Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Dictatorial UN Crushes Media Freedom Before Copenhagen

Free speech in the new world order will not be tolerated if you don’t doth your cap in servility to the global government agenda

Paul Joseph Watson
Prison Planet.com
Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Betraying its dictatorial and anti-free speech agenda, the United Nations has blocked two-time New York Times number one bestseller and World Net Daily senior staff writer Jerome Corsi from attending the Copenhagen climate conference next week.

Establishment propaganda organs like the Associated Press, who have dutifully echoed the UN’s hokey science on global warming, in spite of the recent climategate scandal which proved that top academics associated with the UN IPCC manipulated data to “hide the decline” in global temperatures, have been graciously invited to attend the summit, but any media outlet that has questioned the United Nations’ monopoly on universal truth is not welcome.

Despite the fact that Corsi was previously accredited for coverage at the UN, namely for speeches given by Mahmoud Ahmadinejad and George W. Bush, he has been banned from attending next week’s Copenhagen confab.

“Axel Wuestenhagen, media coordinator for the event, admitted in his response that, after two weeks of deliberation on the matter, he consulted with U.N. officials in New York to make a decision about WND’s request,” reports World Net Daily.

“Having now reviewed the application and in consultation with the Media and Accreditation Unit in New York, regrettably, we are not in a position to grant accreditation in this instance,” he wrote. “As a for-profit subsidiary of the nonprofit Western Journalism Center, we follow the U.N. guidelines on accreditation which specifies that advocacy publications of nongovernmental or nonprofit organizations do not qualify for media accreditation. Please note that the organization is under no obligation to accept your request if it does not meet U.N. standards and requirements for press accreditation.”

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