Thursday, July 15, 2010

College Meningitis Vaccines: They are after your kids...again

College Meningitis Vaccines: They are after your kids...again Today at 10:13am
Here's a quote from the story found at

"College students are more at risk of the disease because of the close living quarters they share in college dormitories. One in seven of these students will die, according to the National Meningitis Association. The only other patient group at highest risk of contracting meningococcal disease is preschool children, doctors warn. Yet meningococcal disease is preventable through vaccination. Doctors believe that as many as four out of five of the adolescents and young adults who contract the infection could have avoided it, had they been vaccinated. The meningococcal vaccine protects against four of the five common strains of the disease."

These are flat out lies.

1. College students living in dorms are not any more at risk than students living in the community. (see CDC data for proof).

2. One in seven of these students ***WHO CONTRACT THE DISEASE* may die according to the National Meningitis Association. This statement is written to make it sound like 1 in 7 kids will die who go to college and are not vaccinated.

3. The most prevalent strain of the bacteria that causes meningitis is not covered at all by the vaccine. Vaccination for meningococcal disease is like trying to protect against a stray bullet. Random infections occur periodically. These are not "outbreaks" and are not "epidemics." Random shooting can occur on college campuses too. Are they going to require all college kids to wear bulletproof vests, "just in case"?

4. Doctors who believe that as many as four out of five of the adolescents and young adults who contract the infection could have avoided it had they been vaccinated are, in my opinion, UNDERINFORMED AUTOMOTONS. They march to the mantra: "Vaccinate. Vaccinate. Vaccinate."

I am seriously concerned that unless there is a big push to guarantee your right to refuse -- for your children and for yourself as an adult -- all the work that we've done to educate about the problems with vaccines and all the work you have done to keep your kids UNvaccinated will be for naught by the time they are ready to go to college. I have said for years that college will be the last bastion for these vaccinating maniacs to require humans to be injected with poisons. It's going to become increasingly difficult to avoid all vaccines forever unless there is an ARMY of persons dedicated to retaining our freedoms.

Give that some thought.

And also think about this: "When a well-packaged web of lies has been sold gradually to the masses over generations, the truth will seem utterly preposterous and its speaker a raving lunatic", by Dresden James. I'm glad to be part of the Raving Lunatic Club.

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