Wednesday, February 28, 2018
Turmeric Extract May Prevent, Even Reverse Diabetes (Type 1 and 2)
Turmeric Extract May Prevent, Even Reverse Diabetes (Type 1 and 2)
9Posted on: Sunday, August 30th 2015 at 3:45 pm
Written By: Sayer Ji, Founder
This article is copyrighted by GreenMedInfo LLC, 2015
What if the long sought after "cure" for diabetes was as safe, affordable, and accessible as a spice sitting in your kitchen cupboard?
Leave your drugs in the chemist's pot if you can cure the patient with food."
-Hippocrates, 420 BC
Slowly but surely the world is waking up to the reality that diabetes is not only a preventable but a reversible condition, and that the drug-based model of symptom suppression and disease management has fatal flaws. For instance, some of the drugs used to treat type 2 diabetes actually increase the risk of death, with a recent study showing GMO insulin given to type 2 diabetics may lead to the development of so-called "double diabetes": type 2 and type 1 diabetes, together. Clearly, if medicine can't at least abide by its founding principle to "do no harm," it must seek the answer somewhere other than from the "chemist's pot."
As the pharmaceutically-driven medical paradigm continues to lose adherents by the droves, and the public seeks a system that identifies and resolves the root causes of disease, interest is growing in the use of natural substances and lifestyle modifications to prevent and treat blood sugar disorders. And unlike a few decades ago, where most of the evidence for "natural healing" was anecdotal, there are now thousands of studies on hundreds of natural substances and therapeutic activities that may ameliorate blood sugar disorders and their complications. You can check out a good portion of the relevant research on the topic on's blood sugar disorder database.
While plants like cinnamon and gymnema sylvestre have received plenty of attention for diabetes over the years, one special plant extract that is beginning to stand out from the crowd as being exceptionally valuable as an anti-diabetic agent is turmeric. There are, in fact, 21 articles on turmeric's value in type 2 diabetes on our database alone.
Turmeric's primary polyphenol curcumin is the main compound in the plant that has been researched for it's blood sugar regulating properties. One particularly striking study, published in the American Diabetic Association's own journal, Diabetes Care, found turmeric extract to be 100% effective in preventing pre-diabetics from developing type 2 diabetes -- a feat of prevention that no FDA approved drug for type 2 diabetes has yet come even close to accomplishing.
Turmeric Extract May Reverse Pancreatic Damage In Type 1 Diabetes
It turns out that this spice may be a powerful therapeutic intervention for more than just type 2 diabetics. Pre-clinical research now reveals it may have a role in reversing pancreatic damage in insulin-dependent, type 1 diabetics, who are routinely told that their condition can not be cured. Type 1 diabetics are rarely educated to the fact that the root cause of their disorder can be addressed: namely, that the deficiency and/or dysfunction of the beta cells in the pancreas responsible for producing insulin can be repaired, as well as the autoimmune issues at the heart of the problem.
Back in 2013, an exciting study published in the journal Diabetology & Metabolic Syndrome titled, "The effect of a novel curcumin derivative on pancreatic islet regeneration in experimental type-1 diabetes in rats (long term study)," found that diabetic rats who received a novel water-soluble, high concentrate (53.21%) curcumin derivative orally for 40 days showed an improvement of their plasma glucose, insulin and C-peptide (a marker for the health and insulin producing capability of the beta cells) levels, that began after about 4 months, and continued to improve until the 10 month mark, when their values were almost completely normalized and evidence of significant pancreatic regeneration could be observed. The researchers concluded the novel curcumin derivative (NCD): "...possesses antidiabetic actions and enhanced pancreatic islets regeneration."
The daily dose used in this rodent study (80 mg/kg) was the body weight equivalent of 6,400 mg or 6.4 grams of curcumin for an average North American male adult (80 kilograms/176 lbs). Rodent and human physiology is, of course, radically different, but significant crossovers nonetheless do exist. In another article, titled "Why Turmeric May Be the Diseased Liver's Best Friend," we reviewed research indicating that turmeric may help to reverse damage in and even regenerate the diabetic liver, as well as safety literature on what is a safe human dose:
A 2001 study in cancer patients reported that quantities of curcumin up to 8 g, administered per day for three months, were not toxic and resulted in significant anti-cancer properties in a number of those treated.[5] Considering that turmeric is only 3-4% curcumin by weight, this implies that a larger quantity of turmeric can be consumed safely, as well.
Given that organ transplantation (pancreatic islet transplants) is exceedingly expensive and prohibitive due to a lack of donor material and the potential for rejection by the host, the notion that a safe, affordable, and non-prescription spice extract like curcumin may have significant therapeutic value and may even regenerate damaged pancreatic tissue, is truly exciting. That said, it should be noted that since curcumin is not patentable, it is unlikely the 800 million dollars or more needed to fund the requisite clinical trials needed to obtain FDA drug approval will materialize. Because the so-called "evidence" needed to justify the use of a new treatment is locked behind an insurmountably high paywall, don't count on randomized, controlled, trials being performed on this "natural cure" in the near or distant future.
In this study, the authors surmised that the ameliorative effects curcumin treatment on type 1 diabetic rodents observed were the result of beta cell regeneration and they explained the theory behind how this works:
Each tissue or organ is believed to contain a small sub-population of cells that is capable of self-renewal and has the ability to give rise to each mature cell type [47]. Thus, one of the most promising sources of beta cells might be pancreatic stem cells.
The researchers theorized that curcumin likely produces,
"...a favorable systemic and pancreatic environment to foster bone marrow transplantation and islet neogenesis. Accordingly, administration of curcumin; as an established anti-inflammatory and immune modulatory drug; would likely boost and preserve the process of islet regeneration; which was evidently proven true in this study."
Curcumin's "immunomodulatory" benefit in type 1 diabetes, also known as autoimmune diabetes, appears to be based on it reducing the activity of the host immune system in attacking self-structures. In fact, another recent study, published in 2014 in the journal Clinical and Experimental Immunology titled, "Curcumin ameliorates autoimmune diabetes. Evidence in accelerated murine models of type 1 diabetes," found that curcumin down-regulates the T cell response that destroys pancreatic beta cells, resulting in an improvement in autoimmune or type 1 diabetes.
It is important for the reader to know that curcumin is not a magic bullet; nor is it the only natural substance studied to have potential beta cell regenerative properties. Indeed, pancreatic regeneration has been induced experimentally for at least 23 different natural substances. We have a keyword dedicated to indexing relevant research on the topic here: beta cell regeneration. We've highlighted 10 of the most compelling ones in our article, "10 Natuaral Substances That Could Help Cure Type 1 Diabetes."
As the research continues to accumulate on the value of natural substances for disease prevention and treatment, it is clear the future of medicine will rely on returning to the wisdom of the ancients, where Hippocrates' fundamental principle that one can "cure the patient with food" is once again passionately embraced.
Sayer Ji is founder of, a reviewer at the International Journal of Human Nutrition and Functional Medicine, Co-founder and CEO of Systome Biomed, Vice Chairman of the Board of the National Health Federation, Steering Committee Member of the Global Non-GMO Foundation.
Disclaimer: This article is not intended to provide medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Views expressed here do not necessarily reflect those of GreenMedInfo or its staff.
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Turmeric And Diabetes
Is The Cure for Diabetes A Humble Root?
Posted on: Wednesday, February 28th 2018 at 3:30 am
Written By: Sayer Ji, Founder
This article is copyrighted by GreenMedInfo LLC, 2018
Billions are spent annually and still there is no conventional cure for diabetes. Or is there a cheap, safe and freely available solution already growing beneath our feet?
Diabetes is a very big business, representing tens of billion of dollars in pharmaceutical drug sales annually. Tragically, while the number of diabetes diagnoses continue to expand globally the drugs themselves, including recombinant (GMO produced) insulin, appear to actually increase mortality. Upton Sinclair nailed the problem on its head when he stated:
"It is difficult to get a man to understand something, when his salary depends on his not understanding it."
In other words, the resistance within the conventional medical system against finding both the causes and the cures for the diabetes epidemic is institutional, and economically-motivated, which is to say fundamentally unethical.
This happens to be why alternative health sites like continue to enjoy expanding popularity around the world. There is no shortage of research on natural solutions to both type 1 and type 2 diabetes, but with the mainstream media's primary funding coming from Big Pharma, the storylines either completely ignore or are pitted against the natural solutions we regularly report on. Back in 2014, for instance, we reported on a truly groundbreaking finding published in the American Diabetes Association's very own journal, Diabetes Care, which found a turmeric extract (curcumin) was 100% effective in preventing the progression from pre-diabetes to diabetes (type 2).
Obviously, turmeric possesses a wide range of side benefits, making this finding all the more promising for those under conventional care. Clearly, if these spectacular results had been obtained through an FDA approved drug instead of a plant that grows freely, it would have made global headlines as one of the greatest achievements of modern pharmaceutical medicine history.
Fortunately, it appears that academic interest in turmeric and diabetes is picking up.
A recent report, focused on the work of an Indian scientist, Professor Manohar Gang, working out o the University of Newcastle's Nutraceuticals Research Group, suggests that turmeric's anti-diabetic properties are related to its well known anti-inflammatory properties. Professor Gang is presently designing a clinical trial that will look at this connection in depth:
"The root cause of type 2 diabetes is systemic inflammation, which impacts insulin secretion and function" Professor Garg explains. "We want to nip the inflammation in the bud."
Professor Gang is leading a randomized, controlled trial that will test the effects of both turmeric and omega-3 fatty acids:
"The anti-inflammatory mechanisms surrounding curcumin and omega-3 fats are different, so we want to test if they complement each other and have treatment synergies beyond their individual effects," Professor Garg added. "Our thinking is that the combination is safe, free of any side- effects and may prove to be as effective as drugs used for management of diabetes". already houses a wide range of studies on both turmeric and omega-3 fatty acid's anti-inflammatory and anti-diabetic properties, along with extensive research on over 1700 other natural substances.
You can view the anti-type 1 Diabetes research on turmeric here, and the anti-type 2 Diabetes research on turmeric here. Or, take a look at the 120 studies on our database on turmeric's anti-inflammatory properties. You can also explore the role of omega-3 fatty acids in inflammation reduction and blood sugar balancing on our omega-3 database page here.
But don't be mesmerized by magic bullets.
It should be noted that while turmeric and/or omega-3 fatty acids may provide a greatly superior alternative to conventional drug therapy for blood sugar disorders like type 1 and type 2 diabetes, there is a tendency to mistakenly over-identify with the allopathic model of disease by simply reproducing the same assumptions and addressing symptoms palliatively with would-be "nutraceutical magic bullets." It is not our intention to replicate or reinforce these misunderstandings. A truly sustainable and root-cause-resolution oriented approach to managing and even resolving diabetes would look at factors such as heavy metal and petrochemical accumulations, hormone imbalance, nutritional incompatibilities, deficiencies and excesses, lack of adequate exercise, mind-body stress reduction techniques and mindfulness, etc. It is only through addressing the whole person that you can arrive at a true resolution of the underlying conditions that have lead one to a conventional diagnosis. For further research to support you in your task, visit our Blood Sugar Disorders, which collates both the first-hand biomedical research on natural/functional medical interventions, as well as articles aimed to translate in lay person terminology the import of these studies.
Also, learn more about turmeric's amazing health benefits in our video below:
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Sayer Ji is founder of, a reviewer at the International Journal of Human Nutrition and Functional Medicine, Co-founder and CEO of Systome Biomed, Vice Chairman of the Board of the National Health Federation, Steering Committee Member of the Global Non-GMO Foundation.
Disclaimer: This article is not intended to provide medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Views expressed here do not necessarily reflect those of GreenMedInfo or its staff.
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Vitamin B6 and cancer risk
What is the ‘real deal’ about vitamin B6 and your cancer risk?

For example, a recent study made headlines recently by linking high dosages of B6 (and B12) to higher risk for lung cancer in some people. (more on this ‘bad’ news, later on in this article)
Does vitamin B6 prevent lung cancer or not?
Vitamin B6 is essential for nerve and brain function.
Vitamin B6 is needed for dozens of functions in the body. It is vital for proper nerve function, hormonal health and metabolism.
In addition, it helps provide energy from the food we eat, balances blood sugar levels, is a natural pain reliever, improves cognitive function and mood (it assists in the formation of the neurohormone GABA, or gamma-Aminobutyric acid ) and is a vital substance for the immune system, creating antibodies needed for defense against pathogens, lowering homocysteine levels and helping create hemoglobin in the blood.
Simply put, B6 is needed for methylation and to prevent cancer.
With all the things that it is responsible for in the body, it is no surprise that those who are low in B6 would have a higher risk of cancer. This is due in large part to the fact that B6 is a key element in the methylation process.
Understanding methylation is important if you want to prevent cancer since it allows for proper expression of DNA as well as the detoxification pathways of the liver. It is a factor in the production of the super-antioxidant glutathione and helps in the conversion of hormones and proteins.
Think of how spark plugs function in your car; they convert one form of energy to another to make your vehicle run!
Methylation also helps convert “strong” estrogens (estradiol or aggressive toxin-created estrogen “mimics” called xenoestrogens) into milder, non-aggressive forms of estrogen – this is why it is so important for your methylation pathways to function properly if you want to prevent breast cancer.
Cancer cells have been shown to utilize abnormal methylation
For proper methylation of healthy cells, you need the right amount of vitamin B6, as well as B12, folate (B9) and betaine. These substances are “methyl donors” because methylation is dependent on them as part of the “folate cycle.”
B6 deficiency can especially occur for those who are eating a SAD (Standard American Diet) of highly-processed, high-sugar, carbohydrate-dense foods as well as for smokers, since cigarette smoke deactivates B6. B6 levels also decrease as you age.
The following symptoms may be telling you that you could be deficient in B6:
- Confusion and “brain fog”
- Muscle cramps
- Anxiety, depression or any changes in mood
- Low energy
- Fatigue
- PMS symptoms that are getting worse
- Anemia
- Migraine headaches
New study raises the question: Can too much B vitamins (including B6) raise your risk of lung cancer?
There have been thousands of studies to date which have verified the importance of all the B’s for good overall health. One surprising study published in August 2017 comes with a warning, however: too much vitamin B6 (and B12), in conjunction with cigarette smoking, may increase your risks for lung cancer.
The study was conducted in part by researchers at Ohio State University College of Medicine and analyzed dietary data from over 77,000 men in Washington state. It found a 30 to 40% higher rate of lung cancer amongst male cigarette smokers who also took high dosages of B6 and B12.
The common factor for higher risk seems to be in how cigarette smoking interacted with high B levels.
Men who smoked and who took the highest dosage of B6 and B12 had the highest risk of cancer.
“When we’re talking about what to be concerned about most: If you’re a male smoker and you want to take B vitamins, you can stop smoking,” said study author Theodore Brasky, an epidemiologist at Ohio State, in an interview for CNN. “Smoking is the most important thing here, and that’s preventable.”
How much is enough B6?
Most people can get enough B6 through eating a healthy, organic, well-balanced diet. Garbanzo beans, grass fed beef, avocado, spinach and lentils are all high in B6, as are many other nutrient-dense foods.
It is always best to get key vitamins and minerals through the foods you eat. However, older individuals may need additional support in the form of B6 supplementation.
The only way to find out your levels is to get tested, so many experts recommend that people over 65 get their B6 levels checked regularly. And if you decide to supplement with B6, it is best if it is taken in conjunction with other B vitamins in the form of a B Complex.
And of course, make sure your supplement comes from a quality, toxin-free source.
Sources for this article include:
About the author: Dr. Veronique Desaulniers (“Dr. V”) is a best-selling author and specialist in Chiropractic, Bio-Energetics, Meridian Stress Analysis, Homeopathy and Digital Thermography. After 30 years in active practice, she decided to “retire” and devote her time to sharing her personal, non-toxic Breast Cancer healing journey with others. Her years of experience and research have culminated in “The 7 Essentials™ “, a step-by-step coaching program that unravels the mystery of healing the body. Her website and personal healing journey have touched the lives of thousands of women around the globe. To get your F.R.E.E. 7-day mini e-course and to receive her weekly inspiring articles on the power of natural medicine – visit:
Tuesday, February 27, 2018
Tooth or Consequences What Your Oral Health Can Tell You About Your Body
Tooth or Consequences – What Your Oral Health Can Tell You About Your Body
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Your teeth have a lot to tell you about the overall health of your body.
Your mouth/body connection is a lot stronger than you think. Your oral health can tell you a lot about what’s happening in your body. It seems like a stretch to think the health of your mouth affects the health of your heart and blood vessels, but it’s true – it’s been 30 years now since the link between oral health and heart disease was published in mainstream medical journals. And it doesn’t stop there – your mouth affects your brain, liver, gut health, immune system, and the rest of your body.
Every nutrient and probiotic you take in to your body comes in through your mouth, and it’s also the gateway for heavy metals, infections, and more. Choosing the right diet, supplements for oral health, and dentistry options are paramount to the health of your mouth, your immune system, and your body.
The Mouth Microbiome
Over 600 species of bacteria are living in your mouth right now, making up what’s called your oral microbiome. This mouth microbiome is one of the most ecologically diverse populations in your entire body, housing a variety of bacteria, viruses, fungi and protozoa. All of these microorganisms are fed by the carbohydrates you eat. Salivary amylase is the digestive enzyme in the mouth that breaks down carbohydrates into the sugars your microbiome uses for fuel. Unlike other digestive enzymes, the amount of salivary amylase you make does not decrease with age – as long as you are salivating, you will have this important enzyme.
Scientists have come to understand that dental caries (cavities) in your teeth are caused by a biofilm, which is a collection of potentially harmful bacteria that coat the surface of the tooth and cause decay. Cavities are a bacterial infection. The building up and tearing down of enamel on the surface of the tooth is a normal physiological process that is ongoing, but when the biofilm is out of balance, there is more tearing down than building up and tooth decay is the result. Your gums also have a biofilm on them, and periodontal disease is the bacterial infection that results from a disruption in gum bacterial balance.
The answer to these infections is not to kill off all your bacteria with antibiotics and antibacterial mouthwashes, but to cut out processed foods, sugars, and fruit juices, and re-balance the microbiome with oral probiotics and traditional fermented foods like unpasteurized sauerkraut. In a sense, better oral health can indicate better overall health. My probiotic of choice is UNI KEY Health’s Flora-Key, which contains lactobacillus reuteri, a healthy bacteria shown in studies to fight the harmful strains that cause tooth decay and bad breath. When it comes to choosing probiotics, the magic number is 10 billion CFUs (Colony Forming Units); any more than this can interfere with immune function, so more is not necessarily better in this case. I enjoy the light sweetness of Flora-Key and sprinkle it on my food, which is a great way to bathe the mouth in these healthy bacteria.
Hidden Dental Infections
Teeth are a living tissue; although they seem solid, they are porous, with fluid constantly flowing through them to cleanse all the layers of the tooth. This creates the environment for the microbiome to live in. When the infection from tooth decay reaches the root of the tooth, the choices are to do a root canal or have the tooth extracted (pulled out). Both of these choices can lead to hidden infections near the bone, which leads to systemic disease in your body.
Weston A. Price was a 20th century dentist who did extensive research on the impact of dental infections on the body. As one of his experiments, he took a tooth with a root canal from a patient who had recently died of a heart attack. He embedded the tip of this tooth under the skin of a rabbit. That rabbit died of a heart attack. He then repeated this with a total of 100 rabbits and all of them died of heart attacks shortly after the tooth was implanted under their skin. His findings were published in 1910, but the American Dental Association continues to state the root canal procedure is safe even today.
The tooth Dr. Price used looked healthy, but hidden infection was present. A tooth with a root canal no longer has fluid flowing through it, which allows unhealthy bacteria to grow deep inside, near the bone. The tooth is essentially dead with no oxygen flowing through it, and this provides the perfect environment for a long term, low-grade infection to persist. This can contribute to autoimmune disease. These infections also travel to other parts of the body, like the heart, which is a known cause of heart disease and heart attack.
Cavitations are infections of unhealed bone where a tooth has been extracted. If the tooth cavity is not cleaned thoroughly and the periodontal ligament isn’t removed when the tooth is removed, the infection that caused the tooth decay moves into unhealed bone, and can even form a cyst that is a potent source of infection. These hidden infections are hard to find; they occasionally show up on an x-ray, but more commonly they’re found by a biologic dentist who knows what to look for.
The best treatment I’ve found for these hidden infections is ozone therapy. Once the root canal is removed or the cavitation is cleared, ozone injections are administered by a trained dentist to kill the remaining bacteria. My experience with this has been a positive one. I had a cavitation I was completely unaware of, and my excellent dentist was able to find it and treat it effectively with ozone.
Heavy Metals in the Mouth
When you have a cavity, the dentist uses“silver” fillings as the material of choice. This filling material became popular because the 50% mercury content in it immediately killed the nerve pain, making it much more comfortable to eat afterward. However, as we know, mercury is a potent neurotoxin, which is mobilized throughout the body when you chew or drink hot liquids. There’s another problem with these fillings though, which started in 1975. The American Dental Association claimed adding a high copper content to the mercury amalgam created a “state of the art” filling material, which released no mercury. However, European studies showed this new compound caused mercury to be released 50 times more than the previous amalgam material, and the prevalence of autoimmune diseases skyrocketed.
If you have mercury amalgams in your mouth, I highly encourage you to have them removed and replaced with a composite material. Taking a scoop of UNI KEY Health’s Daily Greens Formula can help to gently escort these mobilized toxic metals from your body after the process. If you have suffered with fatigue, depression, anxiety, hair loss and loss of appetite, you may also have excess copper from these amalgams. I highly recommend doing some research in my book Why Am I Always So Tired? to learn more about what excess copper does and how to eliminate it from your body.
Your Mouth is the Gateway to a Healthy Immune System
Much of our ability to recover from any health problem depends on the burdens we place on our already overworked immune system. We talk about how important diet, supplements and exercise are to boost our immune system, but we don’t hear enough about what we can do the lessen the burden on our tired immune system. As a result, we suffer with a high degree of inflammation and feel fat, sick, and tired most of the time. Reduce the burden on your immune system by taking good care of your teeth; support your mouth microbiome, identify and treat hidden infections, and have toxic dental amalgams removed. Pay attention to your oral health, it really could change your life!
microwave ovens "fluke" your heart while the "nuke" your food alarming studies reveal microwave frequency radiation can affect heart and blood
Microwave ovens ‘fluke’ your heart while they ‘nuke’ your food – alarming studies reveal microwave frequency radiation can affect heart and blood
Thursday, December 22, 2016 by: S.D. Wells
Tags: heart palpitations, heart rate, microwave, microwave oven danger, nuker, radiation
Tags: heart palpitations, heart rate, microwave, microwave oven danger, nuker, radiation
(Natural News) Many health conscious consumers rarely, if ever, microwave their food anymore, but when they do, they probably do not realize that they’re not just destroying the nutritional value of the food, but the “nuker” is negatively impacting their hearts.
The typical microwave frequency radiation coming from “nukers” seen in the average American kitchen is more than enough to screw with your heart rate and your heart rate variability. In fact, just 2.4 GHz, the average frequency produced by microwave ovens (and WiFi routers, by the way) can cause immediate and drastic changes to the human heart.
According to Dr. Magda Havas of Trent University, people exposed to radiation for just three minutes at 2.4-GHz can experience severe reactions in heart rate changes and altered heart rate variations, indicating an alarm response to stress, also called electrohypersensitivity (EHS) or rapid aging syndrome. This has been studied for decades. The response includes heart palpitations, clumping of red blood cells and fluctuations of the parasympathetic nervous system typical of a “fight-or-flight” response.
Dr. Havas also revealed that microwave ovens can lead to blood sugar spikes connected with diabetes. This usually happens when people stand within three feet of the oven while it’s running, like when anxious eaters park themselves directly in front of the microwave oven while waiting for those last few seconds to finish “nuking” their food or beverage.
Unequivocal evidence that microwave frequency radiation affects human heart
For years, bogus research and microwave oven fanatics have claimed that microwave ovens do not produce any immediate biological effects because the ordinary household level is far below federal guidelines. Most of those studies were conducted prior to the new millennium, but now environmental radiation is coming at us from multiple sources, including electromagnetic devices, laptops, WiFi and mobile phones.
Dr. Havas documented his peer-reviewed study and stated the following:
“This is the first study that documents immediate and dramatic changes in both heart rate and heart rate variability caused by an approved device that generates microwaves at levels well below (0.3 percent) federal guidelines in both Canada and the United States.”
Microwave sickness or the ‘microwave effect’ dates back to WWII
Microwave ovens are a form of electromagnetic radiation dating back to radar used during WWII. Microwave ovens emit radiation from high and low energy, and have a wavelength around 5 inches. These waves are generated by a magnetron (derived from magnet and electron), the same function that enabled airborne radar used during the second world war; that’s why microwave ovens were first called radar ranges. “Nukers” emit at 2,450 megaHertz (MHz), equivalent to 2.4 gigaHertz (GHz), causing dielectric heating, meaning the water molecules in the food vibrate violently at extremely high frequencies (millions of times per second), creating molecular friction, destroying nutrients and affecting the heart rate and variability of any person that stands near the oven. This is why it’s extremely dangerous to cook meat, because the blood is affected also, like the molecules in the water in food. Structures of those molecules are ripped apart and forcefully deformed. Some people call it “electric whiplash.”
In fact, microwaves are used in the field of gene altering to weaken cell membranes and to break cells apart. Those damaged cells in humans become targets for viruses, also known as the “microwave effect” or “microwave sickness.” Human tissues can experience the same violent deformations as your food that’s nuked.
Do you use a microwave oven often and also happen to experience unexplained headaches, nervousness, anxiety, dizziness, vertigo, impaired cognition, depression, nausea after eating, vision problems, tooth and jaw aching, or extreme and constant thirst? These are the “geno-toxic” effects of damaging your tissues and interfering with normal heart and brain activity.
The Nazis invented the first microwave cooking device
The Nazis created a device to provide mobile food support for their troops when they invaded the Soviet Union. It was all experimental. Then the Russians and the U.S. researched the “safety” of these devices after the war. The Russians later banned the ovens when they figured out how dangerous they were, but not the USA! The FDA approves nearly everything that makes Americans sick, because Big Pharma is there to “rescue” us with expensive drugs, heart surgery, pacemakers and chemotherapy. Go figure.
Highly-cited Swiss clinical study by Hans Hertel reveals destructive effects of microwave ovens on human blood
One of the first food scientists to study the effects of microwaves on the blood and physiology of human beings was Dr. Hans Ulrich Hertel, who along with his biochemistry expert partners, concluded that microwaves resulted in negative health effects, including increased cholesterol levels, decreased numbers of red blood cells, decreased hemoglobin levels (indicating possible anemia) and decreased numbers of leukocytes (white blood cells).
Bottom line? There’s much more to worry about than just the loss of nutrition when “nuking” your food. You may also be “nuking” your blood, damaging your brain and disturbing your heart rate. Easy solution? Use your toaster oven and wait the extra couple of minutes for your food to heat. It’s worth your health and sanity.
Sources for this article include:[PDF]
Monday, February 26, 2018
Essential Oils for Animal First Aid
Can you care for your sick or wounded animals? First aid basics for the barnyard
Sunday, February 25, 2018 by: Edsel Cook
Tags: animals, colic, cows, essential oils, farm animals, first aid, healing arts, homesteading, horse colic, horses, mastitis, off grid, survival, vet, veterinarian
Tags: animals, colic, cows, essential oils, farm animals, first aid, healing arts, homesteading, horse colic, horses, mastitis, off grid, survival, vet, veterinarian
(Natural News) There are times when your farm animal is so ill or injured that you simply cannot wait for the veterinarian to arrive. Knowing how to treat sicknesses like colic, wounds, and mastitis can spell life or death, reported
The article advises that you stock up an animal first-aid kit that contains various medicines. You should also look up the most common illnesses for horses, cows, and other farm animals. One of these ailments is horse colic, a group of deadly digestive disorders that cause excruciating abdominal pain. The worst of these is twisted gut colic, which requires immediate surgery.
However, the other forms of colic (like sand colic) are far more common. They are easily preventable and can be treated with home remedies if they crop up. recommends you lock your feed room doors and keep your horse well-watered. If you had worked your horse into a sweat, minimize the cold water you give him.
Horse owners who live in sandy areas should ensure a plentiful supply of fibrous roughage. A daily dose of psyllium seed husk is a good organic supplement.
To find out if your horse has colic, put your ear next to the lower area behind its rib cage and listen to the sounds made by its guts. If there’s no noise, call the vet. Meanwhile, give your horse a couple of cups of any type of vegetable oil (such as olive oil or cottonseed oil) to help sort out its digestive tract. The last resort is giving non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) like bananime and penylbutazone to reduce the pain.
Treating wounds
Cuts and gashes require immediate attention. Clean and disinfect any wound the moment you see it. If the wounded is bleeding profusely, apply a dressing powder to improve blood clotting and speed up healing. Once the bleeding stops, use a disinfectant to keep dirt and flies out of the wound. It also helps in the formation of scabs that cover the wound, which is really helpful if you can’t bandage the injury.
You should also apply antibiotics to treat infections. The ointment Furazone is highly recommended. Deep wounds will require stitches. Help the healing process by applying Aluspray, a liquid bandage that seals the wound against infection.
You should also use essential oils. These are used to treat wounds on humans, but many oils also work for animals. (Related: 5 Reasons You Need Rose Essential Oil)
Handling mastitis
Like colic, it’s better to prevent mastitis than to cure it. In this case, cleanliness is next to godliness.
Make sure the milk animal lives in a clean area. Always wash your hands before you milk her. Also wash the udder and remember to dry and condition it after you’re done.
Don’t leave a baby animal out in the cold and wind. Infants comfort themselves by drinking milk from their mother. That moistens the teat, which invites frostbite, which brings its friend infection along for the ride.
Make sure that your milk animal’s udder avoids injury. You can reduce chapping by applying bag balm, udder butter, or similar udder cream. If mastitis develops, use anti-bacterial essential oils such as tea tree oil, peppermint oil, or oregano oil. Mix these oils with a base like coconut oil and apply to the infected teat.
Keep the infected teat clean and stripped of milk. Bolster the sick animal’s immune system by feeding her aloe vera, meal made from dried kelp or pasteurized whey.
If you want to learn more about the benefits of essential oils for humans and animals, is worth checking out.
Sources include:
Hospitals and Infections
by Wendy Wilson
If you asked people what they thought was the best kept secret in medicine you'd get many different answers. One person thought it was the allergy testing done by dermatologists because everyone is allergic to something. Personally I think it is a bigger picture that is kept from view. If I had to water it down I would say it is the message programmed to the public that scientific medicine knows just about everything and if they can't help you no one can. When in fact it is the opposite and for that reason we have drug companies that are heavily protected by politicians. Let's take a peek at what secrets you may not know about within the halls of medicine.
The image of a hospital is very important. No one suspects a hospital smelling of antiseptic would actually harbor contagious and deadly diseases on door handles, clipboards and tongue compressors. No one suspects that a hospital with sophisticated hospital equipment would be a place for misdiagnosis. No one suspects that doctors and nurses make huge medical mistakes and covers them up. No one wants to think that malpractice insurance and hospital liability insurance is high because there is real risk of loss of life. No one wants to think that hospital authorities are run by accountants only worried about profits and will cut costs wherever to achieve cost-saving goals.
- Hospital staff may not have washed their hands. Physicians and nurses touch patients, clipboards, and equipment and can be all highly contaminated. A study review by Infection Control and Hospital Epidemiology reported 60% of the time hospital staff do not follow protocols and wash their hands. Physicians were found to be less likely to wash their hands compared to nursing staff. One doctor can infect 20 patients in one day.
- The hospital white coats that the staff wears are not washed that often.
- Hospital cleaning staff is not always efficient in disinfecting hospital rooms, baths and equipment.
- Hospital policy is not written in stone especially when protocols were ignored and someone was injured. Unaccountability is normal. Hospitals lie to patients.
- Hospital records are not secure, are an open-book and often disappear. There is no real patient privacy; it is policy only but not enforced. Often hospitals will give patients being admitted "hospital disclosure consent forms" supposedly listing the ways your health information will be shared (a.k.a. escape hospital jurisdiction). Most hospitals do not have policy to notify patients of a records breach and if their information stolen.
- Hospital charts are often unsupervised and sensitive health information could get into the wrong hands (private investigator, employer, identity thieves, and former spouse).
- Identity thieves could be hospital employees and patients need to put a 90-day fraud alert on their bank accounts and credit cards upon admission.
- Information hospitals glean from patients will filter down to insurance companies, life insurance companies, pharmacists and drug store employees, third-party billing and electronic health record providers.
- Physicians and nurses make drug mistakes often; wrong dose or wrong drug. Medication errors kill people and computers have delete buttons.
- Just because hospitals have incident reports and risk management departments is often window dressing that looks good to customers.
- Not all anesthesiologists in surgery are medical doctors running the gas. In most cases CRNA's are doing it, which are nurses. There could be eight or more surgeries going with just one anesthesiologist on the floor for emergency only. Patients are charged as if the medical doctor was present administering the gas.
- Hospital staff often ignores equipment alarms and patient buzzers. Some hospitals outsource this monitoring and life expectancy jumped 49%.
- Does your hospital have a rapid response team? If they do a physician, nurse, respiratory therapist and pharmacists should make up the team and arrive at patient's bedside when called.
- Did you know that each patient shares their nurse with a minimum of 12 other patients? Nurses carry the labor-part of patient care and not all nurses are registered (RN's). Some are nurse assistants who have often graduated from the sanitation staff. Passing the nurses' assistant test is not difficult but many struggle needing more than three attempts.
- When there are budget cuts in the nursing staff, RN's will have many more patients to look after or they are the first to go leaving patients with nurse assistants. Hospital policy goes out the window when it comes to budget cuts.
- A study by Medical Care reported that you are 14% less likely to die when treated at a "Magnet Hospital."
- Hospital food is anything but healthy especially to someone with diabetes, heart disease or cancer. In reality hospital food is what you'd expect to see at a sporting event. Patients are fed hot dogs, burgers, chicken wings and lasagna according to the Physician Committee for Responsible Medicine. In the US only 443 hospitals specialize in healthy food that is antibiotic and hormone-free.
- ER wait times have grown by 25% since 2008, which are associated with more hospital admissions and deaths.
- Hospitals normally reduce the number of staff members working on weekends and this contributes to higher complications and mortality rates. This puts 55 million at risk of higher mortality.
- Most cancer patients do not know that 1 in 20 diagnoses made by primary care physicians are wrong. That is about 5% of the time and affects 12 million patients.
"Hospitals hide serious mistakes from patients 98% of the time."
Dr. John Makary Surgeon John Hopkins University Study
"Not all doctors in white coats are licensed practitioners and are interns. Interns are future physicians in training. They are not allowed to make decisions on care and may not inform patients of all the procedure risks. Always check ID badges." James Merlino Chief Officer Cleveland Clinic
The University of Michigan at Flint did a study in 2012 where the average time for hospital staff to respond to a patient call button was 18 minutes.
"There are consequences that go beyond long wait times for pain medication with staff cuts. Understaffed floors account for 2% increase in patient death." New England Journal of Medicine
"The number of sick patients doesn't go down on Saturday or Sunday, but the number of health care workers does. On weekends, you wind up with on-call workers and less experienced staff." Dr. Armand Leon
"When doctors are rushed or put on autopilot mode, they skip critical thinking and make a diagnosis based on probability alone." Dr. Armand Leon
We hear the term "magnet hospital" and that they are supposed to be a better facility when comparing hospitals but what does it mean? The term magnet hospital was given by nurses who rank hospitals according to quality of care. Since the bulk of patient care lands on the nurses the American Nurses Credentialing Center that is affiliated with the American Nurses Association rank hospitals according to their criteria measuring the strength and quality of nursing care. It also measures the working environment or the moral of the staff.
There is a lot to consider when dealing with hospital authorities. There are legal entanglements and patients with health problems should fully investigate all the factors when looking to modern medicine for treatments. They should look beyond co-pays and insurance payments and think about a living will for instance. They should think about what could go wrong and what family members will need to do. After working for a major hospital I can tell you that they are ruthless when it comes to payment and will not bat an eye foreclosing on an elderly women's home after they just performed open heart surgery on her. Remember, hospital documents have patients sign forms that puts the patient on the hook should the insurance company not pay and insurance companies are notorious for stalling and not paying. The flip side of the coin is that hospitals and doctor's offices will over treat patients with good health insurance. Health care is a business after all and money answers all things.
Now more than ever it is essential that we strengthen our bodies to be more resistant to disease and functional distress. There is another type of insurance and it is called pro-activeness. When we do run into issues we should consider all the options available to us. We should ask, do we really need an antibiotic or do we need nutritional sources that support the immune system? Do we need radiation, chemotherapy or surgery to correct a problem or is there another way? The Internet has made researching options easier and finding the solutions that fit. Working in the medical profession I realized that patients put up with medical results that are less than expected because they don't know they have other options. Loss of function equals loss of quality of life.
When I discovered the power herbs contained I was blown away. After all, I worked in the healthcare industry and thought like most people that there was nothing else. Boy was I wrong! I decided to discover what health secrets herbs contained and I found that they unlock the door to strengthening the body whereas modern medicine manages symptoms and allows a weakening to develop. Let me give you an analogy;
Your septic system is backing up and you are told that tree roots have crept into some of the pipe joints and you need to repair the system. Instead you decide to pour root killer down the toilet every night in an attempt to kill the roots. This may work temporarily but eventually the roots will multiply and break the system.
Countless times I have heard from people who wished they had not had surgery or some other medical treatment and had been proactive at the first sign of trouble. Don't let symptoms go unchecked because like the roots they will be harder to deal with later. Likewise, I've seen herbs reverse some serious conditions because the body is designed to regenerate and heal. When we learn to work with our body and not against it and stop doing what made us sick, you see some remarkable results. This is why I often say you have more power than you think. Most internal medical problems are due to diet and a lack of nutrition. If we cleanse the system of impurities, put organic nutrition in the body and boost the immune system we are quite successful helping the body restore itself. For more information or to order your Organ Cleansing herbs and immune boosters call Apothecary Herbs 866-229-3663, International 704-885-0277, where your healthcare options just became endless. Free product catalog.
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