Tuesday, March 9, 2010

The slow, deadly destruction of American freedom has carried us to this day of Obama

The slow, deadly destruction of American freedom has carried us to this day of Obama
Serfs They Want Us To Be And Serfs We Will Become!
By Ron Ewart Tuesday, March 9, 2010
“The world is a dangerous place to live ..... not because of the people who are evil, but because of the people who don’t do anything about it.” Albert Einstein

That’s right. It’s over. Their guns are bigger. They control all the money. They control the energy. They control the land. They control the food and they control the water. Soon they will control our health care, down to the last detail on our electronic health care records being stored in a giant computer in Washington DC, from which they can determine if we are worthy of receiving health care. The older we get, the less worthy we become.

Just like the guy standing on the beach witnessing in horror, the onrushing tsunami wave and has no place to run, we might just as well bend over and kiss our behinds goodbye. Freedom and liberty are gone. The constitution and bill of rights are just so much toilet paper and American sovereignty is but a fading memory of a bunch of dead guys who thought they could create individual liberty and have it last.

This didn’t happen overnight, you know. It’s been coming on for about a hundred to a hundred and twenty years. First, the civil war gave us the 14th Amendment, and we now let illegal aliens born in the U. S., become U. S. Citizens, thus creating a magnet for millions more to come.

Then a cadre of real smart guys from Harvard around the 1880s (the Dean and Supreme Court Justice, Oliver Wendell Holmes) decided that we shouldn’t be bothered by the strict interpretation of the U. S. Constitution, we need to use court precedences to guide our adjudication of laws and legislation, court precedences that reflect the changing social nature of our society. (Socialism by any other name) They called this new paradigm of legal jurisprudence, Positivism. A collective shudder must have rattled the souls of the Founding Fathers and a deep groan could be heard emanating from their graves. Cracks started forming in our Constitution.

First dictator of America and Constitution hater, President Woodrow Wilson
Then came the first dictator of America and Constitution hater, President Woodrow Wilson, who did everything in his power to open the cracks in the Constitution even wider, by forming the League of Corrupt Nations, presiding over the 16th Amendment and the creation of the Federal Reserve and the Internal Revenue Service, which legalized taxes on Americans that were never authorized by the Constitution. The government, with this new found source of revenue, began to grow and grow and gain immense power.

Second dictator of America, FDR, used a crow bar to pry the cracks in our Constitution
But the constitutional corruption didn’t stop with President Wilson. The second dictator of America, FDR, used a crow bar to pry the cracks in our Constitution so far that it became literally unrecognizable. He did it by using the emergency of the Great Depression as his rationale to fundamentally transform America. The opposition to FDR was fierce, but the great savior and orator convinced the weak among us (voters), that the only answer to this unprecedented and worsening crisis had to come at the expense of their freedom and liberty. In the fog of our pending destruction of the 1930s, unions, socialists, Nazis, communists and the Technocrats all rose in prominence to “feed” the hungry souls of the weak and troubled within our ranks. Many were forever converted, and the cracks in the Constitution got wider still.

Deadly destruction of American freedom has carried us to this day of Obama
The slow, deadly destruction of American freedom has carried us to this day of Obama, who is trying to repeat, in spades, what FDR did, in fundamentally transforming America into a utopian socialist society, once again exploiting the weak among us and using the strategy of class warfare to dupe the naive into supporting this constitutional treason.

Johnson and Carter took us deeper into the abyss of socialism and the weakening of American power in the world. Obama, Pelosi and Reid are attempting to tip America over the edge from which there will be no return and they are on the verge of completing the job ...... if they get their way.

The fact is, the American people, the so-called Consent of the Governed, went to sleep for a hundred years and have allowed what we face today to happen. If there is anyone to blame, we can only blame ourselves. We had the mechanisms to stop these traitors from tearing the fabric of freedom asunder, but we abandoned our roots of freedom, obtained at great sacrifice, in favor of comfort and security. We couldn’t be bothered.

Still, there are indications that the Obamas in America have awakened a sleeping giant and have run headlong into a center-right brick wall. Some have said that the progressives are beginning to unravel. As evidence of their unraveling, attacks on conservatives grow by the day. They fear us, and they worry we might be successful in ruining their diabolical plans for America. They just might be right, but that depends entirely on the level of conservative commitment to defend freedom.

We are in a war for the very survival of individual liberty
We are in a war for the very survival of individual liberty and for the last 100 years, we have been losing that war. History is on the ragged edge of repeating itself, once again. It is evident that serfs they want us to be and serfs we will become ...... unless tens of millions of Americans have the b…..lls to stop them, with whatever it takes. If we are divided and fragmented in our prosecution of this war, we most surely will lose. But losing is not an option if freedom and liberty are to be preserved for present and future generations.

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