Monday, January 31, 2011

Interestingly the authors discuss the male 'biological clock' and said a man's fertility similarly declines with age.

Interestingly the authors discuss the male 'biological clock' and said a man's fertility similarly declines with age. They estimate that the average 40-year-old male takes two years to get his partner pregnant, even if she is in her twenties.

Energy saving light bulbs 'could trigger breast cancer'

Energy saving light bulbs 'could trigger breast cancer'

Energy saving light bulbs could result in higher breast cancer rates if used late at night, an academic has claimed.

Energy saving light bulbs cast a bluer light than filament bulbs, mimicing daylight more closely By Stephen Adams, Medical Correspondent 6:30AM GMT 31 Jan 2011


Abraham Haim, a professor of biology at Haifa University in Israel, said that the bluer light that compact flourescent lamps (CFLs) emitted closely mimiced daylight, disrupting the body's production of the hormone melatonin more than older-style filament bulbs, which cast a yellower light.

Melatonin, thought to protect against some breast and prostate cancers, is produced and secreted by the brain's pineal gland around the clock.

Highest secretion levels are at night but light depresses production, even if one's eyes are shut.

A possible link between night time light exposure and breast cancer risk has been known for over a decade, since a study was published showing female shift workers were more likely to develop the disease.

Prof Haim explained that a recent study by himself and fellow colleagues had found a much stronger association than previous research between night-time bedroom light levels and breast cancer rates.

Tony Cartalucci

Tony Cartalucci

Land Destroyer

In the Council on Foreign Affairs’ (CFR) publication “Foreign Affairs,” writer Steven Cook describes ElBaradei as “A lawyer and diplomat by training,” and that he “has always played the role of the ultimate international bureaucrat — a somewhat dour technocrat whose ties to his native country seemed purposely tenuous, to allow him to more freely contribute to improving global governance,” in his piece tilted “Is El Baradei Eypt’s Hero?” He goes on to write about ElBaradei’s “National Front for Change” and how the Muslim Brotherhood has signaled support for it.

Cook also maintains the myth that ElBaradei cannot be accused of being “a stooge of the United States” side stepping his prominent position in the International Crisis Group and instead citing his clashes with the US during his time at the IAEA. It should be noted that these “clashes” did nothing to change America’s insistence on invading Iraq or its continued belligerence toward Iran.

Finally Cook finishes his piece suggesting that “not acting strongly” in support of ElBaradei would best serve America’s interests as Egyptian support for American foreign policy has long been a negative factor politically.

Indeed, if Americas’ President Obama instead supported the besieged Muburak regime it may only fuel the protests. With any luck, and in the midst of emotional and violent chaos in the streets, ElBaradei may slip in without Egyptians ever considering why the real power behind America, the media and the think-tanks they work for, is so adamantly supporting him.

Sunday, January 30, 2011

All is not what it seems in Egyptian Clashes

All is not what it seems in Egyptian Clashes

Tony Cartalucci, Contributing Writer

Activist Post

Go to the George Soros/Zbigniew Brzezinski International Crisis Group’s website and you will see that the Egyptian clashes have hit surprisingly close to home for them. That’s because none other than their own Mohamed ElBaradei, sitting on their board of trustees, is the self-proclaimed leader of the unrest unfolding across the streets of Cairo. The International Crisis Group’s recent condemnation of ElBaradei’s detention and admission of his membership amongst “the Group” is accompanied by calls for the government to stop using violence against the protesters.

It was nearly a week ago on January 16th that respected geopolitical analyst Dr. Webster Tarpley warned prophetically, “Arab governments would be well advised to keep an eye on ICG operatives in their countries,” in his piece covering the Tunisian upheaval and regime change.

CBC report “Mohamed ElBaradei: Egypt’s President-in-waiting?” just about says it all in regards to ElBaradei’s proposed role. CBC profiles his stint with the UN’s International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) and the Nobel Prize he won in the process. Similar mainstream news media stories can be found by news-searching the term “Mohamed ElBaradei.”

Wired reports “Nuke Watchdog Wants to Lead Egypt Revolt. No, Really.” While they propose ElBaradei’s aspirations to be peculiar because of his employment with the IAEA, it is his position at the ICG that makes this gambit very believable indeed. The ICG has been recently seen meddling and contributing to other color revolutions, most notably the “red” color revolution in Thailand. George Soros, who sits on the ICG’s executive committee, is no stranger to funding color revolutions, fueling class warfare, and backing a laundry list of NGO’s working as agents for the globalist agenda.

The Economist suggests that ElBaradei may not be of America’s liking because of his work in the IAEA regarding Iran. Again, they fail to mention his other job; the one in which he works with some of the most prominent American geopolitical strategists who often, very literally have the undivided attention of America’s political establishment via forums like the Council on Foreign Relations, the Trilateral Commission and the Bilderberg Group which the Economist has also recently reported on. Surely they must have bumped into ElBaradei during one these meetings the Economist claims their editor attends. - exposing feminism and the new world order - exposing feminism and the new world order

Saturday, January 29, 2011



Overcooking broccoli can kill the vital enzyme it contains

Saturday January 29,2011

By Jo Willey Have your say(2)

EATING broccoli with mustard can boost the vegetable’s cancer-fighting ability, scientists have found.

Adding radishes, rocket or wasabi, a form of Japanese horseradish, can have the same effect.

But overcooking the broccoli can kill the vital enzyme it contains. Steaming it quickly for just two to four minutes is the best way to preserve its well-known health benefits, say US scientists.

Elizabeth Jeffery, a professor of nutrition at the University of Illinois, said: “Broccoli, prepared correctly, is an extremely potent cancer-fighting agent. Three to five servings a week are enough to have an effect.”

An enzyme called myrosinase must be present for sulforaphane, broccoli’s cancer-preventing component, to form in the vegetable.

Broccoli sprouts, which are young plants just three to four days old, contain myrosinase in abundance.

Researchers found that myrosinase from the young sprouts enhances the levels of sulforaphane formed and absorbed from the broccoli when the two are eaten together.

Eating broccoli with mustard, radishes, rocket or wasabi can boost its benefits further.

Professor Jeffery said: “To get broccoli’s benefits, the enzyme myrosinase has to be present. If it’s not there, sulforaphane, broccoli’s cancer-preventive and anti-inflammatory component, doesn’t form.”

She said foods containing sulforaphane which can be teamed with broccoli to boost its benefits are mustard, radishes, rocket and wasabi.

She added: “To increase the veget­able’s benefits, you could sprinkle broccoli sprouts on your broccoli or make a mustard sauce.

“People who prefer to eat broccoli without sauce or sprouts should know that overcooking is the kiss of death for the important enzyme myrosinase.

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Fluorescent Light Bulb Warning

Experimental Weather Modification Bill on Fast Track

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By Rosalind Peterson

January 29, 2011

First EPA News Brief Summary: "WASHINGTON – The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) today updated its guidance on how to properly clean up a broken compact fluorescent lamp (CFL). [1] Included with the guidance is a new consumer brochure with CFL recycling and cleanup tips...CFLs contain a small amount of mercury sealed within the glass tubing. When a CFL breaks, some of the mercury is released as vapor and may pose potential health risks. The guidance and brochure will provide simple, user friendly directions to help prevent and reduce exposure to people from mercury pollution..." [2]

In switching from incandescent light bulbs to fluorescent light bulbs and CFLs our elected officials opened the door to a massive mercury pollution problem across the United States threatening landfills and drinking water supplies. Our elected officials have been derelict in making this information available to the public and providing the necessary hazardous waste sites available for their recycling and disposal in every local community [9]. And there should have been a massive public education campaign to inform the public about these hazards. It is too late for the fluorescent and CFL bulbs that have already been tossed into dumpsters and landfills. We now can change this process through education and laws regarding the hazardous material disposal of these bulbs [10].

According to the EPA the following list of light bulbs contain mercury: [7]

Friday, January 28, 2011

Interview with Eric Merola, Burzynski: The Movie

Interview with Eric Merola, Burzynski: The Movie

How cinnamon helps prevent diabetes

How cinnamon helps prevent diabetes

Friday, January 28, 2011 by: David Gutierrez, staff writer

(NaturalNews) A growing body of research suggests that the common spice cinnamon can help prevent and regulate diabetes.

Cinnamon is derived from the inner bark of Cinnamomum trees, and has a long history as a culinary and medicinal plant. Its uses in traditional medicine include the treatment of colds, congestion and diarrhea, and modern science has found that it is high in antioxidants that may help reduce the risk of chronic diseases and slow the progress of aging. More specifically, the spice appears promising in the fight against diabetes.

"Not only does cinnamon activate essential enzymes in the body thus stimulating the receptors in the cells so they will respond more efficiently to insulin, but it also inhibits the enzymes responsible for deactivating ... causing insulin resistance," writes David W Tanton in the book "Antidepressants, Antipsychotics, And Stimulants -- Dangerous Drugs on Trial."

"Cinnamon bark actually contains calcium, chromium, copper, iodine, iron, manganese, phosphorus, potassium, zinc, and vitamins A, Bi, B2, and C, many of which are important for the prevention or treatment of diabetes."

One review of eight studies conducted on humans concluded that cinnamon is effective at reducing blood glucose levels both between and after meals, and that supplementation may help reduce complications from diabetes.

One study, for example, found that cinnamon supplements led to lower fasting blood glucose and increased antioxidant activity. Another found that supplementation improved fasting glucose and insulin response, but that these improvements vanished when supplementation ended. In another study, cinnamon supplementation reduced not just fasting blood glucose levels, but also overall body fat percentage. It also led to an increase in lean muscle mass.

Cinnamon has even outperformed pharmaceuticals. In a study published in the "Journal of Diabetic Medicine," participants given cinnamon supplements experienced greater improvement in blood sugar levels than participants given standard diabetes drugs.

Even for those interested in pursuing cinnamon supplementation, the best way to prevent and manage Type 2 diabetes is still to maintain a healthy body weight, eat a healthy diet low in refined sugar and high in natural fiber, and exercise regularly.

Sources for this story include:

Articles Related to This Article:

• Cinnamon spice helps prevent diabetes

• Spice Up Your Smoothies with Cinnamon Nutrition

• The Cure in the Kitchen: Honey and Cinnamon can Cure Cancer and Arthritis

• Popular Cinnamon Offers Medicinal Properties and Tasty Treats

• Sugar and Spice: Learn How Cinnamon Promotes Healthy Blood Sugar Levels

• Cinnamon Balances Blood Sugar and Lowers Cholesterol

Learn more:

Monsanto's Roundup Triggers Over 40 Plant Diseases and Endangers Human and Animal Health

Monsanto's Roundup Triggers Over 40 Plant Diseases and Endangers Human and Animal Health

Friday, January 28, 2011 by: Jeffrey M. Smith

The following article reveals the devastating and unprecedented impact that Monsanto's Roundup herbicide is having on the health of our soil, plants, animals, and human population.

On top of this perfect storm, the USDA now wants to approve Roundup Ready alfalfa, which will exacerbate this calamity. Please tell USDA Secretary Vilsack not to approve Monsanto's alfalfa today. [Note: typos corrected from Jan 16th, see details]

While visiting a seed corn dealer's demonstration plots in Iowa last fall, Dr. Don Huber walked passed a soybean field and noticed a distinct line separating severely diseased yellowing soybeans on the right from healthy green plants on the left (see photo).

The yellow section was suffering from Sudden Death Syndrome (SDS), a serious plant disease that ravaged the Midwest in 2009 and '10, driving down yields and profits. Something had caused that area of soybeans to be highly susceptible and Don had a good idea what it was.

The diseased field on the right had glyphosate applied the previous season. Photo by Don Huber

Don Huber spent 35 years as a plant pathologist at Purdue University and knows a lot about what causes green plants to turn yellow and die prematurely. He asked the seed dealer why the SDS was so severe in the one area of the field and not the other. "Did you plant something there last year that wasn't planted in the rest of the field?" he asked. Sure enough, precisely where the severe SDS was, the dealer had grown alfalfa, which he later killed off at the end of the season by spraying a glyphosate-based herbicide (such as Roundup). The healthy part of the field, on the other hand, had been planted to sweet corn and hadn't received glyphosate.

This was yet another confirmation that Roundup was triggering SDS. In many fields, the evidence is even more obvious. The disease was most severe at the ends of rows where the herbicide applicator looped back to make another pass (see photo). That's where extra Roundup was applied.

Don's a scientist; it takes more than a few photos for him to draw conclusions. But Don's got more--lots more. For over 20 years, Don studied Roundup's active ingredient glyphosate. He's one of the world's experts. And he can rattle off study after study that eliminate any doubt that glyphosate is contributing not only to the huge increase in SDS, but to the outbreak of numerous other diseases. (See selected reading list.)

Sudden Death Syndrome is more severe at the ends of rows, where Roundup dose is strongest. Photo by Amy Bandy.

Roundup: The perfect storm for plant disease

More than 30% of all herbicides sprayed anywhere contain glyphosate--the world's bestselling weed killer. It was patented by Monsanto for use in their Roundup brand, which became more popular when they introduced "Roundup Ready" crops starting in 1996. These genetically modified (GM) plants, which now include soy, corn, cotton, canola, and sugar beets, have inserted genetic material from viruses and bacteria that allows the crops to withstand applications of normally deadly Roundup.

(Monsanto incentivizes farmers who buy Roundup Ready seeds to also use the company's Roundup brand of glyphosate. For example, they only provide warranties on the approved herbicide brands and offer discounts through their "Roundup Rewards" program. This has extended the company's grip on the glyphosate market, even after its patent expired in 2000.)

The herbicide doesn't destroy plants directly. It rather cooks up a unique perfect storm of conditions that revs up disease-causing organisms in the soil, and at the same time wipes out plant defenses against those diseases. The mechanisms are well-documented but rarely cited.

The glyphosate molecule grabs vital nutrients and doesn't let them go. This process is called chelation and was actually the original property for which glyphosate was patented in 1964. It was only 10 years later that it was patented as an herbicide. When applied to crops, it deprives them of vital minerals necessary for healthy plant function--especially for resisting serious soilborne diseases. The importance of minerals for protecting against disease is well established. In fact, mineral availability was the single most important measurement used by several famous plant breeders to identify disease-resistant varieties.

Glyphosate annihilates beneficial soil organisms, such as Pseudomonas and Bacillus bacteria that live around the roots. Since they facilitate the uptake of plant nutrients and suppress disease-causing organisms, their untimely deaths means the plant gets even weaker and the pathogens even stronger.

The herbicide can interfere with photosynthesis, reduce water use efficiency, lower lignin, damage and shorten root systems, cause plants to release important sugars, and change soil pH--all of which can negatively affect crop health.

Glyphosate itself is slightly toxic to plants. It also breaks down slowly in soil to form another chemical called AMPA (aminomethylphosphonic acid) which is also toxic. But even the combined toxic effects of glyphosate and AMPA are not sufficient on their own to kill plants. It has been demonstrated numerous times since 1984 that when glyphosate is applied in sterile soil, the plant may be slightly stunted, but it isn't killed (see photo).

Glyphosate with sterile soil (A) only stunts plant growth. In normal soil (B), pathogens kill the plant. Control (C) shows normal growth.

The actual plant assassins, according to Purdue weed scientists and others, are severe disease-causing organisms present in almost all soils. Glyphosate dramatically promotes these, which in turn overrun the weakened crops with deadly infections.

"This is the herbicidal mode of action of glyphosate," says Don. "It increases susceptibility to disease, suppresses natural disease controls such as beneficial organisms, and promotes virulence of soilborne pathogens at the same time." In fact, he points out that "If you apply certain fungicides to weeds, it destroys the herbicidal activity of glyphosate!"

By weakening plants and promoting disease, glyphosate opens the door for lots of problems in the field. According to Don, "There are more than 40 diseases of crop plants that are reported to increase with the use of glyphosate, and that number keeps growing as people recognize the association between glyphosate and disease."

Roundup promotes human and animal toxins

Photo by Robert Kremer

Some of the fungi promoted by glyphosate produce dangerous toxins that can end up in food and feed. Sudden Death Syndrome, for example, is caused by the Fusarium fungus. USDA scientist Robert Kremer found a 500% increase in Fusarium root infection of Roundup Ready soybeans when glyphosate is applied (see photos and chart). Corn, wheat, and many other plants can also suffer from serious Fusarium-based diseases.

But Fusarium's wrath is not limited to plants. According to a report by the UN Food and Agriculture Organization, toxins from Fusarium on various types of food crops have been associated with disease outbreaks throughout history. They've "been linked to the plague epidemics" of medieval Europe, "large-scale human toxicosis in Eastern Europe," oesophageal cancer in southern Africa and parts of China, joint diseases in Asia and southern Africa, and a blood disorder in Russia. Fusarium toxins have also been shown to cause animal diseases and induce infertility.

As Roundup use rises, plant disease skyrockets

When Roundup Ready crops were introduced in 1996, Monsanto boldly claimed that herbicide use would drop as a result. It did--slightly--for three years. But over the next 10 years, it grew considerably. Total herbicide use in the US jumped by a whopping 383 million pounds in the 13 years after GMOs came on the scene. The greatest contributor is Roundup.

Over time, many types of weeds that would once keel over with just a tiny dose of Roundup now require heavier and heavier applications. Some are nearly invincible. In reality, these super-weeds are resistant not to the glyphosate itself, but to the soilborne pathogens that normally do the killing in Roundup sprayed fields.

Having hundreds of thousands of acres infested with weeds that resist plant disease and weed killer has been devastating to many US farmers, whose first response is to pour on more and more Roundup. Its use is now accelerating. Nearly half of the huge 13-year increase in herbicide use took place in just the last 2 years. This has serious implications.

As US farmers drench more than 135 million acres of Roundup Ready crops with Roundup, plant diseases are enjoying an unprecedented explosion across America's most productive crop lands. Don rattles off a lengthy list of diseases that were once under effective management and control, but are now creating severe hardship. (The list includes SDS and Corynespora root rot of soybeans, citrus variegated chlorosis (CVC), Fusarium wilt of cotton, Verticillium wilt of potato, take-all root, crown, and stem blight of cereals, Fusarium root and crown rot, Fusarium head blight, Pythium root rot and damping off, Goss' wilt of corn, and many more.)

In Brazil, the new "Mad Soy Disease" is ravaging huge tracts of soybean acreage. Although scientists have not yet determined its cause, Don points out that various symptoms resemble a rice disease (bakanae) which is caused by Fusarium.

Corn dies young

In recent years, corn plants and entire fields in the Midwest have been dying earlier and earlier due to various diseases. Seasoned and observant farmers say they're never seen anything like it.

"A decade ago, corn plants remained green and healthy well into September," says Bob Streit, an agronomist in Iowa. "But over the last three years, diseases have turned the plants yellow, then brown, about 8 to 10 days earlier each season. In 2010, yellowing started around July 7th and yield losses were devastating for many growers."

Bob and other crop experts believe that the increased use of glyphosate is the primary contributor to this disease trend. It has already reduced corn yields significantly. "If the corn dies much earlier," says Bob, "it might collapse the corn harvest in the US, and threaten the food chain that it supports."

A question of bugs

In addition to promoting plant diseases, which is well-established, spraying Roundup might also promote insects. That's because many bugs seek sick plants. Scientists point out that healthy plants produce nutrients in a form that many insects cannot assimilate. Thus, farmers around the world report less insect problems among high quality, nutrient-dense crops. Weaker plants, on the other hand, create insect smorgasbords. This suggests that plants ravaged with diseases promoted by glyphosate may also attract more insects, which in turn will increase the use of toxic pesticides. More study is needed to confirm this.

Roundup persists in the environment

Monsanto used to boast that Roundup is biodegradable, claiming that it breaks down quickly in the soil. But courts in the US and Europe disagreed and found them guilty of false advertising. In fact, Monsanto's own test data revealed that only 2% of the product broke down after 28 days.

Whether glyphosate degrades in weeks, months, or years varies widely due to factors in the soil, including pH, clay , types of minerals, residues from Roundup Ready crops, and the presence of the specialized enzymes needed to break down the herbicide molecule. In some conditions, glyphosate can grab hold of soil nutrients and remain stable for long periods. One study showed that it took up to 22 years for glyphosate to degrade only half its volume! So much for trusting Monsanto's product claims.

Glyphosate can attack from above and below. It can drift over from a neighbors farm and wreak havoc. And it can even be released from dying weeds, travel through the soil, and then be taken up by healthy crops.

The amount of glyphosate that can cause damage is tiny. European scientists demonstrated that less than half an ounce per acre inhibits the ability of plants to take up and transport essential micronutrients (see chart).

As a result, more and more farmers are finding that crops planted in years after Roundup is applied suffer from weakened defenses and increased soilborne diseases. The situation is getting worse for many reasons.

The glyphosate concentration in the soil builds up season after season with each subsequent application. Glyphosate can also accumulate for 6-8 years inside perennial plants like alfalfa, which get sprayed over and over.

Wheat affected after 10 years of glyphosate field applications.

Glyphosate residues in the soil that become bound and immobilized can be reactivated by the application of phosphate fertilizers or through other methods. Potato growers in the West and Midwest, for example, have experienced severe losses from glyphosate that has been reactivated.

Glyphosate can find its way onto farmland accidentally, through drifting spray, in contaminated water, and even through chicken manure!

Imagine the shock of farmers who spread chicken manure in their fields to add nutrients, but instead found that the glyphosate in the manure tied up nutrients in the soil, promoted plant disease, and killed off weeds or crops. Test results of the manure showed glyphosate/AMPA concentrations at a whopping 0.36-0.75 parts per million (ppm). The normal herbicidal rate of glyphosate is about 0.5 ppm/acre.

Manure from other animals may also be spreading the herbicide, since US livestock consume copious amounts of glyphosate--which accumulates in corn kernels and soybeans. If it isn't found in livestock manure (or urine), that may be even worse. If glyphosate is not exiting the animal, it must be accumulating with every meal, ending up in our meat and possibly milk.

Add this threat to the already high glyphosate residues inside our own diets due to corn and soybeans, and we have yet another serious problem threatening our health. Glyphosate has been linked to sterility, hormone disruption, abnormal and lower sperm counts, miscarriages, placental cell death, birth defects, and cancer, to name a few. (See resource list on glyphosate health effects.)

Nutrient loss in humans and animals

The same nutrients that glyphosate chelates and deprives plants are also vital for human and animal health. These include iron, zinc, copper, manganese, magnesium, calcium, boron, and others. Deficiencies of these elements in our diets, alone or in combination, are known to interfere with vital enzyme systems and cause a long list of disorders and diseases.

Alzheimer's, for example, is linked with reduced copper and magnesium. Don Huber points out that this disease has jumped 9000% since 1990.

Manganese, zinc, and copper are also vital for proper functioning of the SOD (superoxide dismustase) cycle. This is key for stemming inflammation and is an important component in detoxifying unwanted chemical compounds in humans and animals.

Glyphosate-induced mineral deficiencies can easily go unidentified and untreated. Even when laboratory tests are done, they can sometimes detect adequate mineral levels, but miss the fact that glyphosate has already rendered them unusable.

Glyphosate can tie up minerals for years and years, essentially removing them from the pool of nutrients available for plants, animals, and humans. If we combine the more than 135 million pounds of glyphosate-based herbicides applied in the US in 2010 with total applications over the past 30 years, we may have already eliminated millions of pounds of nutrients from our food supply.

This loss is something we simply can't afford. We're already suffering from progressive nutrient deprivation even without Roundup. In a UK study, for example, they found between 16-76% less nutrients in 1991, compared to levels in the same foods in 1940.

Livestock disease and mineral deficiency

Roundup Ready crops dominate US livestock feed. Soy and corn are most prevalent--93% of US soy and nearly 70% of corn are Roundup Ready. Animals are also fed derivatives of the other three Roundup Ready crops: canola, sugar beets, and cottonseed. Nutrient loss from glyphosate can therefore be severe.

This is especially true for manganese (Mn), which is not only chelated by glyphosate, but also reduced in Roundup Ready plants (see photo). One veterinarian finds low manganese in every livestock liver he measures. Another vet sent the liver of a stillborn calf out for testing. The lab report stated: No Detectible Levels of Manganese--in spite of the fact that the mineral was in adequate concentrations in his region. When that vet started adding manganese to the feed of a herd, disease rates dropped from a staggering 20% to less than ?%.

Veterinarians who started their practice after GMOs were introduced in 1996 might assume that many chronic or acute animal disorders are common and to be expected. But several older vets have stated flat out that animals have gotten much sicker since GMOs came on the scene. And when they switch livestock from GMO to non-GMO feed, the improvement in health is dramatic. Unfortunately, no one is tracking this, nor is anyone looking at the impacts of consuming milk and meat from GM-fed animals.

Alfalfa madness, brought to you by Monsanto and the USDA

As we continue to drench our fields with Roundup, the perfect storm gets bigger and bigger. Don asks the sobering question: "How much of the hundreds of millions of pounds of glyphosate that have been applied to our most productive farm soils over the past 30 years is still available to damage subsequent crops through its effects on nutrient availability, increased disease, or reduced nutrient of our food and feed?"

Instead of taking urgent steps to protect our land and food, the USDA just made plans to make things worse. In December they released their Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) on Roundup Ready alfalfa, which Monsanto hopes to reintroduce to the market.

Alfalfa is the fourth largest crop in the US, grown on 22 million acres. It is used primarily as a high protein source to feed dairy cattle and other ruminant animals. At present, weeds are not a big deal for alfalfa. Only 7% of alfalfa acreage is ever sprayed with an herbicide of any kind. If Roundup Ready alfalfa is approved, however, herbicide use would jump to unprecedented levels, and the weed killer of choice would of course be Roundup.

Even without the application of glyphosate, the nutritional quality of Roundup Ready alfalfa will be less, since Roundup Ready crops, by their nature, have reduced mineral . When glyphosate is applied, nutrient quality suffers even more (see chart).

The chance that Roundup would increase soilborne diseases in alfalfa fields is a near certainty. In fact, Alfalfa may suffer more than other Roundup Ready crops. As a perennial, it can accumulate Roundup year after year. It is a deep-rooted plant, and glyphosate leaches into sub soils. And "Fusarium is a very serious pathogen of alfalfa," says Don. "So too are Phytophthora and Pythium," both of which are promoted by glyphosate. "Why would you even consider jeopardizing the productivity and nutrient quality of the third most valuable crop in the US?" he asks in frustration, "especially since we have no way of removing the gene once it is spread throughout the alfalfa gene pool."

It's already spreading. Monsanto had marketed Roundup Ready alfalfa for a year, until a federal court declared its approval to be illegal in 2007. They demanded that the USDA produce an EIS in order to account for possible environmental damage. But even with the seeds taken off the market, the RR alfalfa that had already been planted has been contaminating non-GMO varieties. Cal/West Seeds, for example, discovered that more than 12% of their seed lots tested positive for contamination in 2009, up from 3% in 2008.

In their EIS, the USDA does acknowledge that genetically modified alfalfa can contaminate organic and non-GMO alfalfa, and that this could create economic hardship. They are even considering the unprecedented step of placing restrictions on RR alfalfa seed fields, requiring isolation distances. Experience suggests that this will slow down, but not eliminate GMO contamination. Furthermore, studies confirm that genes do transfer from GM crops into soil and soil organisms, and can jump into fungus through cuts on the surface of GM plants. But the EIS does not adequately address these threats and their implications.

Instead, the USDA largely marches lock-step with the biotech industry and turns a blind eye to the widespread harm that Roundup is already inflicting. If they decide to approve Monsanto's alfalfa, the USDA may ultimately be blamed for a catastrophe of epic proportions.

Please send a letter to USDA Secretary Tom Vilsack, urging him not to approve Roundup Ready alfalfa, and to fully investigate the damage that Roundup and GMOs are already inflicting.

About the author:

International bestselling author and filmmaker Jeffrey M. Smith is the executive director of the Institute for Responsible Technology. His first book, Seeds of Deception: Exposing Industry and Government Lies About the Safety of the Genetically Engineered Foods You're Eating, is the world's bestselling and #1 rated book on GMOs. His second, Genetic Roulette: The Documented Health Risks of Genetically Engineered Foods, documents 65 health risks of the GM foods Americans eat everyday. To help you choose healthier, non-GMO brands, use the Non-GMO Shopping Guide.

Articles Related to This Article:

• The Hidden Dangers of Roundup

• Scientists reveal negative impact of Roundup Ready GM crops

• Monsanto: The world's poster child for corporate manipulation and deceit

• White Sugar Now Coming From Genetically-Modified Sugar Beets

• GMO Giant Monsanto Loses Another Day in Court

• Monsanto Roundup Linked to Birth Defects in New Study

Learn more:

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Warning: Scientists discover mad cow disease-causing prions infect through air

Warning: Scientists discover mad cow disease-causing prions infect through air

Thursday, January 27, 2011 by: S. L. Baker, features writer

(NaturalNews) Cancer and Alzheimer's disease are usually described as the two most dreaded health disorders. But there is probably no more ghastly way to suffer and inevitably die than to contract so-called mad cow disease or Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease. Prions are known to cause mad cow disease, also termed bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE), and Creutzfeldt-Jakob in humans. These infectious agents produce a progressive and always lethal break-down of brain cells; they literally turn brains into sponge-like mush.

It is well established that these nightmarish infections can be spread by surgical instruments contaminated by prions and, more rarely, through blood transfusions. Food made from BSE-infected cows can also induce the disease. But mainstream medicine has long insisted that prions can't cause disease in the way common flu or cold viruses do -- by traveling through the air and being inhaled into the body. In fact, the scientific community has long declared that airborne prions are no threat to health.

Turns out, they've made a deadly and dangerous mistake.

Swiss scientists at the University of Zurich, the University Hospital Zurich and the University of Tubingen have discovered and documented for the first time that inhaling prions can induce mad cow-type disease. What makes this especially alarming is that at the present time scientific laboratories, animal feed factories, slaughterhouses and other environments where prions could well be found do not have stringent measures in place to keep prions from floating around in the air -- and that means there's no protction for humans or animals breathing breathing potentially prion-laden air in these places.

The team of Swiss scientists, headed by Professor Adriano Aguzzi, placed both immunodeficient and totally healthy mice in special inhalation chambers and then exposed them to aerosols containing prions. The results? Inhaling prions induced disease with what the researchers called "frightening efficiency". Just a single minute of exposure to the prion containing aerosols was sufficient to infect 100% of the animals, Professor Aguzzi noted in a statement to the media. He added that the findings were entirely unexpected and appear to contradict the widely held view that airborne prions are innocuous.

The study, just published in the journal PLoS Pathogens, also found that the longer the exposure lasted, the shorter the time of incubation in the prion breathing mice and the sooner clinical signs of brain-destroying prion disease occurred. When inhaled, prions apparently transfer directly from the airways and rapidly colonize the brain.

The researchers concluded that their new findings suggest " may be advisable to consider the possibility of airborne prion transmission, and to create regulations aimed at minimizing the prion infection risks to humans and animals."

Editor's note: NaturalNews is opposed to the use of animals in medical experiments that expose them to harm. We present these findings in protest of the way in which they were acquired.

For more information:

Articles Related to This Article:

• Mad cow disease research breakthrough: scientists recreate prions in the lab

• Mad Cow Disease in the USA: Understand Prions, Part II

• Shocking New Evidence Shows Mad Cow Disease Prions Can Be Harbored In Humans For Decades Without Symptoms

• New study finds that mad cow disease can be transmitted through the air

• Mad cow disease prions capable of evolution, even without DNA

• New Mad Cow Test Heightens Fears

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• Mad Cow Disease in the USA: Understand Prions, Part II

• Shocking New Evidence Shows Mad Cow Disease Prions Can Be Harbored In Humans For Decades Without Symptoms

• New study finds that mad cow disease can be transmitted through the air

• Mad cow disease prions capable of evolution, even without DNA

• New Mad Cow Test Heightens Fears

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Warning: Scientists discover mad cow disease-causing prions infect through air

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adrian salbuchi

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

A Silent Forest -

A Silent Forest -

Human Bacteria In The Production Of Human Cancer

Human Bacteria In The Production Of Human Cancer

A Short Report With Photographic Evidence

© 2011 Alan Cantwell MD - All Rights Reserved


Slush fund accounts of major US politicians identified and seized at Vatican

Slush fund accounts of major US politicians identified and seized at Vatican Bank (Rome). Connection established with Daniel Dal Bosco RICO indictment, which cites Giancarlo Bruno, Silvio Berlusconi & Ban Ki Moon. On Wednesday 5th January 2011, it emerged that US establishment-related slush fund accounts had been located in, and seized from, the Vatican Bank in Rome.

The source of funds for these accounts in almost every instance was found to be the US Treasury. Beneficiaries of the covert Vatican accounts include Barack Obama, Michelle Obama and each of the Obama children, Michelle Obama’s mother, all the Bushes and the Clintons, including Chelsea Clinton, Joe Biden, Timothy Geithner, Janet Napolitano, several US Senators, including Mitch McConnell, several US Congressmen including John Boehner, several US Military Chiefs of Staff, the US Provost Marshal, the US Judge Advocate General, the US Supreme Court Chief Justice, John Roberts, several US Judges, the Pope, and several cardinals. Big money was found in each of the accounts.

The longer the beneficiaries have been in office, the greater the account balances were found to be. They range from a few million USD to more than a billion USD in the case of John Roberts. The total number of slush fund accounts so far identified at the Vatican Bank is said to be between 600 and 700. This number is likely to grow as international élite corruption investigations spread worldwide.

The disclosures have split the Roman Catholic Legatus organisation down the middle. Elizabeth Windsor (Queen Elizabeth II of England) is in the know and is intimately involved in the swirling and fissiparous covert power plays.


discussion here:

this is possibly the biggy..check it out..a theory we were shown 3 years ago is playing out..and legatus HAS gone very quiet the last month..nikki watches them like a hawk and they have backed off with news about their summit in february..i dont doubt any of this even though the sources are not always great..we have been on this gig for a while and now we see something concrete..the news that could bring a downturn?

Caveat Emptor as always..



9 Votes

Food Freedom Betrayal!

Food Freedom Betrayal!

The Best Way to Avoid Getting Cancer

The Best Way to Avoid Getting Cancer

The odds are very high that you or someone you know has cancer or has died from it, but I truly believe that we can change this widespread prevalence in the future by getting the word out about the underlying causes, and top preventive strategies, of this devastating disease.

The fact is, there is a lot that you can do right now to significantly impact your cancer risk.

Even the conservative American Cancer Society states that one-third of cancer deaths are linked to poor diet, physical inactivity, and carrying excess weight. So making healthy lifestyle changes is one of the most important ways to protect yourself from cancer.

I've detailed my top cancer prevention strategies many times before, but given that cancer is the top killer of Americans aged 45 to 74, it bears repeating. Please become familiar with this list. Share it with your family and friends and, above all else, start to integrate these choices into your daily life.

Cancer is devastating far too many families and taking many way before their time. It's time to fight back and take control of your health by following the lifestyle changes below.

•Optimize your vitamin D levels. It is estimated that if people around the world optimized their vitamin D levels, cancer deaths could be slashed by 30 percent -- which amounts to 2 million worldwide and 200,000 in the United States -- each year.

To find out the appropriate levels of vitamin D for cancer prevention and treatment, please watch my free one-hour vitamin D lecture.

•Control your insulin levels by limiting your intake of processed foods, fructose, grains and other sugars as much as possible.

•Get appropriate amounts of animal-based omega-3 fats, especially those from krill oil.

•Exercise. One of the primary reasons exercise works is that it drives your insulin levels down, and controlling insulin levels is one of the most powerful ways to reduce your cancer risks. Be sure you're familiar with Peak 8 exercises, as well, as they're incredibly effective.

Exercise is also an important part of cancer treatment, as Harvard Medical School researchers found patients who exercise moderately -- 3-5 hours a week -- reduce their odds of dying from breast cancer by about half as compared to sedentary women.

•Have effective strategies to address stress by having a tool to permanently erase the neurological short-circuiting that can activate cancer genes. Even the CDC states that 85 percent of disease is caused by emotions. It is likely that this factor may be more important than all the other physical ones listed here, so make sure this is addressed. My particular favorite tool for this purpose, as you may know, is the Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT).

•Eat according to your nutritional type; this has potent anti-cancer effects. When we treat cancer patients in our clinic, this is in fact one of the most powerful anti-cancer strategies we have. You can now find out your nutritional type for free.

•Eat more fresh vegetables. Only about 24 percent of people eat enough vegetables, so by all means eat as many vegetables as you are comfortable with. Ideally, they should be fresh and organic. You can also consider vegetable juicing.

Keep in mind that if you are a carb nutritional type you may need up to 300 percent more vegetables than a protein nutritional type.

•Maintain an ideal body weight.

•Get enough high-quality sleep.

•Reduce your exposure to environmental toxins like pesticides, household chemical cleaners, synthetic air fresheners and air pollution.

•Boil, poach or steam your foods, rather than frying or charbroiling them. Better yet eat as many of your foods raw as you can.

Related Links:

The Medical Scandal that’s Robbing Cancer Patients of Their Right to Life

Finally, Proof that Cancer is a Man-Made Disease

Why Do Doctors Prescribe Drugs that Kill the Nurses Administering Them?

Mass Death of Birds and Fish: Is There a Cover Up? Posted By Dr. Mercola | January 25 2011 |

Mass Death of Birds and Fish: Is There a Cover Up? Posted By Dr. Mercola

January 25 2011
Here are the theories listed by the Activist Post:

Mainstream Explanations: These have included lightning, hail, mid-air collision, power lines, and New Year fireworks for the birds, and a disease for the fish. But this seems like a heck of a coincidence, and where are the roasted birds from a lightning strike?

Meteor showers: During this period of intense seasonal meteor shower, some people reported hearing sonic booms in the area that might have been an indication of a local shock wave.

New Madrid Fault Line: Could it be related to the recent earthquake activity along a fault line that runs along the mid-eastern section of the U.S.? Could it have dispersed pollutants into the water and atmosphere?

Government testing: Only certain species have been affected, but within the entire region. And some reports have indicated that the organs of the birds were liquefied -- could this implicate species-specific bio-weapons?

GMOs: There are other die-offs are happening across other species, such as bees and bats. Some think they could be poisoned by genetically modified plants.

Geoengineering: Could spraying in the area have caused this?

HAARP: Both birds and fish navigate in highly coordinated ways. Could the HAARP array off in Alaska have short-circuited their navigation systems? Or is it the result of electromagnetic pollution for other human devices?

Scalar Weapons: Some wonder if the cause is directed energy beam weapons deployed via satellite.

Project Blue Beam: Another theory is a sound generator weapon.

Geomagnetic and other Earth changes: The magnetic pole is moving. Add to this a dwindling magnetosphere and falling oxygen levels, plus an increase in sun activity and magnetic storms.

Update: A Wisconsin lab has apparently determined that the birds, at least, died of blunt force trauma.


Activist Post January 6, 2011

Gizmodo January 7, 2011

Yahoo News January 6, 2011

MSNBC January 12, 2011

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Chinese Pianist Plays Propaganda Tune at White House US humiliated in eyes of Chinese by song used to inspire anti-Americanism

Chinese Pianist Plays Propaganda Tune at White House US humiliated in eyes of Chinese by song used to inspire anti-Americanism

By Matthew Robertson

Epoch Times Staff

VRM: The Rockefeller Foundation Drafts A Post-Pandemic ScenarioVRM: The Rockefeller Foundation Drafts A Post-Pandemic Scenario

VRM: The Rockefeller Foundation Drafts A Post-Pandemic ScenarioVRM: The Rockefeller Foundation Drafts A Post-Pandemic Scenario

25th July 2010 - By Joel Lord

“Will you walk into my parlour?” said the Spider to the Fly,

‘Tis the prettiest little parlour that ever you did spy;

The way into my parlour is up a winding stair,

And I’ve a many curious things to shew when you are there.”

Oh no, no,” said the little Fly, “to ask me is in vain, For who goes up your winding stair can ne’er come down again.” Spider and the Fly

Eugenics: the study of methods of improving the quality of the human race, esp by selective breeding [from Greek eugenēs well-born, from eu- + -genēs born; see -gen]. The science of improving a breed or species through the careful selection of parents. — eugenicist, n. — eugenic, adj.

Just who is pulling the strings? Many political analysts believe the Rockefeller Foundation wields more power behind the scenes than most formally elected governments. One aspect in particular raises many concerns – their influence over the course of the Pharmaceutical Industry; having monopolized every major Drug Company Board of Directors & powerful lobby group vying for drug/vaccine research & development. In addition historically the Rockefeller family financed the Eugenics movement long before the rise of Hitler’s Third Reich with substantial donations to the Kaiser Wilhelm Institute in Germany.

In America they were on the vanguard of advanced medical & scientific research.

‘J.D. Rockefeller and Averell Harriman, a business partner of Prescott Bush and George Herbert Walker in Brown Brothers Harriman, gave $11 million to create the Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory. Built on Manhattan property owned by the Dulles brothers, it spawned America’s ground-breaking “eugenics” research and the world’s first “racial hygiene” laws.

By 1907, Rockefeller funding was heavily influencing America’s medical institutions. The Rockefeller Institute created the first genetics lab in 1909. The following year, the Eugenics Research Association and the Eugenics Records Office were founded near Cold Spring Harbor, New York, on land donated by the widow of Averell Harriman. In 1911, John Foster Dulles summed up eugenics, saying that by eliminating “the weakest members of the population” a purer race could be created.’

Rockefellers & the roots of Eugenics: ‘America funded Germany’s eugenic institutions. By 1926, Rockefeller had donated some $410,000 — almost $4 million in 21st-Century money — to hundreds of German researchers. In May 1926, Rockefeller awarded $250,000 to the German Psychiatric Institute of the Kaiser Wilhelm Institute, later to become the Kaiser Wilhelm Institute for Psychiatry.

Among the leading psychiatrists at the German Psychiatric Institute was Ernst Rüdin, who became director and eventually an architect of Hitler’s systematic medical repression.

Another in the Kaiser Wilhelm Institute’s eugenic complex of institutions was the Institute for Brain Research. Since 1915, it had operated out of a single room. Everything changed when Rockefeller money arrived in 1929. A grant of $317,000 allowed the Institute to construct a major building and take center stage in German race biology. The Institute received additional grants from the Rockefeller Foundation during the next several years. Leading the Institute, once again, was Hitler’s medical henchman Ernst Rüdin. Rüdin’s organization became a prime director and recipient of the murderous experimentation and research conducted on Jews, Gypsies and others.’

Research on the H1N1 Virus/Bacterium hybrid for bioweaponry purposes traces back to a little known Rockefeller funded project. During 1942 the Rockefeller Institute for Medical Research, centered in Princeton, New Jersey, undertook a major study titled ‘Synergistic Action Of Hemophilus Influenzae Suis And The Swine influenza Virus On The Chick Embryo’ led by Frederik B. Bang, M.D. through the Department of Animal and Plant Pathology.

The darker implications of their discovery, the harnessing of animal-human live viruses & bacterium for bio-weaponry purposes (H1N1 Swine flu + H1N2 Swine flu + H5N1 Bird flu + H3N2 Human flu + Bacteria = Pandemic) cannot be ignored given the Rockefeller history of involvement in the eugenics movement; suggesting more than just a benign generosity of enlightened philanthropists at work.

“We have found that the combined infection of embryos with swine influenza virus and H. infl~nzae suis produces a highly lethal infection, while neither one alone kills many embryos. Infection with the virus allows the Hemophilus to persist longer than it does in normal embryos. Finally the combined infection has a selective destructive effect on the embryo lungs.” Frederik B. Bang, M.D/1942

HCG hormone & population control: ‘In 1989 research was conducted by the National Institute of Immunology in New Delhi India on the use of ‘carriers’ such as Tetanus Toxoid and Diphtheria to bypass the immune system and deliver the female hormone called human chorionic gonadotrophin (hCG). The research paper was carried in the Oxford University Press in 1990 and was titled “Bypass by an alternate ‘carrier’ of acquired unresponsiveness to hCG upon repeated immunization with tetanus-conjugated vaccine.”

While hCG is required to maintain pregnancy, the injection of hCG bound to Tetanus Toxoid triggers an auto-immune response, thus causing sterilization. The NII research cited above used four women as test subjects – who had been surgically sterilized prior to the experiment – and found that multiple doses of the Tetanus Toxoid hCG carrier vaccine was required in order to achieve the desired results. The research also found that if an alternate carrier such as Diphtheria was used as a booster in combination with Tetanus the sterilization vaccine would be more effective.

we know the Tetanus shots in the 1990’s were contaminated with Immune-Suppressant Contraceptive in the form of hCG, the hormone crucial to female fertility balance. By inserting HCG next to a deadly live virus into the body the immune system would react to both intruders as hostile. The end result saw hundreds of thousands of healthy women inadvertently sterilized by these shots.

The Rockefeller Foundation recently published “Scenarios for the Future of Technology and International Development’; an in depth examination of society under various degrees/types of dictatorial ‘governance’ - the implications that, given a total societal collapse, humans would willingly relinquish their already limited freedoms in exchange for manageable order; a grave reminder of how the so called ‘useless eaters’ or ‘bottom feeders’ are perceived by the elites, as essentially passive & malleable, subject to conditioning on a flowchart. The Rockefeller vision, a dystopic clinical analysis of human behavior in response to a major pandemic leaves little doubt as to the ultimate purpose behind the veil of misguided over-reaching philanthropy.

Excerpt from study: Scenario Narratives: LOCK STEP – A world of tighter top-down government control and more authoritarian leadership, with limited innovation and growing citizen pushback:

In 2012, the pandemic that the world had been anticipating for years finally hit. Unlike 2009’s H1N1, this new influenza strain — originating from wild geese — was extremely virulent and deadly. Even the most pandemic-prepared nations were quickly overwhelmed when the virus streaked around the world, infecting nearly 20 percent of the global population and killing 8 million in just seven months, the majority of them healthy young adults.

However, a few countries did fare better — China in particular. The Chinese government’s quick imposition and enforcement of mandatory quarantine for all citizens, as well as its instant and near-hermetic sealing off of all borders, saved millions of lives, stopping the spread of the virus far earlier than in other countries and enabling a swifter postpandemic recovery.

China’s government was not the only one that took extreme measures to protect its citizens from risk and exposure. During the pandemic, national leaders around the world flexed their authority and imposed airtight rules and restrictions, from the mandatory wearing of face masks to body-temperature checks at the entries to communal spaces like train stations and supermarkets. Even after the pandemic faded, this more authoritarian control and oversight of citizens and their activities stuck and even intensified. In order to protect themselves from the spread of increasingly global problems — from pandemics and transnational terrorism to environmental crises and rising poverty — leaders around the world took a firmer grip on power.

At first, the notion of a more controlled world gained wide acceptance and approval. Citizens willingly gave up some of their sovereignty — and their privacy — to more paternalistic states in exchange for greater safety and stability. Citizens were more tolerant, and even eager, for top-down direction and oversight, and national leaders had more latitude to impose order in the ways they saw fit. In developed countries, this heightened oversight took many forms: biometric IDs for all citizens, for example, and tighter regulation of key industries whose stability was deemed vital to national interests. In many developed countries, enforced cooperation with a suite of new regulations and agreements slowly but steadily restored both order and, importantly, economic growth.

Technology trends and applications we might see:

• Scanners using advanced functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) technology become the norm at airports and other public areas to detect abnormal behavior that may indicate “antisocial intent.”

• In the aftermath of pandemic scares, smarter packaging for food and beverages is applied first by big companies and producers in a business-to-business environment, and then adopted for individual products and consumers.

• New diagnostics are developed to detect communicable diseases. The application of health screening also changes; screening becomes a prerequisite for release from a hospital or prison, successfully slowing the spread of many diseases.

• Tele-presence technologies respond to the demand for less expensive, lowerbandwidth, sophisticated communications systems for populations whose travel is restricted.

• Driven by protectionism and national security concerns, nations create their own independent, regionally defined IT networks, mimicking China’s firewalls. Governments have varying degrees of success in policing internet traffic, but these efforts nevertheless fracture the “World Wide” Web.


USC Sec. 1524/TITLE 50 – WAR AND NATIONAL DEFENSE: CHAPTER 32 (CHEMICAL AND BIOLOGICAL WARFARE PROGRAM): ‘The Secretary of Defense may enter into agreements with the Secretary of Health and Human Services to provide support for vaccination programs of the Secretary of Health and Human Services in the United States through use of the excess peacetime biological weapons defense capability of the Department of Defense.’

“We are grateful to the Washington Post, the New York Times, Time magazine and other great publications whose directors have attended our meetings and respected the promises of discretion for almost forty years. It would have been impossible for us to develop our plan for the world if we had been subject to the bright lights of publicity during those years. But, the world is now more sophisticated and prepared to march towards a world-government. The supranational sovereignty of an intellectual elite and world bankers is surely preferable to the National autodetermination practiced in past centuries.” David Rockefeller in an address to a Trilateral Commission meeting in June of 1991

“For more than a century ideological extremists at either end of the political spectrum have seized upon well-publicized incidents such as my encounter with Castro to attack the Rockefeller family for the inordinate influence they claim we wield over American political and economic institutions. Some even believe we are part of a secret cabal working against the best interests of the United States, characterizing my family and me as ‘internationalists’ and of conspiring with others around the world to build a more integrated global political and economic structure–one world, if you will. If that’s the charge, I stand guilty, and I am proud of it.” David Rockefeller’s ‘Memoirs’

“Whatever the price of the Chinese Revolution, it has obviously succeeded not only in producing more efficient and dedicated administration, but also in fostering high morale and community of purpose. The social experiment in China under Chairman Mao’s leadership is one of the most important and successful in human history.” David Rockefeller

“The world has a cancer, and that cancer is man.” Merton Lambert, former spokesman for the Rockefeller Foundation

Olbermann Ouster: Immelt Helps Obama with his Left Flank on the Eve of a Monstrous State of the Union to Address

Olbermann Ouster: Immelt Helps Obama with his Left Flank on the Eve of a Monstrous State of the Union to Address


Obama talks to Jeffrey Immelt during a meeting with members of his Economic Recovery Advisory Board on May 20, 2009 in Washington, DC. Webster G. Tarpley

January 22, 2011

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Elizabeth II's Achilles' Heel

Elizabeth II's Achilles' Heel

January 22, 2011

Elizabeth II and the missing Stone of Destiny

"The proof of Elizabeth's fraud is the fake stone sitting in Edinburgh castle right now for anyone to go see."

by Debra Siddons


Truth-seekers often know Fritz Springmeier's classic, Bloodlines of the Illuminati, and most people on Earth know Elizabeth Mountbatten (also known by criminal aliases Windsor and QE2). Unfortunately not many know about Elizabeth's ancient bloodline and why, out of all the Illuminazis, hers is perhaps the most timely to consider at present.

To start, Elizabeth Mountbatten, the woman claiming to be the queen of Britain, is, without doubt, descended from the ancient King David whose story many will know from the Bible.

It's too much to include here, but the true and verifiable genealogy of the British royals has been published in many books for over a hundred of years and is also widely available for viewing online. For reference: King David to "queen" Elizabeth.

The "royal" family knows their own history full well, including that they and the British people are part of the "Lost" tribes of Israel (Ephraim.) However, they certainly don't go out of their way to educate the "commoners" about these facts (quite the opposite really.) But, despite all the disinformation over the years, this ancient heritage of the British royal family is true and bullet-proof.

Elizabeth's grandmother, the legitimate queen Victoria, was so proud of her lineage that she had a large poster put up in Windsor castle, showing the family bloodline back to David. It is far too expansive a subject to discuss here, but knowing what became of all the "Lost" tribes of Israel helps to understand this overall subject and plenty of others. That information can be easily looked at here: Twelve Tribes of Israel.

As a disclaimer, it should be stated and understood that the royal line of David has almost never produced good stewards to the people of Earth. This is stated clearly in the Bible and has been proven by history. Even David's infamous son, king Solomon, is recorded as having turned to witchcraft and occultism by the end of his life, and many practitioners of the occult know of Solomon's contributions to their "religion". History is rife with other examples showing this ancient Israelite bloodline's consistently despicable actions, including their working with other "black nobility", such as the Rothschilds, to bring about the satanic New World Order.

In the brilliant book by John Coleman called, The Conspirator's Hierarchy: The Committee of 300, he states that, basically, Elizabeth (or whoever holds the British monarch) is at the top of the NWO-pyramid with only a small handful of evil peers. So, those that may have fallen for the disinfo that Elizabeth is just a figurehead should think again. Her and her family are far from just figureheads.

The reason that Elizabeth and her family are of timely importance is because her power is probably the easiest to take away out of all the top Illuminati families, and taking her down would shake the NWO super-structure to its core.

Then there is the "Stone of Destiny", which very few people outside of Britain have ever heard of. The absolute shortest version of events is that it was the rock Jacob, the Biblical patriarch of Israel, used as a pillow when he slept in a cave outside Bethel and dreamed of angels ascending and descending to Heaven. Upon awakening from his sleep, Jacob anointed the Stone with oil and turned it into the seat, or Throne, of the Israelite people (not the modern-day Khazarian "Israelis"). History has now shown and proven that absolutely every single legitimate king or queen of Israel has been crowned sitting or standing upon this Stone/Throne.

Every single one of them--except Elizabeth.

In World War 2, when the Nazis were bombing London, it was not the crown jewels that were taken to safety; it was this Stone of Destiny. .

To the great dismay of king George (and his daughter Elizabeth -- now "QE2"), the Stone was taken from Westminster Abbey on Christmas Day of 1950 by a group of four Scottish nationalists, lead by a brave man named Ian Hamilton. Mr. Hamilton authored a book recounting the endeavor called, Taking of the Stone of Destiny. In it he wrote: "Privately we learned that he (George VI) had a superstitious fear that the loss portended the end of his dynasty."

After the four Scots took the real Stone of Destiny back to their homeland and hid it safely, they took a fake sandstone block that had been used to practice and train with, then wrapped it in a Scottish national flag before leaving it at the symbolic Arbroath Abbey in Scotland, where the English authorities found and retrieved it.

The real Stone has not been seen publicly since 1950, but a valid picture of it prior to its removal from Wesminster Abbey, along with a film on the subject and a far more detailed account of the Stone's true history, can be seen here: The Lia Fail - Stone of Destiny. Unfortunately the only pictures available are black and white, but many first-hand historical accounts all recorded the same thing, that the real Stone was a reddish/purplish type of porphyry rock.

The similarly sized block of sandstone that was only acquired to practice on, not even made to look like a qualified replica and substitute for the real thing, is the "stone of destiny" now wrongly on display at Edinburgh castle, and this is a picture of it: fake stone in Edinburgh.

So, anyone that had seen the real Stone would have immediately known this sandstone block was a fake, including both king George and his daughter Elizabeth.

The linked pictures, alongside the aforementioned quote from George (of which there are others), all help prove the royals knew the returned stone was a fake. But it was Elizabeth's actions surrounding her 1953 Coronation that really drove the point home.

When her father George died, Elizabeth did everything she could to stop her Coronation from being televised, because she was terrified that people would see that the stone being used for her coronation was a fake. It was perfectly obvious to her, so she feared it would be obvious to everyone else too. Public demands forced her to relent, but a strict rule was passed that absolutely no close-ups could be shot.

More recently, and because this information was pieced together by prolific researcher John Hill (who is now in prison because of his discoveries,) the fake sandstone that Elizabeth was "crowned" on has been sent to Scotland because Elizabeth wants to get rid of the evidence of her fraud. If she still had the real Stone of Destiny it would be under 24-hour armed guard, and would never be given to anyone else, but she doesn't have it.

For those interested in prophecy, the book of Ezekiel talks about these events, saying:

21:25 And thou, profane wicked prince of Israel, whose day is come, when inequity shall have an end,

21:26 Thus saith the Lord God; Remove the diadem (sovereignty), and take off the crown: this shall not be the same: exalt him that is low, and abase him that is high.

21:27 I will overturn (1st), overturn (2nd), overturn (3rd), it: and it shall be no more, overturned (4th) UNTIL he come whose Right it is; and I will give it him - Shiloh (Gen. 49:10).

To understand all the details of the Stone's full history, the reference link above will need to be looked at, but three of the overturns have already come and gone, and the fourth overturn began in 1950 when the Stone was taken from Elizabeth, but has not been completed yet.

Overturn 1: From Jerusalem to Ireland (Hill of Tara) in 6th century BC.

Overturn 2: From Ireland to Scotland (first Argyll, then Dunstaffnage) around 5th century AD.

Overturn 3: From Scotland to England (London - Westminster Abbey) in 1296 AD.

4th and Final Overturn: Began when the Stone was taken from Westiminster Abbey in 1950 AD.

If you look again at Elizabeth's royal genealogy, you will see that the valid and legitimate royal bloodline of David follows the path of the Stone perfectly, because ALL of the people/royals in that bloodline knew of the origins, prophecies, and great importance of the Stone of Destiny.

If more people know about this, and start demanding answers with one voice, it could turn into a nightmarish scenario for Elizabeth, because it has the potential to drag her down and put her in prison for fraud, theft, and treason. "Off with her head!"

People have spent a huge amount of time demanding Obama's birth certificate, but Obama is just an interchangeable pawn, whereas Elizabeth is a major, life-long Illuminati figure, heading one of Earth's most evil but influential families. Without access to Hawaii state records, we don't really have bullet-proof evidence of Obama's ineligibility. Fortunately for us, the proof of Elizabeth's fraud is the fake stone sitting in Edinburgh castle right now for anyone to go see.

So, please share this with everyone. :-)

Because of the highly covered-up nature of this story, finding factual information on this subject is very difficult, which is why this is a must read for those with further interest: Stone of Destiny.


Debra Siddons works as a freelance reporter and Truth activist,

covering topics of religious, political, and historical importance.

She can be contacted at

22 Facts Reflecting The Demise Of California

22 Facts Reflecting The Demise Of California


The following are 22 facts about California that make you wonder why anyone would still want to live in that hellhole of a state....

#1 The California state government is facing a potential state budget deficit of 19 billion dollars this year, and California debt is rapidly approaching junk status. One way or another the taxpayers of California are going to have to pay for this mess somehow.

#2 California Governor Jerry Brown recently unveiled a "draconian" budget plan for 2011 that includes 12 billion dollars more in spending cuts and that maintains 12 billion dollars in recent tax increases.

#3 The state of California currently has the third highest state income tax in the nation: a 9.55% tax bracket at $47,055 and a 10.55% bracket at $1,000,000.

#4 California has the highest state sales tax rate in the nation by far at 8.25%. Indiana has the next highest at 7%.

#5 Residents of California pay the highest gasoline taxes (over 67 cents per gallon) in the United States.

#6 California had more foreclosure filings that any other U.S. state in 2010. The546,669 total foreclosure filings during the year means that over 4 percent of all the housing units in the state of California received a foreclosure filing at some point during 2010.

#7 Home prices in some areas of California have completely fallen off a cliff. For example, the average home in Merced, California has declined in value by 63 percent over the past four years.

#8 725 new laws (most of them either completely pointless or completely stupid) went into effect in the state of California on January 1st.

#9 20 percent of the residents of Los Angeles County are now receiving public aid of one kind or another.

#10 The number of people unemployed in the state of California is approximately equal to the populations of Nevada, New Hampshire and Vermont combined.

#11 In some areas of California, the level of unemployment is absolutely nightmarish. For example, 24.3 percent of the residents of El Centro, California are now unemployed.

#12 Residents of California pay some of the highest electricity prices in the entire nation.

#13 The state of California ranks dead last out of all 50 states in the number of emergency rooms per million people.

#14 According to one survey, approximately 1 out of every 4 Californians under the age of 65 has absolutely no health insurance.

#15 At one point last year it was reported that in the area around Sacramento, California there was one closed business for every six that were still open.

#16 In the late 70s, California was number one in per-pupil spending on education, but now the state has fallen to 48th place.

#17 In one school district in California, children as young as five years old are being forced to watch propaganda films that tout the benefits of "alternative lifestyles", and parents are being told that no "opting out" will be permitted.

#18 The crime rate in the San Diego school system is escalating out of control. The following is what San Diego School Police Chief Don Braun recently told the pressabout the current situation....

"Violent crime in schools has risen 31 percent. Property crime has risen 12 percent. Weapons violations (have gone up) almost 8 percent."

#19 Oakland, California Police Chief Anthony Batts announced last year that due to severe budget cuts there are a number of crimes that his department will simply not be able to respond to any longer. The crimes that the Oakland police will no longer be responding to include grand theft, burglary, car wrecks, identity theft and vandalism.

#20 Things have gotten so bad in Stockton, California that the police union put up a billboard with the following message: "Welcome to the 2nd most dangerous city in California. Stop laying off cops."

#21 During one recent 23 year period, the state of California built 23 prisons but just one university.

#22 The farther you look into the future, the worse California's financial problems become. According to an article in the Wall Street Journal, California's unfunded pension liability is estimated to be somewhere between $120 billion and $500 billion at this point.

So could the state of California actually go bankrupt?

In Washington D.C., some lawmakers are now working very hard behind the scenes to come up with a way to allow individual U.S. states to declare bankruptcy.

If something like that is worked out in Washington, then certainly the state of California would potentially be one of the first states to take advantage of it.

U.S. government commits avian holocaust with mass poisoning of millions of birds

U.S. government commits avian holocaust with mass poisoning of millions of birds

Saturday, January 22, 2011

by Mike Adams, the Health Ranger

Editor of (See all articles...)

(NaturalNews) The United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) is engaged in what can only be called an avian holocaust through its Bye Bye Blackbird program that has poisoned tens of millions of birds over the last decade. The USDA even reports the number of birds it has poisoned to death in a PDF document posted on the USDA website.

Anticipating the USDA possibly removing that document, we have posted a copy on NaturalNews servers at:

The original source URL of this file was:

This document shows that, just in 2009, the following bird populations were poisoned and killed by the U.S. Department of Agriculture, using taxpayer dollars:

(Listed as "Intentional" and "Killed / Euthanized")

Brown-headed cowbirds: 1,046,109

European Starlings: 1,259,714

Red-winged blackbirds: 965,889

Canadian geese: 24,519

Grackles: 93,210

Pigeons: 96,297 tens of thousands of crows, doves, ducks, falcons, finches, gulls, hawks, herons, owls, ravens, sparrows, swallows, swans, turkeys, vultures and woodpeckers, among other animals.

The chart even shows that the USDA "unintentionally" euthanized one Bald Eagle.

Also murdered in 2009 by the USDA are victims of other species:

27,000 beavers, 1700 bobcats, 81,000 coyotes, 2,000 gray foxes, 336 mountain lions, 1900 woodchucks, 130 porcupines, 12,000 raccoons, 20,000 squirrels, 30,000 wild pigs, 478 wolves.

See the list yourself at:

The mass-murdering U.S. government that disavows violence?

Keep in mind that murdering animals is an act of violence. Yet in the wake of the recent Giffords shooting, we have U.S. government officials running around screaming about how much they disavow violence, saying things like "violence should never be used to resolve problems."

But their actions say something different: Violence against non-human life forms is not only tolerated and approved by the federal government, but even encouraged. Through these mass killings of birds, cougars, ducks and other animals, the United States federal government is actively engaged in widespread acts of violence against nature, murdering literally millions of animals on an annual basis.

Keep in mind that the numbers shown above are only for 2009. A similar number of animals were killed by the USDA all the other years, too, going all the way back to the 1960's when the "Bye Bye Blackbird" program was first initiated.

By my estimates, the USDA has actively murdered at least 100 million animals in America over the last four decades, putting this on the scale of an animal holocaust and a crime against nature.

Don't speak of crosshairs or straight shooting

In the politically correct language-muzzled aftermath of the Giffords shooting, the mere mention of the term "crosshairs" is enough to evoke an on-air apology on network news programs. Now you can't say someone is a "straight shooter," either.

But if you work for the USDA, you can murder animals by the tens of millions and virtually no network news outlet even covers the story. It's not enough, apparently, that humans have already caused widespread destruction of animal habitat across North America; now our own government is actively murdering literally millions of animals every year.

And for what? What is the justification for these actions? According to the USA, these animals are a "nuisance" to farmers.

When is it okay to kill an animal?

I have great admiration for farmers, and I understand that there are times when predators can get out of control and cause a lot of damage. Coyotes can get into the chicken coop and kill your chickens, so on most farms and ranches, coyotes are considered live target practice at every opportunity. That's why nearly all U.S. ranchers own rifles as tools which are used for sniping at groundhogs and moles which tend to take more than their fair share of garden vegetables.

I know one rancher who was trying to plant an orchard and woke up one morning to find his newly planted trees had all been destroyed by a small band of hyperactive beavers. Needless to say, those beavers ended up right in the crosshairs of a utility 22 rifle.

I also understand that wild pigs (feral swine) can root up valuable crops in their search for food. There are times when certain types of animals can become very difficult for ranchers and farmers to deal with. Although I personally don't enjoy the thought of it, I can at least understand that there might be an economic justification in the minds of farmers and ranchers to kill certain animals which are destroying their crops (or chickens, or orchards). I've never met a farmer or rancher who simply killed animals for the fun of it. The ammo is too expensive, and farmers don't have that kind of time to waste in the first place. Most farmers, by the way, have a very high respect for life and only kill when they feel they have no available alternative.

But since when did sparrows, starlings and blackbirds ever pose a real threat to anyone? They're not going to fly off with your cow, and to blame these birds for eating the grain being fed to the cows is ridiculous in the first place because cows aren't supposed to eat grain.

Cows are supposed to eat grass. If you are running a cow operation where the birds are eating your grain and you think the birds are the problem, the real problem is that you're feeding cows the wrong food! If you raise your cows on grass, the birds don't get into the grain and you don't have to poison the birds.

You see, when one ecological element gets out of balance (feeding grain to cows, for example), it then causes another problem that must be dealt with in some other destructive way (such as poisoning the birds). This cycle of disharmony continues and escalates until entire ecosystems are out of whack. Then the USDA shows up with a pickup truck full of poison bait and goes to work poisoning animals.

The solution isn't to keep poisoning animals and trying to control populations through toxic chemicals but rather to return to holistic web-of-life farming methods that work in harmony with nature rather than treating nature as the enemy.

Then again, we are talking about the U.S. Department of Agriculture here. And while the USDA has a great number of truly useful programs (such as their USDA organic label, which is a high-integrity program), the agency as a whole remains steeped in the conventional agricultural mythology of pesticides, GMOs and "poisoning varmints."

How the federal government is abusing your tax dollars

All of this really makes me wonder about the whole argument of Big Government versus small government. The argument of those who say we should all pay our taxes is that the government needs your money to "build roads and schools."

What they don't bother to mention is that the government is also using your money in very destructive ways, too, such as poisoning animals and pushing GMOs into European nations (

Personally, I am ethically and morally opposed to my money being used for such destructive purposes. And even though I continue to pay my taxes, I do so under strong protest to the reality that my own government is committing an avian holocaust -- a crime against nature -- with the help of the dollars I reluctantly send to Washington.

The very thought of it makes me sick. I would be more than happy to contribute money to actually building schools and roads. But to see my hard-earned dollars used by the USDA to murder innocent animals is extremely offensive, and it is a violation of my own ethics and principles. My main purpose in serving as the editor of has been to protect life. And in my mind, that protection extends beyond human life. I believe we also have a reasonable obligation to protect the life of the animals around us -- and the very ecosystems upon which we ultimately depend.

Although I can understand certain rare cases in which eliminating an animal may be the only logical choice for a farmer who is losing his crops and whose livelihood is at stake, it seems that the current killing of animals by the USDA is wildly indiscriminate and lacks proper moral or even economic justification.

Poisoning the humans, too?

It also brings up the bigger question that I posed in a previous article on this topic: If the U.S. government thinks nothing of murdering tens of millions of birds and mammals who have become a "nuisance," then what happens when the human population becomes "too large" and needs to be controlled, too?

Will they simply feed us poison and hope we die off like the birds?

I might suggest that program is already under way. It's called water fluoridation. Food additives. Vaccines. Pharmaceuticals.

And the government doesn't call it murder, by the way. They refer to it as "euthanasia."

The only difference is they're killing the humans more slowly.

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