Monday, May 17, 2010



By Dennis L. Cuddy, Ph.D.
May 17, 2010

[Note: The alleged bombing attempt in New York City by Faisal Shahzad has all the appearances of Obama’s “Mission Accomplished” like George W. Bush said at the beginning of the Iraq War. To me, it was clear that Saddam Hussein wanted our forces to reach Baghdad quickly, because only then would we break out of battle formation and into smaller patrols more easily hit by “Improvised Explosive Devices,” etc.

Shortly after Shahzad was taken off the Arab Emirates airline by authorities, Obama and they started congratulating themselves on their accomplishment. What they should have done is noted how non-serious this attack really looked. Sure, the material to be exploded was real. It had to be in even a “trial run,” which is what this may turn out to have been.

Why do I say this? For starters, he deliberately made his SUV conspicuous by illegally parking it in a bus lane. Next, who could miss the smoke coming out of his vehicle, because he left the engine running in front of a phone booth? Then, the fertilizer inside the gun locker in his Pathfinder was incapable of exploding anyway!

When apprehended, Shahzad was calmly sitting on the plane. His first question to the officer was “Who are you, FBI, etc.?” What did he care if it was the New York City police instead of the FBI? Secondly, he said “I’ve been expecting you.” And thirdly, he said “What took you so long?” All of these would be statements by someone simply conducting a trial run for the Taliban/Al Qaeda so they could see step-by-step what our response would be and how quickly. They probably learned a lot from this exercise. I only hope our self-congratulatory officials will recognize the Taliban’s/Al Qaeda’s possible strategy in time to prevent a real attack. And by the way, this alleged attack happened just in time to save the jobs of 900 New York City police officers whose positions were about to be cut. How about that?!]

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