My Turn: Climate scandal won't go away
By Linus Leavens • Friday, January 15, 2010
Don't call me a global warming denier. In truth, I am a "global warming" heretic! And I am rather proud not to be one of the Borg collective of eco-socialists trying to lead our nation off the lemming cliff called "climate change."
What first got my attention was the way "global warming" was presented to my son in eighth grade. He had to make a drowning polar bear poster in math class after watching Al Gore's incoherent rant "An Inconvenient Truth." There were no opposing viewpoints presented or allowed.
The question of whether CO2 is a driver or follower of temperature change was ignored, as was the role of solar activity (you know, that funny-looking bright thing in the sky). Water vapor, which makes up 95 percent of the greenhouse gas we produce, was not included in the "computer climate models" activist environmental scientists used to "prove" their theories. What clouds?
Career atmospheric scientists who have dared to question the almighty environmental elite were accused of taking money from big oil companies and called "deniers." One in particular was said to have received $10,000 from Exxon-Mobil. Shocking? Not really. Never once did we hear about the $22.6 million that CRU-East Anglia received from Shell Oil, BP, the Sultanate of Oman, the World Wildlife Fund, Greenpeace, the U.S. Department of Energy, and the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency for "climate research."
We have heard very little of substance from the mainstream media about "Climategate" since Nov. 20, when the story broke. In fact, the mainstream media has suppressed, under-reported, misrepresented, deflected, ignored, belittled and hoped Climategate would just go away. Talk about denial!
Thanks to the Internet, six weeks now after the story first broke, the Web is abuzz with discussion and disclosure.
There is also a huge differential between Web page hits for Climategate on Google (2,000,000 and dropping fast) vs. Bing (50,000,000) that has yet to be fully explained.
The IPCC says Climategate changes nothing. The AP investigates itself and finds nothing wrong. The CRU scientists say the e-mails are all out of context and misunderstood. I say do some research yourselves and then make up your own minds. There is a ton of good information out there on the content and science revealed in the hacked e-mails, as well as on the scientists' intent. You can't rely on just the mainstream media on this one. They have already proven themselves to be complicit in this matter.
Climategate is not going to go away, because it is the cover-up of a very large, very nasty crime; one in which some very powerful people and corporations were (and still are) poised to make billions of dollars. Climate change (global warming) is the Big Lie, 1930s Nazi Socialist-style.
Thanks to an unknown hacker/whistleblower, the crooked scientists have been caught with their hands in the cookie jar. Climategate, like Watergate, is a story about a cover-up. And when there is a cover-up, the truth really does matter!
Linus Leavens lives in South Burlington.
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