Thursday, March 4, 2010

Carbon Market Collapse Brings Gore Out Of Hiding

Master Hypocrite, Gore is also confused about global warming
Carbon Market Collapse Brings Gore Out Of Hiding
By Dr. Tim Ball Thursday, March 4, 2010
Only The New York Times

We should ignore Al Gore’s bizarre Op-Ed in, where else, the New York Times but it needs analysis because it includes all the standard errors that entrap and confuse most people.

It also exposes him as a real hypocrite in his own words. The title “We can’t wish away Climate change” illustrates how little Gore knows or understands. No, we can’t wish it away because it has and will always exist.

Climate Change Is Normal

Just 20,000 years ago massive glaciers covered much of North America, Europe and Asia. Figure 1 shows most of the ice covering the land of the Northern Hemisphere.

Figure 1: White areas are land-based ice. North Pole is at the Centre.

Most of the ice melted in about 8,000 years, a melt that does not correlate with CO2 levels at all. Sea level was some 500 feet lower at peak of ice extent. Current climate change is well within normal patterns.

Gore is also confused about global warming, which has generally occurred for 18,000 years as the Earth emerged from the last Ice Age into the current Interglacial. In the 18,000 years the overall trend was up but there were prolonged periods of cooling. The world cooled from the Medieval Warm Period (MWP) around 1000 AD to a low in 1680 AD during the Little Ice Age. The world has generally warmed since 1680, which few have denied. The issue is the cause and nothing supports the claim it is CO2.

Exploitation of Fear
In case you accept that climate change and global warming are normal, Gore has another fear – national security: “we need to deal with the national security risks of our growing dependence on a global oil market dominated by dwindling reserves in the most unstable region of the world”. But US dependence on foreign sources is a self inflicted wound that began with the military oil reserve set asides made after WWII, and aggravated by anti-nuclear campaigns and unnecessary excessive regulations in the name of environmentalism.

And if that fear doesn’t persuade you he has a third. “In fact, the crisis is still growing because we are continuing to dump 90 million tons of global warming pollution every 24 hours into the atmosphere – as if it were an open sewer. He cleverly doesn’t mention CO2 but the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) says it caused all warming since 1950. CO2 is not a pollutant and is essential to life; its designation as such is part of the entire strategy of undermining industrialized nations. This paragraph starts with Gore’s wish that the climate crisis were an illusion. It is an illusion, as anyone who understands the science realizes, an illusion outlined and colored by the corrupt scientists of the CRU/IPCC.

Now that you are truly fearful, he must deflect you from facts that lessen your fears. In a remarkable diversion he dismisses the leaked emails from the Climatic Research Unit (CRU). He implies they’re useless by describing them as “stolen”, then says all they show is how the scientists were unable to fulfill Freedom of Information (FOI) request because of ”an onslaught of hostile, make-work demands from climate skeptics.” He should listen to the British inquiry on the issue or the interview with former CRU Director Jones who concedes there was no warming for the last 15 years and the MWP was warmer than today. This contradicts Gore’s claim that, “even though climate deniers have speciously argued for several years that there has been no warming in the last decade.”

There’s no space to contradict all the “evidence” he presents. Just two will suffice. He says that claims the US snowfall this winter is proof that global warming is a myth, are wrong. He says the events were predicted because warming would put more moisture in the atmosphere and create more storms. The problem is the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) says global precipitation for 2009 was near the 1961-1990 normals, with no pattern of increasing snow or rain from 1976 on. This is not surprising because the IPCC has essentially ignored water vapor and is not able to cope with clouds effectively in their models. In addition, cold air holds less moisture than warm air. For the first time on record all southern 48 States had snowfall and it is due to advancing cold air, a condition seen around the Northern Hemisphere.

Gore shared a Nobel Prize with the IPCC but they disagreed significantly on sea level rise. Well guess what, Gore claims he is right and the IPCC wrong. “It is worth noting that the panel’s scientists – acting in good faith on the best information then available to them – probably underestimated the range of sea-level rise in this century”. Sea level is essential to Gore’s misdirection and fear factor. When people are asked what is wrong with global warming they almost always say sea-level rise. This is why it was such a major part of his propaganda movie, An Inconvenient Truth with dramatic computer reconstructions of water flooding over Florida and other regions.

The Master Hypocrite
The last part of the article gets to the real issue, the need to introduce Cap and Trade in the US and worldwide. This will put value back into the carbon market from which he has made so much money. He condemns inaction and blames “market triumphalism”, the notion that industry was dominant after the fall of communism and promoted the idea that “earlier fears of global warming had been grossly overestimated.” This is an oblique way of saying the skeptics were paid by the oil and energy industry. He also says “media organizations now present showmen masquerading as political thinkers.” He forgets the Internet that democratized information and allowed a billion eyes and minds to see and expose the climate corruption.

Gore’s article is frightening because a successful impeachment of Bill Clinton would have put him in the Presidency. Errors and false statements confirm once again he doesn’t understand the science. But that is not enough because he adds that ignorance to almost complete denial of the exposed fraud of the Climatic Research Unit (CRU) and the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC). Gore personifies hypocrisy from his massive carbon footprint while telling others to live green, to the amount of money made from the carbon credit market. He completes the hypocrisy by hoping proposed cap and trade legislation supported by Senators John Kerry, Lindsey Graham and Joe Lieberman will succeed to, “place a true cap on carbon emissions and stimulate the rapid development of low-carbon sources of energy.” The credits at the end of the piece identify him, “As a businessman, he is an investor in alternative energy companies” all of which benefit from cap and trade.

1 comment:

doctorrex said...

I loved this piece. Thanks. Your writing is very nice. As a favor, can you look at the nomination forms for the Ig Noble prize. I think you would be the best choice to write the nomination because you are so clear. I want Al Gore to be the first dual Nobel/Ig Noble prize recipient, and ironically, for the same thing!

Good Luck