutagenic).”[i]

The Vaccine Link
Even though it has not been properly tested, Polysorbate 80 is used in many vaccines including:
  • DTaP (Infanrix);
  • DTaP—IPV (Kinrix);
  • DTap-HepB-IPV (Pediarix);
  • DTaP-IPV-Hib (Pentacel);
  • Gardasil
  • Influenza (Agriflu);
  • Influenza (Fluarix);
  • Meningococcal (MenB-Trumenba);
  • Pneumococcal (PCV13—Prevnar13);
  • Rotavirus (RotaTeq);
  • Tdap (Boostrix)5

Animal studies have shown that injecting polysorbate 80 can cause reproductive problems including damage to the ovaries and uterus[ii].

As I previously state, polysorbate is a substance that helps to disperse or dissolve chemicals. In the case of vaccines, Polysorbate 80 is used to help the vaccine bypass the blood brain barrier. The blood brain barrier is necessary to keep dangerous substances in the blood stream from damaging the central nervous system. With vaccines, polysorbate 80 allows the ingredients in a vaccine to penetrate the brain. Since vaccines contain viral and bacterial components as well as toxic metals (such as mercury and aluminum) along other nefarious ingredients, why would anyone think that injecting polysorbate 80 into a human being, much less a child who has a poorly developed blood brain barrier, is acceptable? Once injected, polysorbate 80 can break down into sorbitol and ethylene oxide. Sorbitol, according to the National Institutes of Health (NIH) is not to be injected (under drug warnings[iii]). The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) have found evidence of carcinogenicity (promoting cancer) with ethylene oxide exposure.[iv] Ethylene oxide is associated with reproductive effects in mammals as well as leukemia in female rats and malignant tumors in male rats.

Is it safe to inject any human, much less a baby, with either polysorbate 20 or 80?


This may explain why nearly 25% of those in the Repatha study—in BOTH the treatment and ‘placebo’ groups which both had polysorbate in them–suffered a “serious” adverse event. In the case of vaccines, there should be studies that prove that polysorbate 80 is safe to inject. There are not. In fact, there are studies that show problems with injectable polysorbate (see part I of this series).

If I am wrong here and it is not polysorbate then there is something else in both the Repatha group and the placebo group causing 25% to suffer from a serious adverse effect.

To those that criticize me as an anti-vaxxer, please show me a study (there should be numerous studies) that proves polysorbate is safe to be injected.

Big Pharma is using us as a great experiment. So far, the experiment is not going well. Our kids are sicker than ever. It is time for the pro-vaxxers out there to stop parroting the vaccines are safe mantra when they have not been properly studied for safety.

Vaccines are safe? Repatha is safe? There is no difference between the Repatha and the placebo groups in regards to adverse events? Somebody, show me the studies. How do you make those claims when the appropriate safety studies have NOT BEEN DONE!  Cholesterol lowering medications and vaccines are safe? Let me answer that with a quote from Clara in the old Wendy’s ads: “Where’s the beef?”

~ Dr B

[ii] Food Chem Toxicol. 1993 Mar;31(3):183-90.

How to Improve your eyesight naturally

How to improve eyesight naturally

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How to improve eyesight naturally(NaturalHealth365) Who says ‘we can’t’ improve eyesight – as we age? For many, the aging process is often associated with expected hearing loss, decreased vision and the gradual development of health problems.
But, some of us look at aging as a natural process that we refer to as longevity. The simple anti-aging recipe for protecting eyesight is a preventive lifestyle full of superfoods and nutraceuticals.  So, let’s take a closer look. (pun intended)

How to improve eyesight, based on the scientific literature

When interviewed by researchers for the Journal of Optometry, 83 % of participants understood that a healthy diet and lifestyle could enhance ocular wellness.
Another study conducted by The Journal of Nutrients highlighted that the important carotenoid lutein, because it is so heavily concentrated in the eye is likely the single most important nutrient to protect ocular health from constant exposure to oxygen and light.
So, let’s examine the key nutrients to improve eyesight:
Anthocyanins: The largest class of pigments in the plant kingdom, anthocyanins have been well-researched for their antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects with a particular focus on ocular health. Found in red, blue and purple plants, anthocyanins when consumed in concentrated dosages (as a supplement) can neutralize enzymes that destroy connective tissues and help repair proteins in blood vessel walls to strengthen visual wellness.
Did you know?  The liver is the most important detoxifying organ in the body.  When the liver can’t effectively neutralize and dispose of toxins, they accumulate in the body.  Two essential nutrients for healthy liver function are milk thistle and glutathione.  These two ingredients - plus much more – are now available in an advanced liver support formula.  Click here to learn more.
Carotenoids – zeaxanthin and lutein: Most people will have a difficult time getting enough in their diet, so I suggest patients supplement. Your macula, which is part of your retina depends on zeaxanthin and lutein to function, to filter light and fight the effects of oxygen damage. And, possibly the most well-researched supplement for age-related macular degeneration is lutein.
Look for standardized supplements and ask your integrative health specialist for dosage-specific recommendations.
Editor’s note: Nutrex Hawaii’s BioAstin Hawaiian Astaxanthin is a great source of powerful antioxidants to help support brain, eyes, heart and skin cells.  And, makes NO money for this recommendation.  We just know they are the best at what they do.

Great superfoods to help brighten your eyes and improve your health

Black currants, bilberries and blueberries rich in anthocyanins: While you can certainly opt to add black currant oil to salads and your supplement regime, eating the whole berry – when it’s in season – offers you some of the highest levels of the antioxidants we discussed above, anthocyanins.
Research suggests that bilberry when used as supplement, over time, will help stave off cataracts and macular degeneration. Both blueberries and bilberries may enhance capillary strength and permeability as well as improve night vision.
In addition, eggs, kale, orange peppers, carrots and sweet potatoes boast an abundant supply of carotenoids.  Leafy greens like, kale and eggs are rich in lutein – while those brightly colored orange peppers, carrots and sweet potatoes are abundant in zeaxanthin.
Because lutein is an oil-soluble nutrient, prepare it with a healthy fat such as coconut butter, ghee or olive oil.

Ditch those unhealthy habits to protect your eyes from damage

Remember, never smoke, or quit right now. Studies show smoking oxidizes cells and creates inflammation as well as increases unwanted ocular pressure. For example, for every cigarette you smoke – you lose about 25 mg. of vitamin C, which is a necessary vitamin for optimal health.
The same advice goes for excessive amounts of alcohol. While small amounts of alcohol may offer a slight human health benefit, excessive consumption has been directly linked to decreased ocular wellness.
If breaking these habits seems tough, I invite you to try ‘the juice challenge’ to improve eye and overall health. Each day increase your juicing up to three juices daily – filling each juice with at least three of the superfoods mentioned above.
If you want to learn more about juicing – check out the NaturalHealth365 Podcast with Jonathan Landsman and the late (great!), Steve “Sproutman” Meyerowitz – talking about the “7 Day Just Juice Fast.”  Steve was a dear friend of Jonathan and, we – at NaturalHealth365 – miss him dearly.
In less than two weeks you may notice less overall cravings for smoking or alcohol, improved ocular health and more energy throughout the day.  So, get stared today!
About the author: Christine M. Dionese L.Ac, MSTOM is an integrative health expert, medical journalist and food writer. She’s dedicated her career to helping others understand the science of happiness and its powerful effects on everyday human health. Christine practices, writes and speaks on environmental functional medicine, personalized medicine and epigenetics, food science and sustainable living.
Sources for this article include: