Monday, November 1, 2010

Agenda 21

Agenda 21

Agenda 21 is Sustainable Development, and was created through the United Nations. It is the blueprint for depopulation and total control, under the banner of saving the environment. It is like the head of a beast that has thousands of tentacles, originating from the United Nations.

The 3 primary tools that are used are:

•Man-made global warming

•Water shortages

•Endangered Species Act

We all want clean air, water, land and food, but phony environmentalism is designed to create fear in order to implement the policies of tyranny. For example, the Globalists used global warming fear mongering in order to usher in the Cap & Trade and carbon tax schemes without debate.

The Globalists use governments and other major groups (NGOs - Non-Governmental Organizations) to force their policies. When you understand Agenda 21 Sustainable Development, you can recognize it in your neighborhood. Because the collectivists' battle to take control is from 'Global to Local', you can affect the world by taking action locally when you understand the rules and tools they use.

The purpose of this website is to explain the problem and then to provide models of success that can be replicated in your neighborhood to overcome Agenda 21. We can morph our neighborhoods locally, and then expand freedom globally.

Individuals do have power. Our future history starts now.

Michael Shaw, of, explains Agenda 21 Sustainable Development in this video:

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