Thursday, April 8, 2010

New EMF Dangers - - Type 3 Diabetes and Heart Disease Posted by Dr. Mercola

New EMF Dangers - - Type 3 Diabetes and Heart Disease Posted by Dr. Mercola | April 08 2010 | 6,562 views Email this to a friend Share this article Previous Article

One symptom of electrohypersensitivity is altered sugar metabolism similar to diabetes. In addition to type 1 and type 2 diabetes, the first video above shows that some diabetics may be electromagnetically sensitive, as shown by changes in their blood sugar when exposed to electromagnetic triggers.

One astonishing finding showed that in diabetic patients who exercised by walking outdoors, blood sugar went down as expected -- but in those who exercised on a treadmill, impacted by electromagnetic fields, the blood sugar went up.

Dr. Magda Havas suggests there may not just be a type I diabetes and a type II diabetes, but also a new ‘Type III’ Diabetes related to external environmental factors.

EMF and Your Heart
In the second video above, a study has provided unequivocal evidence that the radiation from a cordless (DECT) phone interferes with your heart. This video provides evidence that electrohypersensitivity is real, is physical, and may be life threatening.

It also shows that non-thermal exposure, at levels well below federal guidelines in most countries (0.3 percent of the 1000 microW/cm2), has biological and health effects.
Electromagnetic Health March 22, 2010

Electromagnetic Biology and Medicine 2008;27(2):135-46

Dr. Mercola's Comments:

Electromagnetic pollution continues to be scoffed at by many public health officials and even some “experts” in the field, but as these revealing videos from Dr. Magda Havas show, the effects of electromagnetic fields (EMF) on human health are very real … and very concerning.

I’ve been warning about EMF risks for more than 10 years now, and during this time the proliferation of Wi-Fi networks, cordless phones, cell phones, cell phone towers and other forms of EMF have increased exponentially, so it’s not surprising that increasing numbers of people are now being affected.

Many are Suffering from Electrohypersensitivity Symptoms
It is estimated that 3-8 percent of populations in developed countries experience serious electrohypersensitivity symptoms, while 35 percent experience mild symptoms, according to Dr. Thomas Rau, medical director of the world-renowned Paracelsus Clinic in Switzerland.

Like Dr. Havas and I, Dr. Rau says he is convinced ‘electromagnetic loads’ lead to cancer, concentration problems, ADD, tinnitus, migraines, insomnia, arrhythmia, Parkinson’s and even back pain.

For people with Electromagnetic Hypersensitivity Syndrome (EHS), just walking into a coffee shop that is Wi-Fi equipped can be debilitating, triggering a wide array of symptoms including headache, fatigue, nausea, burning and itchy skin, and muscle aches.

And as you can see in the second video above, radiation from a cordless phone can even cause your heart rate to speed up or take on an abnormal rhythm.

Because the symptoms are subjective and vary between individuals, it makes the condition difficult to study, but with the work of Dr. Havas and others, acceptance is slowly growing.

The Diabetes Connection
Diabetes cases are growing at lightning speed. Nearly 14 percent of men and 12 percent of women over 30 in the United States have diabetes, and close to one-third of them don’t know it. Further, nearly one in four people in the U.S. have pre-diabetes.

While diet and exercise are undeniably major factors in triggering and preventing type 2 diabetes, some people may also be struggling with increased blood sugar due to electromagnetic fields.

According to Dr. Havas’ study published in Electromagnetic Biology and Medicine, as many as 5 million to 60 million diabetics worldwide may be affected by transient electromagnetic fields, or “dirty electricity,” which typically comes from appliances, televisions, stereos and other electronic equipment. Dr. Havas writes:

““Dirty Electricity” can … be used to describe electric power that has become corrupted by our use of modern appliances.

Items such as CFL bulbs, cell phone transmission antennas, power supplies for portable computers, cell phone chargers, dimmer switches, variable speed fans and many other electronic devises that require a transformer to convert the voltage will “dirty” the electricity that enters your home.

This form of dirty electro-magnetic fields (EMF) is invisible to the eye, but has a biological effect on the human body and has been associated with a wide variety of illnesses.”

Using four case studies of people with type 1 or type 2 diabetes, Dr. Havas has found that blood sugar levels increase in proportion to exposure to dirty electricity among electrically sensitive diabetics, which she labeled type 3 diabetics. Further, in an electromagnetically “clean” environment, type 1 diabetics require less insulin while type 2 diabetics have lower blood sugar levels.

How do You Know if You Have “Type 3” Diabetes?
In this case, type 3 diabetes is referring to those people who may be showing abnormal fluctuations in blood sugar because they are electrically sensitive (Alzheimer’s disease was also tentatively dubbed “type 3 diabetes” in early 2005, and that is referring to a different link altogether).

So how do you know if you’re affected?

Ask yourself the four questions Dr. Havas has outlined in the above video …

1.Does your blood sugar increase after using electronic exercise equipment?

2.Does your blood sugar suddenly spike or fall for no obvious reason?

3.Does your blood sugar change in different environments?

4.Do you have difficulty regulating your blood sugar?

If you answered “yes” to any of these questions (you may need to experiment with testing your levels at various times and in various locations to find out), you may be sensitive to EMF and have “type 3” diabetes.

Tips for Reducing Your Exposure to EMF and Dirty Electricity
If you suspect you have electrosensitivity and/or type 3 diabetes, there are many steps you can take to improve your environment on an EMF level.

First, test your home environment for EMF. The Web site offers a helpful summary of the various meters recommended to detect EMF and dirty electricity in your home. If you find elevated levels of dirty electricity, filters are available to help neutralize them.

Next, along with reducing your cell phone use, it's important to realize that cordless phones are also highly problematic. As the video above shows, research has linked portable house phones to an increased heart rate in people who are electromagnetically sensitive.

In some individuals, portable phone exposure almost doubled their heart rate in double-blind tests. This groundbreaking research has been accepted for publication and is expected to come out this summer, along with a large number of other studies focusing on the mechanisms of action to explain the biological damage we see from this type of radiation.

Ideally you should switch back to a wired landline, but if you must use a portable home phone, consider using very early non-DECT version. Unfortunately, due to the lack of labeling, the only way to know for sure whether the type of phone you have is safe is to measure the amount of radiation emitted. The Web site offers a helpful summary of the various meters recommended.

You can also use conventional cordless phones, but the key is to keep the base station at least three rooms away from where everyone sleeps and where you spend many hours during the day.

You would need a relatively large home to do this and might not be able to put enough distance between you, your family and the base station. One could turn it off at night, like you should do if you use a wireless router.

Two other excellent sources for more information about how you can protect yourself and your family members from electromagnetic fields are and

I’ve also detailed a list of guidelines to reduce your risk of EMF exposures from cell phones in this past article.

At the very least, you can help reduce your risk by arranging your bed so your head is at least 3 to 6 feet from all electrical outlets. Also, turn off everything electrical in your sleeping area, including your Wi-Fi, cell phone and portable phone.

Finally, consider removing your microwave oven from your home (besides dangerous EMF radiation, microwave ovens have other negatives impacts on your health) and avoid using electric blankets and electric heating pads.

Since EMFs are ubiquitous in our environment, every step you can take to reduce your exposure will help.

Related Links:
Cell Phones are Dangerous, But This May Be Far Worse...

4 Steps to Reduce Electrosmog in Your Bedroom

Agency Admits EMFs Can Sicken You

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