Thursday, November 11, 2010

Vitamin D Newsletter

Vitamin D Newsletter

November 11, 2010

Influenza, Flu Shots, and Vitamin D

Dear Dr. Cannell:

Will the Mexican flu come back again this year? Should I get a flu shot or just take vitamin D?


Cynthia, Nebraska

Dear Cynthia:

I don't know and I don't know. However, I am beginning to believe that vitamin D is at least as protective as flu shots, although such a head to head comparison has never been done. The reason I say that is two-fold:

Several randomized controlled trials of vitamin D have suggested that the right dose of D may be as protective as most studies of the effectiveness of flu vaccines.

Mass vaccination of our elderly has failed to reduce the rate of influenza hospitalization or death rate among the elderly.

However, I suspect that as flu vaccinations rates in the elderly went up in the last 30 years, acquired immune deficiency syndrome due to vitamin D deficiency also went up and the two canceled each other out.


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Quick links

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Quick facts

Cold and flu season is indistinguishable from vitamin D deficiency season: As sunlight diminishes for the winter vitamin D levels drop - and incidence of colds and flu increases.

John Cannell MD

Vitamin D Council Executive Director

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We are a non-profit and rely on your donations to continue our efforts in educating the world about the necessity of vitamin D to human health and to end the global epidemic of vitamin D deficiency. Send your tax-deductible contributions to:

Vitamin D Council 1241 Johnson Ave #134 San Luis Obispo, CA 93401

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