Saturday, November 6, 2010

The Single Most Important Book In Our Lifetimes

the single most important book

Posted on 20 September 2010 by jameslaffrey

The Single Most Important Book In Our Lifetimes

By The Single Most Important U.S. Author In 100 Years

Read this book. And then, when you think about reading something else, read this book again.

We need the basic knowledge in this book as our shared knowledge. It is the single most important book of knowledge necessary for us as the citizens of our USA. Not guesses, not big media mis-information, not government-produced lies. Knowledge.

The book is Secrets of the Federal Reserve: The London Connection.

The author is Eustace Mullins. Brief bio here.

The first version of the book, Mullins on the Federal Reserve, was published in the 1950s, the first of its kind. Mullins updated the book, and the version linked above was updated in the 1980s during the presidency of Ronald Reagan. Nothing of significance has changed since then.

Mullins honestly presents authentic facts gathered from original documents in the Library of Congress and elsewhere. It’s so right and so complete, no major publishing company would publish it.

Fear not a dull banking book. It is not dull, nor is it a complex “banking” book. In fact, you’ll realize that honest banking is not complex at all. It is criminal banking that is purposely made complex. Yet criminal banking, too, boils down to simple criminal fraud.

If you only read the Foreword, Introduction, and Chapters 1 and 2, you’ll know enough. You’ll know that the Rothschilds sent a top henchman from Germany to control the writing of the Federal Reserve Act. You’ll know how they did it. You’ll know about some truly patriotic Americans who opposed it.

You’ll realize that the Rothschilds’ criminal control of our money and government has grown in the last 100 years to be complete.

Now, Congress members are worse than 100 years ago. The president and vice president are worse than 100 years ago. They are not allowed to rise to the top unless they are complicit criminals or complete puppets.

Please read this book. Without a basic awareness of the knowledge in this book, you simply cannot discuss intelligently our nation’s and world’s most vital issues. Of course, you may have found this knowledge through your own research, in more recent sources on the Internet, or elsewhere. But the Mullins book is simply the best.

And after reading the Mullins book, and after you’ve read our Platform, you’ll know that The EQUAL Party is the true American solution. We offer the only honest, open, nonviolent, practical way to give ourselves the government we need and the prosperity we deserve — in our lifetimes.

Our focus first and foremost is on our nation’s money — our people’s money. As our wisest Founding Fathers said, as Andrew Jackson said, as Lincoln learned, as JFK knew, and as Mullins reported, the vipers first took control of the money. With supreme money power, they proceeded to take control of everything else. All other issues and events that distract from this most important fact — no matter how terrible — are purposeful distractions.

The great American Eustace Mullins recently died in vain. Despite his brave and true publications and lectures, the criminals kept him marginalized and kept the public in the dark. Are we going to die in vain, too?

Read the book. Learn the knowledge therein. Equal Up.

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