Saturday, June 2, 2012




by Jon Rappoport
June 2, 2012

How many times do we wish we had followed a glimpse, a dream?

How many times have we wished we could stop looking at reality through a set of categories that played out long ago and became useless?

How many times have we wished we could see reality anew, as if for the first time?

These wishes can't be fulfilled by joining groups that appear to have our dreams engraved in their bylaws.

Magic begins with the independent individual.

Here is a quote from the brilliant hypnotherapist Jack True, whom I interview 43 times (320 pages) in THE MATRIX REVEALED:

"Why are dreams, when we sleep, episodic and nonlinear? Because we're searching for something else, a different way of approaching reality. In these dreams, we KNOW the space-time complex is an illusion. We know we're escaping from prison.

"All the major myths of humanity, since the beginning, have been ORGANIZED out of dreams. They've been tailored and reworked to have a cause-and-effect relationship among their parts. So we're right back where we started, at zero. We're trying to break through the linear quality, but we're reconstructing these dreams to take the spontaneity out of them.

"Look at the ancient Greek apparatus of gods. As usual, there was a top persona. There was a hierarchy. This is nonsense. This is all a rearrangement of dreams. Each god is given various magic powers. It's childish. It's like doling out Christmas presents under the tree. This is your present, and this is your sister's present. It's a fool's errand.

"Magic is fluid. Yes, it can be performed, but really it involves the whole being of a person. It comes out of the wellsprings of desire. Deep desire.

"We dream the way we do because it's natural, and because something about the day is exhausting. The structure and organization of the day saps our energy, because when we live in a linear fashion, we don't have that much available energy to begin with. We're only tapping into a relatively small amount. So it drains away inside the structure. We have so much more energy deep-down, but it's 'nonlinear energy,' it thrives on seeing and creating and living and knowing in a completely different way.

"Sure, there are a lot better ways to organize this world, but that doesn't solve the most basic problem for anyone. Magic, as much as it's been defamed, is the solution, and magic operates in simultaneously multiple and nonlinear ways."

Here is Jack again: "People sometimes think I'm advocating chaos. I'm not. But they think so because they can't imagine the world [reality] could be fundamentally any different than it is now without descending into total confusion. Putting nonlinear thought into the world is doable, though. That's the next stage of evolution. Imagination isn't just coming up with a better screwdriver. It isn't just solving what we can only see as a problem begging for an answer. Seeing problems everywhere isn't a function of reality itself. It's the way we approach and filter reality and organize it. That's why we think civilization is the end result of solving a whole string of problems sitting on the back of prior problems. We think man discovered fire as the solution to the problem of being cold. On one level of perception, that's true. But on another level, discovering fire had everything to do with imagining fire. Dreaming fire."

Movies began as nonlinear excursions on the screen. Many of the early movies were very much like dreams, or like interruptions in the smooth flow of time. Movies were an escape hatch from linear organization. In that sense, they were a reflection of a different kind of consciousness.

When we talk about ruling elites, we're really talking about men who are obsessed with organizing things. We think they want to organize society down to the last detail because that makes it possible for them to control us, but that's only part of the story. These men are frightened of dreams and dreaming. They are frightened by their own deeper minds. They can't face that. That's why they have to organize everything they touch.

Over the years, I've had many questions from readers that boil down to one question: "If I were using my imagination to the fullest, what would I see that I don't see now?"

That's a very interesting question, because it puts the cart a few thousand miles ahead of the horse. I don't know what you would see, because it's your imagination. Not mine. That's the whole point.

I'm not trying to organize anyone's reality. I have no interest in that.

But I do know that if you were using the power of your imagination, your whole approach to consensus reality would change. That much I do know.

Consider two types of people. The first type firmly believes that all progress and all good things come from strengthening the consensus among larger and larger numbers of humans.

The second type believes this leads, inevitably, to a form of slavery. Even if the consensus started out with mass devotion to a high ideal, somewhere along the line the ideal would sink below the waves and something unpalatable would emerge in its place. Why? Because tighter and tighter consensus about reality, no matter what that reality is, always brings about a shrinking of individual power.

Consensus, beyond a point of common sense, is grossly inhibiting, is in fact self-induced mind control.

Imagination, which moves away from consensus, is an active force. It is woven with creating. You imagine and create. You aren't passive. You're the furthest thing from passive.

Mass education is, for the most part, an effort to convince students that they should use their imaginations to create greater consensus. If schooling doesn't accomplish that job fully, then certainly on-the-job training finishes it.

The idea of "finding answers" that apply to everyone is a very limited operation from the start. Of course we share certain similarities, but the differences, in the long run, are far more important.

This idea is unsettling to most people. They don't understand it and they don't want to understand it. At best, they pay lip service to it.

Society is organized around the concept of organization. That's what society is doing.

The liberated individual doesn't live that way.

[For those people who find these ideas interesting, important, attractive, I would suggest ordering and working with the following, in this sequence: THE MATRIX REVEALED; THE SECRET BEHIND SECRET SOCIETIES; MIND CONTROL, MIND FREEDOM; THE TRANSFORMATIONS; THE MYSTERY AND MAGIC OF DIALOGUE. They are available at my site store at]

The so-called "eternal questions" humanity has been grappling with since the dawn of time are offshoots of questions about imagination and magic. However, when the questions drop below the threshold of imagination, when the questions are asking for mechanical answers, then imagination is automatically excluded. This, obviously, becomes unworkable. Imagination is not mechanical; it isn't a system.

It is free.

So we have here a wider meaning of freedom. A meaning that goes beyond systems.

Again, people want to know, "What would I see and know, if I could get beyond systems?" The whole point is, there is no pat answer to that question. Imagination, though, is the way to find out what the individual would see and find.

Imagination is the place in consciousness where we put those things, ideas, events that we consider impossible or incomprehensible. But when we live through and by imagination, the whole ball of consensus reality begins to come apart. Then we experience deeper energies and deeper power.

Jon Rappoport
The author of an explosive new collection, THE MATRIX REVEALED, Jon was a candidate for a US Congressional seat in the 29th District of California. Nominated for a Pulitzer Prize, he has worked as an investigative reporter for 30 years, writing articles on politics, medicine, and health for CBS Healthwatch, LA Weekly, Spin Magazine, Stern, and other newspapers and magazines in the US and Europe. Jon has delivered lectures and seminars on global politics, health, logic, and creative power to audiences around the world.

Jon Rappoport

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