Friday, August 17, 2018

Birthing using homeopathy

Birthing Part Two: The Premier Remedy for Childbirth and a Few More

Joette Calabrese, HMC, CCH, RSHom(Na)

May 28th, 2017  |  29 Comments

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The Premier Remedy for Childbirth and a Few More
If only I had known about this one during my first birth years ago. It likely would have been a game-changer.
If I had known about this remedy back then, before I was a seasoned homeopath, I would have had regular productive contractions that did their job of birthing my son expediently. But no.
I labored for 39 hours.
Slow labor is common for first-time mothers. Stalls and reluctant-to-start labors can also be patterns that continue through all births for some women. But all this need not be.
Granted, we don’t usually know what we’re in for with each birth, so that makes it even more important to have this essential protocol on hand:
Caulophyllum 30 or 200 taken every few hours when labor presents with weak, erratic, and irregular contractions.
Being older — 40 to be exact — and wiser for my next pregnancy, I tookCaulophyllum 6 once a day, every day, for three weeks before my expected due date. That labor lasted only 4 hours and I did it at home where I wanted to be.
Much better, right?
Homeopathy is the only medicine that can bring conditions to a whisper instead of a screech. It is also the only medicine that can change your body for the future, as though you’re starting from a whole new level because the remedy uprooted the prior condition.
As proof of that concept, my last pregnancy (at 43) was one for the record books — at least for my record book!
My labor only lasted 1 hour and 50 minutes. I gave birth standing up…and at home again. (You may insert your applause here.)
Long labor is not the only vexing issue during pregnancy. So, while I consider Caulophyllum the premier medicine, it is certainly not the only one that you may want to have on hand during delivery.
Many expectant moms and midwives have found the protocols for pregnancy and labor that I offer in my course, Feminopathy, to be especially helpful. Click here to learn more.
My Survivalist Guide to Homeopathy also features essential remedies for emergencies that present during pregnancy and postpartum.
Here are just a few:
Chamomilla: for painful contractions when the woman is also irritable; even abusive.
Belladonna: for severe, hot, throbbing pains and the need to bear down even before it’s time.
Arnica: for pain, contractions, after birth, bleeding, and that overall feeling of being “beat up.” I use this in 200 routinely during and after labor, regardless of symptoms.
I’ve also devoted a couple of other blogs to pregnancy issues in the past. I realize that when you’re an expectant mother, you probably may already feel overwhelmed, so let me help make it easier with some clickable links:
Looking for help with nausea? This blog speaks to nausea in general, but specifically to Tabacum 200, once daily, for nausea during pregnancy. There’s alsoIpecac 30 for morning sickness. A couple of times daily until much improved is usually the best way to take it.
And don’t overlook my pregnancy cell salt regimen to nourish mama and baby during pregnancy. I highly recommend your taking a moment to read through and follow it.
Genuine, non-medicated health is the best gift you can give to your newborn baby.
My mission is for you to benefit from all I have learned from my years of studies, my practice, my ongoing fellowship in Kolkata, India, as well as from my personal experience as a mother who counted exclusively on homeopathy.
What I ask of you in return is to share this information via word of mouth, sending folks to this blog, and your own testimonies of homeopathy’s efficacy.

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