Thursday, August 6, 2009

Retired Vax Scientist Would Never Vaccinate His Kids

Retired Vax Scientist Would
Never Vaccinate His Kids
From Ken Adachi

"If I had a child now, the last thing I would allow is vaccination."
-Retired Vaccine Researcher to Jon Rappoport

Editor's Note -- This interview was posted by Jon Rappoport in early January 2002. You will discover by reading it that the very issues we now face of FORCED vaccination of a laboratory-created vaccine to "protect" us against a laboratory-created "disease" (Swine Flu, Bird flu, etc.) was set into motion a long time ago.

The vaccine researcher quoted here flat out says that the World Homicide Organization, WHO, is driven by a DEPOPULATION agenda, and that many African leaders know full well that the explosive spread of HIV and AIDS in Africa was caused by WHO-sponsored vaccinations of the 1970s.

This former pharmaceutical insider also debunks the widespread ASSUMPTIONS of vaccine "safety" promoted by orthodox medicine, the CDC, the National Institute of Health, state health departments, and their compliant media propagandists who are all parroting SUPERSTITIONS, rather than FACTS. --Ken Adachi

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