Friday, November 23, 2018

Melanoma Remedies Eggplant, Bloodroot, Esiac Tea

Melanoma Remedies

 | Modified: Jul 31, 2018
Alternative treatments for melanoma include topical applications of natural elements as well as oral supplementation. Natural elements, such as eggplant, possess unique healing compounds that treat surface level cancer cells and eradicate the condition.

What Is Melanoma?

The most serious kind of skin cancer, melanoma develops at the site of melanin production. The melanocytes produce this natural component and give the skin its color, so melanoma is commonly located on skin exposed to sun. Rarely, melanoma forms in the eyes or in the internal organs including the intestines.
While the exact cause of melanoma is unclear, exposure to ultraviolet radiation increases an individual’s risk of the disease. The most common initial symptoms of melanoma include a change in an existing mole or the development of a new pigmented or abnormal-looking growth on the skin.

Alternative Treatment for Melanoma

While the best treatment for melanoma is dependent on the stage of the cancer as well as the individual’s overall health, alternative methods offer safe, natural treatment options. Eggplant, bloodroot and essiac tea deliver natural components to treat and eliminate the affected skin cells.


Eggplant contains powerful phytonutrients that treat the affected cells involved in melanoma. The glycocides and glycoalkaloids contained in the eggplant penetrate and destroy cancer cells without harming healthy cells. Eggplant can be applied to the cells directly or macerated and mixed with vinegar for more effective treatment.


Bloodroot is a natural compound derived from the flowering perennial plant native to North America. The root contains a special chemical sanguinarine. This compound causes apoptosis and kills the cancer cells while maintaining the health of normal cells.

Essiac Tea

Essiac tea is a mixture of herbs including burdock root, slippery elm bark, sheep sorrel and Indian rhubarb root. The tea made of the compound is show to strengthen the immune system, relieve pain and reduce tumor size. Additionally, essiac promotes cell repair and relieves inflammation.
Melanoma is the most common type of skin cancer; however, with effective treatment, melanoma can most often be eliminated . Nonetheless, avoiding overexposure to the sun and protecting the skin when exposed is important for preventing the condition.

About the Author: Deirdre Layne

Founder and CEO of Earth Clinic, has an extensive background in health and healing. She created in 1999 as a way to teach people about natural remedies and alternative healing therapies. Since then, thousands of people around the world and their pets have been healed by the remedies found on Earth Clinic. Deirdre holds a BA from Mount Holyoke College in Philosophy and is the author of the book Apple Cider Vinegar: A Modern Folk Remedy.


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