Monday, April 5, 2010

FDIC wants your retirement cash to save banks: Bloomberg

FDIC wants your retirement cash to save banks: Bloomberg
Excerpt From Original Source With Comments & Permission Where Appropriate with original link below. Reproduction rights at bottom. By N2H

“The FDIC is constantly looking at structures where we can get the greatest opportunity to tap into capital that we have not had the success reaching through previous disposition methods,” FDIC spokeswoman Michele Heller said in an e-mailed statement. “We welcome and work with all investors.”

It should be very very obvious that all future money will be in the hands of the globalist elites who will rob and plunder the worlds economies into their privately owned and ruled banks who will dump all of the nations accumilated wealth into their coffers. Gone will be all social security and 401Ks and all pensions as they will take everything that people own and steal it for their own use (like paying interest on loans that can never be repaid).

It is very strange indeed that the FDIC is looking toward private pension investors to puchase toxic debt that the US government was practically forced to purchase in the wake of the Great Recession. This is because there is approximately 2 trillion dollars that are unaccounted for that were used to bail out various financial institutions, but we see that the likes of Geithner and Paulson were not able or unwilling to tell people where the money was spent. This is no joke.

Under the pretext of combating the financial crisis, Democrats in Congress have been conducting hearings on proposals to confiscate private retirement accounts and turn them into government-controlled accounts managed by the Social Security Administration, by implementing a new tax in the guise of mandatory savings scheme.

Teresa Ghilarducci, professor of economic policy analysis at the New School for Social Research in New York, testified before Congress last month, proposing that 401(k)s and IRAs be confiscated and converted into universal Guaranteed Retirement Accounts (GRAs) managed by the Social Security Administration

Argentina has already vowed to push through similar measures in the name of rescuing the wider financial system. Last month, the government of the South American country signed a bill to mandate the National Social Security Administration takeover of $30 billion worth of private pensions.

The move sent stock markets plummeting with critics accusing the government of stealing the pensions to get their hands on extra money at a time of economic crisis, as citizens protested across the country. Source: infowars/p>


Failed Banks May Get Pension-Fund Backing as FDIC Seeks Cash
By Dakin Campbell

March 8 (Bloomberg) — The Federal Deposit Insurance Corp. is trying to encourage public retirement funds that control more than $2 trillion to buy all or part of failed lenders, taking a more direct role in propping up the banking system, said people briefed on the matter.

Direct investments may allow funds such as those in Oregon, New Jersey and California to cut fees for private-equity managers, and the agency to get better prices for distressed assets, the people said. They declined to be identified because talks with regulators are confidential.

Oregon’s retirement fund may contribute $100 million as regulators seek “the support of state pension funds to solve the crisis surrounding ongoing bank failures,” Jay Fewel, a senior investment officer at the Oregon State Treasury, said in a presentation at the fund’s Feb. 24 meeting. New Jersey’s fund may also participate, said Orin Kramer, chairman of New Jersey’s State Investment Council.

The FDIC shuttered 140 lenders last year and expects the tally may be higher in 2010. Regulators have avoided signing up private-equity firms as rescuers on concern that they might take too much risk. Pension funds, whose 100 largest members manage $2.4 trillion, could provide capital to acquire deposits and outstanding loans from collapsed banks, according to the people. You can find the original article on Bloomberg.

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