June 1, 2012
Are your sleeping habits
giving you cancer?
giving you cancer?
If you have sleep apnea, you may suffer from fatigue, weight
gain, adrenal problems, and other health challenges. But now there's evidence
that it may significantly increase your risk for something even more dangerous —
A new study that's gained a lot of attention in the media says
that snoring has a dramatic impact on your chances of getting cancer. In fact,
the researchers found that snoring increases your risk by a stunning 480% in
those with the most disordered sleep breathing. Even those with a "slight"
problem had a 10% greater risk of cancer.
This shouldn't be new to long-term readers of Second
Opinion. I reported on sleep apnea as a major cause for many
diseases years ago. Snoring can be a symptom of sleep apnea.
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This study, which followed more than 1,500 people, proved that
sleep disordered breathing deprives your body of sufficient oxygen for hours at
a time. Knowing that snoring often goes along with obesity, which itself
generates cancer, the researchers were careful to control for weight, as well as
age, sex, and smoking. So they know it was the snoring itself — and the oxygen
depletion that accompanies it — that lead to the increased risk.
Alternative-minded doctors have known for years that low oxygen
levels can stimulate cells to degenerate to cancer. But conventional medicine is
just now catching on. Animal studies have shown that intermittent hypoxia (low
oxygen levels) promotes tumor growth in mice with skin cancer. Lack of oxygen
stimulates the generation of blood vessels that nourish tumors, a process known
as angiogenesis.
If you snore, I suggest you have a doctor conduct a study
wherein you sleep with an "oxymeter" clip attached to your finger. A machine can
read your oxygen saturation overnight. If it falls, you should seek help.
However, don't start with the usual CPAP (continuous positive airway pressure
machine) machine to treat it. It can provide relief, but is not at all
addressing the cause. And it has other problems. For instance, many people get
worse sleep using the CPAP machine because it's so big and bulky.
Furthermore, recent articles have somewhat conflicting
conclusions about whether or not CPAP protects you from developing hypertension.
Doctors know that the stress of the sleep apnea can send your sympathetic
nervous system into hyperdrive. That sets up hypertension. CPAP keeps your
airway open at a price. Forcibly imposing positive pressure to fill your lungs
with the CPAP machine can compromise blood return to your heart. This can cause
a number of long-term ramifications. So I don't recommend the CPAP machine.
I've written in these pages about the pioneering work of Farrand
Robson, DDS of Tacoma (253-272-8651) and his Oral Systemic Balance program. He
instantly fixed my friend Ronald MacDonald of severe sleep apnea with a dental
appliance. He has trained dozens of dentists in his particular techniques. There
are other dentists who can provide this service. Ask his office for someone near
This is a treatable condition! You don't have to get cancer just
because you snore!
Yours for better health and medical

Robert J. Rowen, MD
Ref: American Thoracic Society Conference, San Francisco, May
20, 2012; Telegraph May 22, 2012; JAMA, May 23, 2012.
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