Saturday, December 10, 2011


By Betty Freauf
December 10, 2011

Many readers won’t even know what I’m writing about when I refer to Values Clarification. As we are finding out more information about the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA) which has been dubbed Obamacare, we’re learning what former Alaska governor Sarah Palin said about the “Death Panels” and rationing is true. A caller by the name of “Jess” from Chicago, Illinois to the Mark Levin radio show on November 22nd called about the advanced neurological care under the auspices of the new health care law. He said he’d just returned from Washington, D.C. where he and his colleagues were disturbed after reading over what the Obama health care plan would be for advanced neurosurgery for patients over 70. He said if someone at age 70 has bleeding in their brain, “I can promise you I’m not going to get a bunch of administrators together on an ethics panel at 2 in the morning to decide that I’m OK to do surgery.” Let’s get real! Can he fulfill that promise in this “one size fits all” PPACA when a half trillion dollars has been taken out of Medicare to jump start Obamacare and to create massive new entitlement programs we can’t afford. In addition, will the IOUs in the Social Security Trust Fund ever be repaid?

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