Thursday, August 18, 2011

Rick Perry Tied to Agenda 21 Globalist Policies

Posted on 16 August 2011

ShareBy Terri Hall

Rick Perry may be good at invoking states rights and prop­erty rights, while dis­avowing ‘for­eign cred­i­tors,’ but his actions as Texas’ longest serving gov­ernor tell a dif­ferent story. Public pri­vate part­ner­ships (or P3s) are part and parcel of the United Nations’ Agenda 21. Two of the pur­poses of Agenda 21 are to abolish pri­vate prop­erty and restrict mobility and P3s act as the vehicle to do it. Perry made P3s a cen­ter­piece of his trans­porta­tion policy since he stepped in as governor.

It started with the Trans Texas Cor­ridor, known at the fed­eral level as high pri­ority cor­ri­dors, cor­ri­dors of the future, or the NAFTA super­high­ways. Just in Texas, it was to be a 4,000 mile multi-modal net­work of toll roads, rail lines, power trans­mis­sion lines, pipelines, telecom­mu­ni­ca­tions lines and more. It was going to be financed, oper­ated, and con­trolled by a for­eign com­pany granted mas­sive swaths of land 1,200 feet (4 foot­ball fields) wide taken forcibly through emi­nent domain.

Called the biggest land grab in Texas his­tory, it was going to gobble up 580,000 acres of pri­vate Texas land (the first cor­ridor alone was to dis­place 1 mil­lion Texans) and hand it over to well-connected global players using P3s, who would gain exclu­sive rights to deter­mine the route and what hotels, restau­rants, and gas sta­tions were along the cor­ridor in a government-sanctioned monopoly for a half cen­tury. It was the worst case of emi­nent domain for pri­vate gain ever conceived.

Prop­erty rights shredded

The Trans Texas Cor­ridor, and P3s in gen­eral, rep­re­sent an immi­nent threat to pri­vate prop­erty rights. While law­makers repealed the Trans Texas Cor­ridor from state statute only months ago due to the public back­lash, the re-named cor­ridor (‘Inno­v­a­tive Con­nec­tivity Plan’) and its threat to prop­erty rights lives on through P3s. Two such projects underway by a Spanish devel­oper, Cintra, will charge Texans 75 cents per mile in tolls (nearly $13 a day while Perry claims he hasn’t raised taxes or indebted Texans to for­eign cred­i­tors) to access lanes on two public inter­states — I-635 and I-820. A third project being devel­oped by the same com­pany for two seg­ments on SH 130 is, per­haps, the only leg of the Trans Texas Cor­ridor TTC-35 project that will ever be built.

While Perry dis­tracted Texans and tea partiers with ‘emer­gency’ res­o­lu­tions on state sov­er­eignty during the 82nd leg­is­la­ture, P3s spread from trans­porta­tion projects to vir­tu­ally every other type of public infra­struc­ture in a bill, SB 1048, passed by the Texas leg­is­la­ture which he signed into law June 17. Now all public infra­struc­ture, including public build­ings, schools, nursing homes, ports, mass transit, etc. can be auctioned-off to pri­vate inter­ests in long-term sweet­heart deals with tax­payer sub­si­dies and profit guar­an­tees using P3s.

P3s give a pri­vate cor­po­ra­tion the power to tax the public, whether through charging tolls or other so-called ‘user fees,’ to access their own public infra­struc­ture, and, per­haps more insid­ious, allowing well-connected pri­vate enti­ties to profit from con­ces­sions on land taken through emi­nent domain.

Why shouldn’t the orig­inal landowner be able to profit from devel­oping his/her land instead of having the gov­ern­ment take it in the name of a “public use” and give it to another devel­oper, one with gov­ern­ment con­nec­tions? Perry’s admin­is­tra­tion of P3s is like his admin­is­tra­tion of his Emerging Tech­nology Fund that’s been highly crit­i­cized for steering tax­payer money to Perry’s cam­paign donors — a case in point, Dan Shelley.

Shelley worked for Cintra, who had its sites set on devel­oping the Trans Texas Cor­ridor. Shelley lands a job as Perry’s aide, steers the $7 bil­lion cor­ridor P3 to his former employer Cintra, then goes back to work for Cintra. That’s how Perry does busi­ness — pay to play.

Texas “Open for Business”

While Perry is staking his cam­paign on Texas being the top net jobs cre­ator, Perry’s ver­sion of Texas being “Open for Busi­ness” isn’t about low taxes and less reg­u­la­tion as much as it is about doing busi­ness with for­eign com­pa­nies, including selling off Texas’ sov­er­eign land and public assets to for­eign cred­i­tors, an issue which Perry’s first tele­vi­sion ad uses to take aim at Pres­i­dent Obama.

Aside from the P3s, Texas has 20 active deals going with the Chi­nese and has 32 for­eign trade zones (FTZs), a vehicle to ease the flow of for­eign goods into the United States that are chalk full of tax breaks for importers. Perry’s office pro­moted these FTZs in a doc­u­ment enti­tled For­eign Trade Zones: Texas Wide Open for Busi­ness and even ded­i­cates a web site for Texas FTZs,

A recent Wash­ington Post article doc­u­ments Perry’s work to get Chi­nese government-owned telecom­mu­ni­ca­tions com­pany Huawei, to base its U.S. oper­a­tions in Texas, a com­pany that the U.S. gov­ern­ment has deemed a threat to national secu­rity noting that “three times since 2008, a U.S. gov­ern­ment secu­rity panel has blocked Huawei from acquiring or part­nering with U.S. com­pa­nies because of con­cerns that secrets could be leaked to China’s gov­ern­ment or military.”

Perry’s cozi­ness with the Chi­nese and for­eign investors exposes a huge weak­ness in his right flank — illegal immi­gra­tion and open bor­ders. The Trans Texas Cor­ridor has been linked to the global plan to eco­nom­i­cally inte­grate North America, with the even­tual goal of a common secu­rity perimeter mod­eled after the Euro­pean Union. Perry ush­ered in in-state tuition for ille­gals and has long been an obstacle to immi­gra­tion reform or any Arizona-style immi­gra­tion law.

Perry’s record paints a much dif­ferent pic­ture than what can­di­date Perry would have us believe — that he’s a states rights, Con­sti­tu­tion­ally lim­ited gov­ern­ment con­ser­v­a­tive that’s respon­sible for the “Texas mir­acle.” In reality, he’s more like an Agenda 21 glob­alist willing to sell America to the highest bidder.


Terri Hall is a home­school mother of eight chil­dren and the Founder of Texans Uniting for Reform and Freedom or TURF. TURF is a non-partisan, grass­roots, all-volunteer group defending cit­i­zens’ con­cerns with Agenda 21, toll road policy, public pri­vate part­ner­ships, and emi­nent domain abuses. TURF pro­motes non-toll trans­porta­tion solutions.

19 Responses to “Rick Perry tied to Agenda 21, globalist policies”

David says:

August 17, 2011 at 5:32 pm

Good piece, Terri.

Sounds like Rick’s training at the Bilder­berger camp is paying off. His glob­al­istic intu­ition makes him the per­fect can­di­date to pick up where Obama leaves off serving the elites in their quest for the One World Order. Viva Agenda 21!

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Bill says:

August 17, 2011 at 6:22 pm

Rick is just another George Bush that has kept his head down. How have people for­gotten the NAFTA Highway so soon? That was the biggest sellout of our country EVER.

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Ruth says:

August 17, 2011 at 8:07 pm

We CANNOT be fooled by a smooth talker EVER again.…..we have to put ALL can­di­dates through their paces and make sure we get someone that ts a true patriot and can stand WITH US and stop cor­rupt gov­ern­ment!

We have GOT to take back this nation for the right rea­sons, not only for oue own nation and lives but the rest of the world too.…

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mike says:

August 18, 2011 at 5:54 am

Good luck… if you think A PRESIDENT can do all that…

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Stan says:

August 18, 2011 at 6:15 am

Ah, but a pres­i­dent is the tip of an ice­berg, Mike. That can make quite a dif­fer­ence. Ask the crew on the Titanic.

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Jim Hayes says:

August 18, 2011 at 1:53 am

As soon as he made the “Trea­so­nous” state­ment about Bernake. I smelled a rat..The Fed­eral reserve is inten­tion­ally going down the tubes by the actions of Benny, only to change cos­tumes and rear it’s ugly head under the guise of The World Bank or IMF to usher in the new World Currency..Perry’s Han­dlers know this…

The Dif­fer­ence is Ron Paul would stop that plan in it’s tracks by Ending the Fed and making the Dollar strong again…

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Tom says:

August 18, 2011 at 5:55 am

Bull hockey.

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Debbie says:

August 18, 2011 at 3:47 am

I am so glad to have read this article.…he had my vote until now. Many Amer­i­cans are not familiar with Agenda 21 which is a push for a one world gov­ern­ment. Please share this article so that many will get to know what this is about. What scares me is no matter which way we vote, Obama vs. Perry, we are done if this article is truthful. They are both set up the Bildebergs.

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Debbie says:

August 18, 2011 at 3:51 am

Come to think of it many of the Pres­i­dents were part of the Bilde­bergs. It seems that it goes back and forth between dem and rep and each fail at the end of their term. Everyone gets mad of the present pres­i­dent so we vote in the other side and each side has the same agenda. Time to get rid of the Bilde­bergs and their puppets

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Marie says:

August 18, 2011 at 6:04 am

After taking a look at the cur­rent crop of Pres­i­den­tial can­di­dates, I’ve come to the con­clu­sion that our best (and pos­sibly ONLY) hope is Ron Paul. Granted, Ron isn’t as flashy as others, but we already tried “flashy” with Obama, and look how that has turned out. Ron stands for the Con­sti­tu­tion, smaller gov­ern­ment, fiscal respon­si­bility, ending the Fed, and step­ping away from our cur­rent status as “policeman to the World”. America is DESPERATE for honest, effec­tive lead­er­ship! We don’t need another pretty face who will sell us out to for­eign inter­ests and the Bilder­bergers’ Agenda 21 plans. RON PAUL — 2012!!!

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Glenda says:

August 18, 2011 at 6:37 am

To Terri Hall…

I know people who are sold on Rick Perry because “He’s a Chris­tian” or “I live in Texas and he has done such a good job for our state”. I wish your article had foot­notes proving the points you made so that my friends had a way to verify that the claims you make about Perry are true. As it stands, they’ll just say, “that’s not true” and that will be the end of it. .…Warn­ings about can­di­dates are crit­ical because America is about to self-destruct and we cannot risk another “bad guy” get­ting in the Oval Office, but warn­ings without proof/footnotes fall on many deaf ears. People will not simply take your word for it.

Please let us know if you decide to pro­vide foot­notes for each claim and I will gladly share your warning with others.

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Gary says:

August 18, 2011 at 6:53 am

Very WELL SAID. I would also appre­ciate the foot­notes so that I can sub­stan­tiate this point of view.

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Truth is Freedom says:

August 18, 2011 at 7:45 am

What are you talking about?? Almost every claim is ref­er­enced. Heck, she even ref­er­ences the Texas law straight from the Texas Leg­is­la­ture web page!!

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Glenda says:

August 18, 2011 at 6:44 am

To Terri Hall…

PS: I failed to men­tion that I checked out the links in your article and some are com­men­taries. Any addi­tional proof you can offer would be very helpful. Thank you.

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Patrick Wood says:

August 18, 2011 at 7:57 am

There are 14 links in this article that serve as doc­u­men­ta­tion to what Terri is writing about. This is a per­fectly legit­i­mate style of writing, which I often use myself in place of formal foot­notes at the end of an article. If you check all 14 links and the con­tent con­tained therein, you would find a plethora of proof that Perry is a glob­alist, skilled in selling out America. IMO, Terri has done her job well in opening the door for fur­ther research. May I sug­gest that you do some dig­ging on your own and report your find­ings here? — Editor

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Dale Fuller says:

August 18, 2011 at 7:17 am

Pay no atten­tion to that man behind the curtain!!!!!!!!!

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Truth is Freedom says:

August 18, 2011 at 7:47 am

There are actual links to Scary Perry’s web­page, and direct links to the land-grab law on the Tx Leg­is­la­ture web­site — what more do you want??

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Posted on 16 August 2011

Terri Hall

Rick Perry may be good at invoking states rights and prop­erty rights, while dis­avowing ‘for­eign cred­i­tors,’ but his actions as Texas’ longest serving gov­ernor tell a dif­ferent story. Public pri­vate part­ner­ships (or P3s) are part and parcel of the United Nations’ Agenda 21. Two of the pur­poses of Agenda 21 are to abolish pri­vate prop­erty and restrict mobility and P3s act as the vehicle to do it. Perry made P3s a cen­ter­piece of his trans­porta­tion policy since he stepped in as governor.

It started with the Trans Texas Cor­ridor, known at the fed­eral level as high pri­ority cor­ri­dors, cor­ri­dors of the future, or the NAFTA super­high­ways. Just in Texas, it was to be a 4,000 mile multi-modal net­work of toll roads, rail lines, power trans­mis­sion lines, pipelines, telecom­mu­ni­ca­tions lines and more. It was going to be financed, oper­ated, and con­trolled by a for­eign com­pany granted mas­sive swaths of land 1,200 feet (4 foot­ball fields) wide taken forcibly through emi­nent domain.

Called the biggest land grab in Texas his­tory, it was going to gobble up 580,000 acres of pri­vate Texas land (the first cor­ridor alone was to dis­place 1 mil­lion Texans) and hand it over to well-connected global players using P3s, who would gain exclu­sive rights to deter­mine the route and what hotels, restau­rants, and gas sta­tions were along the cor­ridor in a government-sanctioned monopoly for a half cen­tury. It was the worst case of emi­nent domain for pri­vate gain ever conceived.

Prop­erty rights shredded

The Trans Texas Cor­ridor, and P3s in gen­eral, rep­re­sent an immi­nent threat to pri­vate prop­erty rights. While law­makers repealed the Trans Texas Cor­ridor from state statute only months ago due to the public back­lash, the re-named cor­ridor (‘Inno­v­a­tive Con­nec­tivity Plan’) and its threat to prop­erty rights lives on through P3s. Two such projects underway by a Spanish devel­oper, Cintra, will charge Texans 75 cents per mile in tolls (nearly $13 a day while Perry claims he hasn’t raised taxes or indebted Texans to for­eign cred­i­tors) to access lanes on two public inter­states — I-635 and I-820. A third project being devel­oped by the same com­pany for two seg­ments on SH 130 is, per­haps, the only leg of the Trans Texas Cor­ridor TTC-35 project that will ever be built.

While Perry dis­tracted Texans and tea partiers with ‘emer­gency’ res­o­lu­tions on state sov­er­eignty during the 82nd leg­is­la­ture, P3s spread from trans­porta­tion projects to vir­tu­ally every other type of public infra­struc­ture in a bill, SB 1048, passed by the Texas leg­is­la­ture which he signed into law June 17. Now all public infra­struc­ture, including public build­ings, schools, nursing homes, ports, mass transit, etc. can be auctioned-off to pri­vate inter­ests in long-term sweet­heart deals with tax­payer sub­si­dies and profit guar­an­tees using P3s.

P3s give a pri­vate cor­po­ra­tion the power to tax the public, whether through charging tolls or other so-called ‘user fees,’ to access their own public infra­struc­ture, and, per­haps more insid­ious, allowing well-connected pri­vate enti­ties to profit from con­ces­sions on land taken through emi­nent domain.

Why shouldn’t the orig­inal landowner be able to profit from devel­oping his/her land instead of having the gov­ern­ment take it in the name of a “public use” and give it to another devel­oper, one with gov­ern­ment con­nec­tions? Perry’s admin­is­tra­tion of P3s is like his admin­is­tra­tion of his Emerging Tech­nology Fund that’s been highly crit­i­cized for steering tax­payer money to Perry’s cam­paign donors — a case in point, Dan Shelley.

Shelley worked for Cintra, who had its sites set on devel­oping the Trans Texas Cor­ridor. Shelley lands a job as Perry’s aide, steers the $7 bil­lion cor­ridor P3 to his former employer Cintra, then goes back to work for Cintra. That’s how Perry does busi­ness — pay to play.

Texas “Open for Business”

While Perry is staking his cam­paign on Texas being the top net jobs cre­ator, Perry’s ver­sion of Texas being “Open for Busi­ness” isn’t about low taxes and less reg­u­la­tion as much as it is about doing busi­ness with for­eign com­pa­nies, including selling off Texas’ sov­er­eign land and public assets to for­eign cred­i­tors, an issue which Perry’s first tele­vi­sion ad uses to take aim at Pres­i­dent Obama.

Aside from the P3s, Texas has 20 active deals going with the Chi­nese and has 32 for­eign trade zones (FTZs), a vehicle to ease the flow of for­eign goods into the United States that are chalk full of tax breaks for importers. Perry’s office pro­moted these FTZs in a doc­u­ment enti­tled For­eign Trade Zones: Texas Wide Open for Busi­ness and even ded­i­cates a web site for Texas FTZs,

A recent Wash­ington Post article doc­u­ments Perry’s work to get Chi­nese government-owned telecom­mu­ni­ca­tions com­pany Huawei, to base its U.S. oper­a­tions in Texas, a com­pany that the U.S. gov­ern­ment has deemed a threat to national secu­rity noting that “three times since 2008, a U.S. gov­ern­ment secu­rity panel has blocked Huawei from acquiring or part­nering with U.S. com­pa­nies because of con­cerns that secrets could be leaked to China’s gov­ern­ment or military.”

Perry’s cozi­ness with the Chi­nese and for­eign investors exposes a huge weak­ness in his right flank — illegal immi­gra­tion and open bor­ders. The Trans Texas Cor­ridor has been linked to the global plan to eco­nom­i­cally inte­grate North America, with the even­tual goal of a common secu­rity perimeter mod­eled after the Euro­pean Union. Perry ush­ered in in-state tuition for ille­gals and has long been an obstacle to immi­gra­tion reform or any Arizona-style immi­gra­tion law.

Perry’s record paints a much dif­ferent pic­ture than what can­di­date Perry would have us believe — that he’s a states rights, Con­sti­tu­tion­ally lim­ited gov­ern­ment con­ser­v­a­tive that’s respon­sible for the “Texas mir­acle.” In reality, he’s more like an Agenda 21 glob­alist willing to sell America to the highest bidder.


Terri Hall is a home­school mother of eight chil­dren and the Founder of Texans Uniting for Reform and Freedom or TURF. TURF is a non-partisan, grass­roots, all-volunteer group defending cit­i­zens’ con­cerns with Agenda 21, toll road policy, public pri­vate part­ner­ships, and emi­nent domain abuses. TURF pro­motes non-toll trans­porta­tion solutions.

19 Responses to “Rick Perry tied to Agenda 21, globalist policies”

David says:

August 17, 2011 at 5:32 pm

Good piece, Terri.

Sounds like Rick’s training at the Bilder­berger camp is paying off. His glob­al­istic intu­ition makes him the per­fect can­di­date to pick up where Obama leaves off serving the elites in their quest for the One World Order. Viva Agenda 21!

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Bill says:

August 17, 2011 at 6:22 pm

Rick is just another George Bush that has kept his head down. How have people for­gotten the NAFTA Highway so soon? That was the biggest sellout of our country EVER.

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Ruth says:

August 17, 2011 at 8:07 pm

We CANNOT be fooled by a smooth talker EVER again.…..we have to put ALL can­di­dates through their paces and make sure we get someone that ts a true patriot and can stand WITH US and stop cor­rupt gov­ern­ment!

We have GOT to take back this nation for the right rea­sons, not only for oue own nation and lives but the rest of the world too.…

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mike says:

August 18, 2011 at 5:54 am

Good luck… if you think A PRESIDENT can do all that…

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Stan says:

August 18, 2011 at 6:15 am

Ah, but a pres­i­dent is the tip of an ice­berg, Mike. That can make quite a dif­fer­ence. Ask the crew on the Titanic.

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Jim Hayes says:

August 18, 2011 at 1:53 am

As soon as he made the “Trea­so­nous” state­ment about Bernake. I smelled a rat..The Fed­eral reserve is inten­tion­ally going down the tubes by the actions of Benny, only to change cos­tumes and rear it’s ugly head under the guise of The World Bank or IMF to usher in the new World Currency..Perry’s Han­dlers know this…

The Dif­fer­ence is Ron Paul would stop that plan in it’s tracks by Ending the Fed and making the Dollar strong again…

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Tom says:

August 18, 2011 at 5:55 am

Bull hockey.

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Debbie says:

August 18, 2011 at 3:47 am

I am so glad to have read this article.…he had my vote until now. Many Amer­i­cans are not familiar with Agenda 21 which is a push for a one world gov­ern­ment. Please share this article so that many will get to know what this is about. What scares me is no matter which way we vote, Obama vs. Perry, we are done if this article is truthful. They are both set up the Bildebergs.

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Debbie says:

August 18, 2011 at 3:51 am

Come to think of it many of the Pres­i­dents were part of the Bilde­bergs. It seems that it goes back and forth between dem and rep and each fail at the end of their term. Everyone gets mad of the present pres­i­dent so we vote in the other side and each side has the same agenda. Time to get rid of the Bilde­bergs and their puppets

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Marie says:

August 18, 2011 at 6:04 am

After taking a look at the cur­rent crop of Pres­i­den­tial can­di­dates, I’ve come to the con­clu­sion that our best (and pos­sibly ONLY) hope is Ron Paul. Granted, Ron isn’t as flashy as others, but we already tried “flashy” with Obama, and look how that has turned out. Ron stands for the Con­sti­tu­tion, smaller gov­ern­ment, fiscal respon­si­bility, ending the Fed, and step­ping away from our cur­rent status as “policeman to the World”. America is DESPERATE for honest, effec­tive lead­er­ship! We don’t need another pretty face who will sell us out to for­eign inter­ests and the Bilder­bergers’ Agenda 21 plans. RON PAUL — 2012!!!

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Glenda says:

August 18, 2011 at 6:37 am

To Terri Hall…

I know people who are sold on Rick Perry because “He’s a Chris­tian” or “I live in Texas and he has done such a good job for our state”. I wish your article had foot­notes proving the points you made so that my friends had a way to verify that the claims you make about Perry are true. As it stands, they’ll just say, “that’s not true” and that will be the end of it. .…Warn­ings about can­di­dates are crit­ical because America is about to self-destruct and we cannot risk another “bad guy” get­ting in the Oval Office, but warn­ings without proof/footnotes fall on many deaf ears. People will not simply take your word for it.

Please let us know if you decide to pro­vide foot­notes for each claim and I will gladly share your warning with others.

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Gary says:

August 18, 2011 at 6:53 am

Very WELL SAID. I would also appre­ciate the foot­notes so that I can sub­stan­tiate this point of view.

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Truth is Freedom says:

August 18, 2011 at 7:45 am

What are you talking about?? Almost every claim is ref­er­enced. Heck, she even ref­er­ences the Texas law straight from the Texas Leg­is­la­ture web page!!

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Glenda says:

August 18, 2011 at 6:44 am

To Terri Hall…

PS: I failed to men­tion that I checked out the links in your article and some are com­men­taries. Any addi­tional proof you can offer would be very helpful. Thank you.

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Patrick Wood says:

August 18, 2011 at 7:57 am

There are 14 links in this article that serve as doc­u­men­ta­tion to what Terri is writing about. This is a per­fectly legit­i­mate style of writing, which I often use myself in place of formal foot­notes at the end of an article. If you check all 14 links and the con­tent con­tained therein, you would find a plethora of proof that Perry is a glob­alist, skilled in selling out America. IMO, Terri has done her job well in opening the door for fur­ther research. May I sug­gest that you do some dig­ging on your own and report your find­ings here? — Editor

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Dale Fuller says:

August 18, 2011 at 7:17 am

Pay no atten­tion to that man behind the curtain!!!!!!!!!

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Truth is Freedom says:

August 18, 2011 at 7:47 am

There are actual links to Scary Perry’s web­page, and direct links to the land-grab law on the Tx Leg­is­la­ture web­site — what more do you want??

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What is Globalization?

It is the col­lec­tive effect of pur­poseful and amoral manip­u­la­tion that seeks to cen­tralize eco­nomic, polit­ical, tech­no­log­ical and soci­etal forces in order to accrue max­imum profit and polit­ical power to global banks, global cor­po­ra­tions and the elit­ists who run them. It is rapidly moving toward an full and final imple­men­ta­tion of Technocracy.

What is the Tri­lat­eral Commission?

Founded in 1973 by David Rock­e­feller and Zbig­niew Brzezinski, the Com­mis­sion set out to create a “New Inter­na­tional Eco­nomic Order”, namely, Tech­noc­racy. The orig­inal mem­ber­ship con­sisted of elit­ists (bankers, politi­cians, aca­d­e­mics, indus­tri­al­ists) from Japan, North America and Europe. Col­lec­tively, they have dom­i­nated and con­trolled trade and eco­nomic policy in their respec­tive coun­tries since at least 1974.

What is Technocracy?

Tech­noc­racy is a move­ment started in the 1930′s by engi­neers, sci­en­tists and tech­ni­cians that pro­posed the replace­ment of cap­i­talism with an energy-based economy. Orig­i­nally envi­sioned for North America only, it is now being applied on a global basis. Authors Aldous Huxley and George Orwell believed that Tech­noc­racy would result in a Sci­en­tific Dic­ta­tor­ship, as reflected in their books, “Brave New World” and “1984“.

What is Smart Grid?

Smart Grid is the national and global imple­men­ta­tion of dig­ital and Wi-fi enabled power meters that enable com­mu­ni­ca­tion between the appli­ances in your home or busi­ness, with the power provider. This pro­vides con­trol over your appli­ances and your usage of elec­tricity, gas and water.

Who is M. King Hubbert?

Hub­bert was a geo-physicist who co-founded Tech­noc­racy, Inc. in 1932 and authored its Tech­noc­racy Study Course. In 1954, he became the cre­ator of the “Peak Oil Theory”, or “Hubbert’s Peak” which the­o­rized that the world was rapidly run­ning out of carbon-based fuels. Hub­bert is widely con­sid­ered as a “founding father” of the global warming and green movements.

Who is R. Buck­min­ster Fuller?

A pio­neer in global eco­log­ical theory, Fuller (1895 – 1984) was the first to sug­gest the devel­op­ment of a Global Energy Grid that is today known as the Global Smart Grid. Fuller is widely con­sid­ered to be a “founding father” of the global green move­ment, including global warming, Sus­tain­able Devel­op­ment, Agenda 21, etc.

Is the Venus Project like Technocracy?

The Venus Project, founded by Jacque Fresco, is a utopian, modern-day iter­a­tion of Tech­noc­racy. Like Tech­noc­racy, it scraps cap­i­talism and pro­poses that “a resource-based economy all of the world’s resources are held as the common her­itage of all of Earth’s people, thus even­tu­ally out­growing the need for the arti­fi­cial bound­aries that sep­a­rate people.” The appli­ca­tion of tech­nology is the answer to all of the world’s prob­lems, including war, famine and poverty.

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