Wednesday, December 19, 2012

U.S. Doctors and the AAP Fight U.N. Ban of Thimerosal Preservative in Vaccines

U.S. Doctors and the AAP Fight U.N. Ban of Thimerosal Preservative in Vaccines

Vaccine Needle
Pharmaceutical companies are vampire corporations literally sucking the life out of children and we continue to let them do just that. The medical media, paid for in full by the medical industrial establishment, is not to be trusted. Even with tragedies like the shooting of innocent children in Connecticut we find that they cannot get their story straight so the public media is the public’s deceiver.
I think it is disgusting that in the middle of this tragedy that medical organizations like the American Academy of Pediatricians (AAP) would try to slip into the media the pronouncement of their right to continue to attack children around the world and in America with thimerosal, a mercury-based vaccine preservative—a powerful neurological poison.
Pure thimerosal was toxic at the low nanomolar level—an extremely low concentration, about 10,000 times less than the thimerosal concentration found in most vaccines. These results leave little doubt about thimerosal being the toxic agent in the vaccines.
- Dr. J. Curtis Pendergrass
America’s largest organization for pediatricians is strongly objecting to a proposal by the United Nations to ban a mercury-containing preservative from the world’s vaccine supply. In a brief statement published online in Pediatrics, the academy supported the recommendations drafted by the WHO’s Strategic Advisory Group of Experts (SAGE) on immunization at an April meeting that ignores all the science that suggests that the neurological poison thimerosal is dangerous, more dangerous than if they put lead in the vaccine instead.
An AAP spokesperson said that the endorsement was adopted unanimously by the academy’s infectious diseases committee showing that the entire organization is compromised with pediatricians who either don’t know or are not thinking clearly about how much mercury they are pumping into children’s veins. Ask doctors at the Journal of American Physicians and Surgeons who will tell you that, “Mercury is a unique poison in that it incapacitates numerous enzymes in cells, including those used to neutralize free radicals,” wrote Neurosurgeon Dr. Russel Blaylock.[1]
Any competent biochemist would look at the structure of thimerosal and identify it as a potent enzyme inhibitor. What is surprising is that the appropriate animal and laboratory testing was not done on the vaccines containing thimerosal (and aluminum) before the government embarked on a mandated vaccine program that exposed infants to the levels of thimerosal that occurred.
- Dr. Boyd E. Haley
Doctors, dentists and nurses seem to have “gag orders” placed on them preventing them from mentioning to patients the availability of mercury-free vaccines and the dangers of mercury-based products: amalgam fillings, which are 50% mercury, and thimerosal used in the manufacture and preservation of vaccines, which is 50% mercury by weight. Mercury has been appropriately removed from most other medical products except these, for it is one of the most toxic and dangerous elements known to mankind.[2]
Heavy metal exposure during early development is associated with impaired neurological and cognitive function. [3] [4]
- Dr. M. Waly

Northeastern University
Despite the growing evidence of a link between mercury and neurological disorders, such as autism, attention deficit disorder, language delay, and learning difficulties, which are being reported on a worldwide basis to be rising dramatically,[5],[6],[7] the Institute of Medicine (IOM)[8] and the CDC,[9] and a long string of other medical organizations[10] are certifying mercury, one of the most toxic chemicals known to man, as being absolutely safe for use in vaccines. And they continue to do that even as they alert the public to a pandemic that has one child in 166 being diagnosed with autism spectrum disorders and as many as one in six children diagnosed with a developmental disorder and/or with behavior problems.[11] Around the world, other medical organizations and governments feel safe to ignore the dangers of thimerosal and continue to use it without compunction in their childhood vaccine programs in part because the American health officials “pretend” there is no problem, even as they have moved to reduce (but not eliminate completely) its presence in the childhood immunization program.[12]
The FDA questioned thimerosal’s safety several times and decided in 1982 that it was “not safe for ‘over-the-counter’ topical use, because of its potential for cell damage.” The FDA never did anything to question its use in childhood vaccines.
Drs. Horning, Chian and Lipkin of the Department of Neurology and Pathology at Colombia University College of Physicians and Surgeons dispute the CDC conclusion that thimerosal is safe and has nothing to do with autism. “The developing brain is uniquely susceptible to the neurotoxic hazard posed by mercurials.”[13] They demonstrated that “Autoimmune disease-sensitive SJL/J mice showed growth delay, reduced locomotion, exaggerated response to novelty, and densely-packed, hyperchronic hippocampal neurons with altered glutamate receptors and transporters.” The mice were exposed to thimerosal doses and timing equivalent to the pediatric immunization schedule. They found that, “Profound behavioral and neuropathologic disturbances were observed after postnatal thimerosal in SJL/J mice, but not in strains without autoimmune sensitivity.”
For more than 60 years the medical community simply trusted the Eli Lilly & Company’s assertion that thimerosal/ merthiolate had a low potential toxicity if injected into humans. Based on unscientific and unethical studies done in the late 1920s, several generations of public health care officials, doctors and medical educators were duped into injecting the most toxic and lethal chemical known to man into infants. Documents from the archives of Eli Lilly & Company, the original manufacturer of thimerosal, clearly demonstrate that the mercury-based vaccine preservative, implicated in a number of recent law suits as causing neurological injury to infants, was known as early as April 1930 to be dangerous.
In its apparent eagerness to promote and market the product, in September 1930, Eli Lilly secretly sponsored a “human toxicity” study on patients already known to be dying of meningococcal meningitis. Andrew Waters, of the Dallas-based law firm of Waters & Kraus stated that, “Lilly then cited this study repeatedly for decades as proof that thimerosal was of low toxicity and harmless to humans. They never revealed to the scientific community or the public the highly questionable nature of the original research.” The tests were conducted in 1929 by a young researcher named K. C. Smithburn who injected 22 human subjects that were already dying with a one-percent solution and then pronounced that all the patients were reported “without ill effect.” That they all died was never mentioned.
“It’s apparent that Lilly didn’t want to do the study themselves because it’s apparent that there were enormous ethical problems with injecting people—even people dying of meningitis—with mercury,” Waters said. “What Smithburn did was wrong, because he agreed to do the study for Lilly, and not only did he agree to do it, but he agreed to give them results that he knew were flawed.” There simply are no words that can be used to describe what Eli Lilly & Company and then other pharmaceutical companies perpetuated through decades of use of a highly toxic compound like thimerosal. I call them the company that kills babies!
200 micrograms of mercury would fit on the head of a pin.
According to the EPA, dropping that pinhead of mercury into
23 gallons of water would make it unsafe for human consumption.
In the spring of 2004, American health authorities decided to add the flu vaccine into the childhood vaccination schedule starting at six months of age and this means that many of these little babies will get flu vaccines that contain a whopping dose of 25 micrograms[14] of thimerosal.
Dr. Boyd Haley, a world-renowned expert on the toxicity of mercury said, “I am ashamed that our country is misleading other parts of the world with regards to the thimerosal issue.”
Thimerosal is one of the most toxic compounds I know of, I can’t think of anything that I know of that is more lethal.
- Dr. Boyd Haley
In 1999, Dr Neal Halsey, who heads the Hopkins Institute for Vaccine Safety said, “My first reaction was simply disbelief, which was the reaction of almost everybody involved in vaccines. In most vaccine containers, thimerosal is listed as a mercury derivative, a 100th of a percent. And what I believed, and what everybody else believed, was that it was truly a trace, a biologically insignificant amount. My honest belief is that if the labels had had the mercury content in micrograms, this would have been uncovered years ago. But the fact is, no one did the calculation.[15] From the beginning, I saw thimerosal as something different. It was the first strong evidence of a causal association with neurological impairment. I was very concerned.”
Dr. Bernard Rimland wrote, “Ten years ago I read an article by Richard Moskowitz that mentioned that mercury, aluminum, and formaldehyde were present in vaccines, but I dismissed the possibility that mercury could be present in amounts large enough to cause harm. Since the medical establishment, and certainly the drug companies, knew of the tremendous potential of even tiny amounts of mercury to do harm, it never occurred to me that toxic levels of mercury could be present in vaccines. How naïve I was!”[16] The mercury exposure levels in infants from the recommended U.S. childhood immunization schedule exceeded the threshold set by the EPA for most of the 1990s and again it must be emphasized that this is still the case in most of the third world. And Dr. Gary Goldman reminds us of a most important point. “The FDA exposure levels for methyl mercury are not “safe” levels. They just consider that at the level indicated they will not cause harm. Interestingly, there are no safety levels given for ethyl-mercury injected into a child.”


Doctors warn in a new Pediatrics report that such measures to ban mercury in vaccines could do more harm than good in making vaccines less accessible—particularly in vulnerable populations. These are the most pathetic doctors most of whom are affiliated with a system of medicine that was born under the watchful eyes of pharmaceutical terrorists, which is another name for “Big Pharma.” How anyone would trust anything these compromised doctors have to say is beyond my realm of imagination.
Dr. Mark Sircus Photo

Dr. Mark Sircus, Ac., OMD, DM (P)

Director International Medical Veritas Association
Doctor of Oriental and Pastoral Medicine

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