Monday, April 12, 2010

CALIFORNIA Rabies Bill AB 2689

----- Original Message -----
From: Peter & Kris Christine
Sent: Sunday, April 11, 2010 6:50 AM
Subject: Urgent Notice for the RCF website

Please forward!


CALIFORNIA Rabies Bill AB 2689 introduced by Assembly Member Cameron Smyth, Chair of the Local Government Committee has been referred to the Local Government Committee and will require annual rabies vaccinations and puppies to be vaccinated at 3 months of age in "rabies areas" (portion of bill text below) as determined by the State Public Health Officer -- violation is impoundment.

It is URGENT that ALL concerned pet owners contact the committee and tell them to reject this bill in its entirety. The COMMITTEE PHONE is (916) 319-3958 and the members contact information is listed below. PERMISSION GRANTED TO POST AND CROSS-POST this notice, please help spread the word and take action to defeat this legislation.

Cameron Smyth - Chair Rep-38 (916) 319-2038
Anna M. Caballero - Vice Chair Dem-28 (916) 319-2028
Juan Arambula Ind-31 (916) 319-2031
Steven Bradford Dem-51 (916) 319-2051
Mike Davis Dem-48 (916) 319-2048
Steve Knight Rep-36 (916) 319-2036
Dan Logue Rep-3 (916) 319-2003
Jose Solorio Dem-69 (916) 319-2069

SEC. 2. Section 121690 is added to the
Health and Safety Code , to read:
121690. In rabies areas, all of the following shall apply:
(a) Every dog owner, after his or her dog attains the age of three
months, shall no less than once every two years secure a license for
the dog as provided by ordinance of the responsible city, city and
county, or county. License fees shall be fixed by the responsible
city, city and county, or county, at an amount not to exceed
limitations otherwise prescribed by state law or city, city and
county, or county charter.
(b) Every dog owner, after his or her dog attains the age of three
months, shall, at intervals of time not more often than once a year,
as may be prescribed by the department, procure its vaccination by a
licensed veterinarian with a canine antirabies vaccine approved by,
and in a manner prescribed by, the department.

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