Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Analysis of Alarmism: Ocean acidification

What is Ocean Acidification?
Analysis of Alarmism: Ocean acidification

By Dr. Tim Ball Wednesday, December 9, 2009
Editor’s Note: The Copenhagen Climate Summit, which opened with a UN-sponsored frighten-the-children film on opening day Monday, will move into the “Ocean acidification” scare tomorrow when a paper will be released. Canadian climatologist and Canada Free Press columnist, Dr. Tim Ball, who wrote about ocean acidification last July was months ahead of them. Here is his column:

Analysis of Alarmism: Ocean acidification
Reposted from: Monday, July 20, 2009

“Only the unknown frightens men.” Antoine de St. Exupery

Scare Tactics to create fear
As public awareness grows that human caused warming is false the extent and degree of attempts to scare the public increases. The scare preference is for remote geographic areas such as the Arctic or Antarctic or complex obscure topics ideally with global implications, which the public knows little about. The latest scare story is ocean acidification, which combines these traits with the advantage of a word with negative connotations and used before in acid rain.

Like all scares it is based on total acceptance that an increase in atmospheric CO2 is a problem. The claim in this case is it is causing temperature increase, but also changing the chemistry of the oceans. Like all the scares it is pure speculation after you accept the false claim CO2 is causing temperature increase. To counteract suggestions that they are overstating the threat they use a form of the precautionary principle, which holds we must act anyway. So the problem exists, it is just a matter of the extent of the impact. Yet the full impact of ocean acidification and how these impacts may propagate through marine ecosystems and affect fisheries remains largely unknown. (Source)

What is Ocean Acidification?
Oceans absorb or release CO2 primarily determined by the amount in the atmosphere and the water temperature. The argument is that regardless of what the air temperature does increased CO2 amount in the atmosphere due to human activity guarantees more going into the oceans. This change results in a change in water chemistry reflected in one measure, the pH.

Read the rest….

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