Stop Osteoporosis by using vitamin C

Discover how vitamin C can improve bone density
Researchers at Mount Sinai School of Medicine have shown that Vitamin C actively protects against osteoporosis, the findings are published in the October online edition of PloS ONE. One study was with mice whose ovaries had been removed, a procedure that reduces bone density. And, the results were very interesting.
The mice with who had their ovaries removed were divided into two groups; one group received large doses of vitamin C for over eight weeks, and the other were given a placebo. The third control group of mice kept their fully functional ovaries. Can you guess what happened next?
Vitamin C success! The mice that received vitamin C had roughly the same bone mineral density as the group who had kept their ovaries. The mice not given vitamin C had a much lower bone mineral density than the controls.
Large doses of vitamin C, when ingested orally by mice, actively simulated bone formation, by inducing osteoblasts, or premature bone cells, to differentiate into mature, mineralizing specialty cells, which is what is needed for bone mineral density.
Western medicine has made a BIG mistake
When diagnosed with “osteopenia” or “osteoporosis” – the first piece of advice taught is to up one’s calcium intake and/or use drugs called bishosphonates. But, there is a serious flaw to this “modern” medical advice.
Calcium pills cause calcified blood vessels and heart valves. For example, a drug used in high blood pressure (a thiazide diuretic) causes the body to retain calcium and lose magnesium and potassium, which leads to calcification of the large arteries throughout the body. Does this sound healthy to you?
Conventional treatments for Osteoporosis can cause heart attacks
A study in the British Medical Journal reviewed more than 10 studies, including the Women’s Health Initiative, looking at heart attack and stroke risk related to calcium supplements. Turns out, those who took these had a 10 to 30 percent higher risk. By the way, this risk is NOT present when the calcium comes from a natural food source.
Forsomax and Boniva, well known bisphosphonate drugs, as well as Novartis’s Reclast are drugs, which actually lead to weaker bones and contribute to femur fractures, esophageal cancer, and osteonecrosis of the jaw, a painful disfiguring crumbling of the structural makeup of the jaw. Do your research before taking any pharmaceutical drug.
Now, for the good news about Vitamin C
Vitamin C mineralizes bones and stimulates bone forming cells to grow, while preventing too much degradation of bone by inhibiting bone absorbing cells. Vitamin C is vital to collagen synthesis and lessens oxidative stress. Our frame consists of mainly collagen; this is the glue that holds together ligaments, tendons and bones.
Studies have shown that elderly patients who have fractures have significantly lower levels of vitamin C that those not prone to fractures. Bone mineral density tests show that those with good vitamin C levels have healthy bones independent of estrogen levels.
Most people on a whole food (organic) diet know that greens are good for osteoporosis, which usually is attributed to its calcium and potassium levels. However greens are a good source of antioxidants including vitamin C, beta carotene, lutein, zeaxanthin, and vitamin K.
Do NOT be fooled by the conventional dairy magazine ads
Commercial dairy hasn’t slowed the rate of osteoporosis, because it’s not the answer. A diet high in vitamins and minerals including enough vitamin C seems to be the solution. Osteoporosis just like most conditions is a product of poor lifestyle choices. In nature, calcium isn’t an isolated nutrient – it is in plants that contain all the other essential vitamins and minerals for optimal health.
About the author: Blanche Levine has been a student of natural healing modalities for the last 25 years. She had the privilege of working with some of the greatest minds in Natural Healing including Naturopaths, Scientist, and Energy Healers. Having seen people miraculously heal from all kinds of dis-ease through non-invasive methods, her passion now is to help people become aware of what it takes to be healthy.
1 comment:
I am happy as Dr. Lance sensitive treatment of Osteoporosis using herbal medications touched me deeply.
I was diagnosed with Osteoporosis, my medical condition was heart broken. The first thing I did was get myself informed. I was subjected to different medications, by my doctors for treatment without the assurance of having a permanent cure. Despite my visit to several doctors my health wasn't getting better, I took Fosamax 70 mg once weekly for nine months until I could no longer endure the side effects. I’ve made many lifelong friends when I was looking for a natural cure for my ailment. At the verge of giving up, I went to the internet to search for a treatment at least. But I found a cure instead. I read a testimony of a lady just like mine and the good news was that after using herbal medicine she was cured. She shared an e-mail address about the Doctor who treated her using Herbal Medication without complications. I was lucky to have access to Herbal Medicine, and have a pretty normal life now. I am 64years Sure, it has been challenging, and there have been many ups and downs, if you're having Osteoporosis this is not the end of the world don't ever lose hope. I want to tell you that you need to learn to love yourself just the way you are- you are a special person that deserves love. Never never never give up!!!! Contact him on for more info.
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