Monday, April 12, 2010

Rothschild world domination through a private monopoly of nuclear weapons

Dick Eastman: Obama's revival of the Baruch Plan for Rothschild world domination through a private monopoly of nuclear weapons
When nuclear power is eliminated from the hands of all nationalist governments, the Rothschilds will control their own as a monopoly and their secret private space-based delivery system as well. Say hello to your new god.
Obama's Plan for Elimination of Nation-Controlled Nuclear Power is a revival of the "Baruch Plan" for a world government monopoly of nuclear weapons, ensuring that no individual nation could control atomic power either for defense or peaceful uses. Under the Baruch Plan (a plan worked out with Rothschild agent and infiltrated communist agent Secretary of State Dean Acheson and David Lilienthal, the Lazard Freres head of the US Atomic Energy Commission, who invented the term "multinational corporation" and who later founded, with money from Lazard Freres, the international engineering venture company, Development and Resources Corporation, funded by governments and following the model Lilienthal developed from experience gained heading the Tennessee Valley Authority, the US's first great socialist development project. The Development and Resources Corporation functioned much like Halliburton, Schlumberger and Tesco.

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