Sunday, November 27, 2011

The First Time I Heard of "Bill Clinton"

The First Time I Heard of "Bill Clinton"
November 27, 2011

hippieclintonsImage1.jpg(leftist radicals Bill & Hillary Clinton)

"By taking over the Democratic Party through its left wing, the speaker said it was possible to elect a stealth socialist president, who would effect a peaceful transition to socialism during the next great economic down-turn."

This strategy may be more pertinent now than ever.

by David Bay citing J.R. Nyquist
"Why some of us fear Clinton?",
World Net Daily, THURSDAY, JULY 22, 1999
Excerpt by

"I first heard of Bill Clinton 16 years ago [1982]. Here is how it happened. I was getting a teaching credential... The professor ... invited me to a 7 p.m. meeting at the Science Lecture Hall. At the time I didn't know she was a Marxist, and I didn't know the meeting would be political. ..Well, I couldn't have been more surprised if it had been a coven of witches. Arriving early at the Science Lecture Hall, I found communist literature -- books and pamphlets -- stacked on tables in the lobby."

"A visiting professor was the speaker. He gave a rousing talk on overthrowing the 'dictatorship of the bourgeoisie' in America. How would this be accomplished? By taking over the Democratic Party through its left wing. The speaker said it was possible to elect a stealth socialist president, who would effect a peaceful transition to socialism during the next great economic down-turn. Capitalism would be unmasked as a bankrupt system. The people would then support a new socialist system. All businesses would be nationalized by the government and run like the Post Office. This socialist president, said the speaker, could be elected in either 1988 or 1992. The only problem was that of timing. When would the next major economic downturn hit?" [Obviously, this speaker's concept of the requirement for an economic downturn to occur before a "stealth" Communist President could be elected was wrong]

newspeak1.jpg"Some days later I went to visit my professor at her office hours. We talked about the speaker and the book he had written. We talked about Marxism and the idea of changing the system. Then, suddenly, my professor said: 'We have such high hopes for this young Arkansas governor, Bill Clinton'."

Mr. Nyquist has every reason to be alarmed. President Bill Clinton has the true heart, and credentials of a Marxist. As everyone knows, he traveled to London to go to college, in large measure because he wanted to avoid the draft for the Vietnam War. As everyone knows, Bill Clinton was a leader and organizer of anti-Vietnam War rallies, thus identifying himself as siding with the Viet Cong against America.

As we were told during the 1992 Presidential Campaign, Bill Clinton spent three weeks in December, 1969, as a visitor to the Kremlin, courtesy of the infamous and bloody KGB. We Conservatives have been asking ever since that revelation what it was that the KGB was teaching young leftist college student, Bill Clinton?

[From "Road to Moscow" link below] Over winter vacation of 1969-1970, Clinton toured Moscow, where he had been preceded by his roommate Strobe Talbott. Talbott was then translating the memoirs of former Soviet Premier Nikita Khrushchev, which had been leaked to him by Victor Louis, a KGB disinformation agent and talent spotter. Clinton and Talbott's other roommate Frank Aller was doing similar work on the unpublished notes of Edgar Snow, an academic associate of Lattimore.]

In our series entitled, "Clinton's Fatal Leadership", we recount the revelations from former FBI Agent, Gary Aldrich, in his book, "Unlimited Access". Gary Aldrich also recounted how very Marxist Hillary Rodham was during her college days. "Does anyone remember that Hillary Clinton arranged to give $15,000 to the National Lawyer's Guild -- an organization founded in the 1930s as a branch of the Communist Party USA -- when she chaired the New World Foundation?

The real threat to the world from Mr. Clinton is not that he is a secret Communist, but that he is a secret Illuminist !

In the early 1820's, Professor Hegel of a German university introduced a concept he had just enthusiastically received from a Freemason. This was a formula for change in world systems.

Hegel simply said: "Conflict produces change, and controlled conflict produces controlled change".

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