Monday, February 2, 2009

Mercury, High Fructose Corn Syrup and Autism

Mercury, High Fructose Corn Syrup and Autism February 2, 2009
Filed under: food, health — Verda Vivo @ 5:49 pm Tags: , , , ,

Image by bbaltimore via Flickr
You can find news reports and research that indicate mercury, whether present in fish, vaccines, High Fructose Corn Syrup, proximity to coal-burning power plants or occurring naturally in the environment may be linked to increasing incidents of autism. National Center for Biotechnology Information - A comprehensive review of mercury provoked autism.
You can also find research that indicates no connection, particularly between mercury in vaccines and autism. I imagine vaccine manufacturers might have a vested interest in research results considering possible litigation. Discover - Vaccines and autism: yet another dead link.
If you’re the parent of an autistic child, you struggle to find answers and solutions. My only experience with autism has been as the director of a day care center. We admitted a young autistic boy and discovered quickly we were unprepared for his behavior - throwing toys at and hitting the other children. Constantly. I cannot imagine how his parents coped. When do we admit that there is a correlation between the toxins we’ve released into our environment, what we eat and drink, what medicines we take and our overall health? We are incredibly complex organisms about which we have relatively rudimentary knowledge. What research might prove for one group might not be true for others. There are more questions than answers.
Want to read more? I think this was an excellent write-up - One More Link in the Mercury-High Fructose Corn Syrup Chain: Autism.

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