Monday, April 29, 2013

The August Forecast & Review

Findings & Forecasts 04/10/2013



In his classic book Nine­teen Eighty-Four, George Orwell invented and per­fected the psy­cho­log­ical notion of “dou­ble­think.” That is, simul­ta­ne­ously believing two con­tra­dic­tory ideas or opin­ions. Orwell’s Min­istry of Truth building dis­played slo­gans like “War is Peace,” “Freedom is Slavery,” and “Igno­rance is Strength.”
“The power of holding two con­tra­dic­tory beliefs in one’s mind simul­ta­ne­ously, and accepting both of them… To tell delib­erate lies while gen­uinely believing in them, to forget any fact that has become incon­ve­nient, and then, when it becomes nec­es­sary again, to draw it back from oblivion for just as long as it is needed, to deny the exis­tence of objec­tive reality and all the while to take account of the reality which one denies – all this is indis­pens­ably nec­es­sary. Even in using the word dou­ble­think it is nec­es­sary to exer­cise dou­ble­think. For by using the word one admits that one is tam­pering with reality; by a fresh act of dou­ble­think one erases this knowl­edge; and so on indef­i­nitely, with the lie always one leap ahead of the truth.” (Orwell, George 1949. Nine­teen Eighty-Four; p 32)
In America today, dou­ble­think is prac­ticed with fine pre­ci­sion at the national level. People who give up and drop out of the work force become “unper­sons” and are not heard of or from again; but according to the gov­ern­ment, “the economy is fine and unem­ploy­ment is falling.” Con­tinued global mil­i­tary action is con­ducted in the name of “peace.” The onslaught of never-ending cit­izen sur­veil­lance is for our “safety and secu­rity.” Thought police mon­itor inten­tions, resulting in the destruc­tion of rep­u­ta­tions and liveli­hoods. The “Min­istry of Pro­pa­ganda” is never wrong and cit­i­zens are never right.
Orwell, H.G. Wells (Things to Come) and Aldous Huxley (Brave New World) all penned their respec­tive future­casts while looking straight into the face of the Amer­ican Tech­noc­racy move­ment. The move­ment as a move­ment failed soon after it started, but only because the tech­nology did not exist yet that could enforce and sus­tain their utopian dreams. Those dreamers – and their dreams – con­tinue to live on from gen­er­a­tion to gen­er­a­tion, encour­aged by gar­gan­tuan advances in technology.
When the curve of tech­no­cratic desire inter­sects with critical-mass tech­nology, Tech­noc­racy will sprint to rule the world with a brutal total­i­tar­i­anism not yet seen in the his­tory of man.
As I wrote in Tri­lat­eral Com­mis­sion Influ­ence in the Euro­pean Union in 2011, Com­mis­sion co-founder David Rock­e­feller readily boasted of their influ­ence in estab­lishing the EU:
“Back in the early Sev­en­ties, the hope for a more united EUROPE was already full-blown  –  thanks in many ways to the indi­vidual ener­gies pre­vi­ously spent by so many of the Tri­lat­eral Commission’s ear­liest mem­bers.” [Cap­i­tals in orig­inal] (Rock­e­feller, David; In the Begin­ning; The Tri­lat­eral Com­mis­sion at 25, 1998, p.11)
This was in accor­dance with the ideas of Com­mis­sion co-founder Zbig­niew Brzezinski who wrote Between Two Ages: America’s Role in the Tech­netronic Era:
“The nation-­state as a fun­da­mental unit of man’s orga­nized life has ceased to be the prin­cipal cre­ative force: Inter­na­tional banks and multi­na­tional cor­po­ra­tions are acting and plan­ning in terms that are far in advance of the polit­ical con­cepts of the nation-state.” [emphasis added]
Banks and multi­na­tional cor­po­ra­tions are oper­ated according to prin­ci­ples of Tech­noc­racy: Science-driven effi­ciency is always the utmost goal. When applied to “man’s orga­nized life” you have the reality of science-driven social con­trol, which is exactly what we are expe­ri­encing today.
Should the world be run like busi­ness is run at IBM, Gen­eral Elec­tric, Mon­santo, Goldman Sachs, etc.? Most would say “No” but this is exactly what is hap­pening all over the world.
In 2001 Time Mag­a­zine cor­rectly called China a Tech­noc­racy, noting a new form of “Neo-Authoritarianism” that was easily mis­taken for Com­mu­nism, but was not Com­mu­nism. How did China get “con­verted” and by whom? Again, Tri­lat­eral Com­mis­sion mem­bers played the lead role as they opened up China for trade in the early 1970′s. The impact of China’s new author­i­tarian Renais­sance is seen in the fol­lowing chart:
Between 1974 – 1984, Chi­nese infra­struc­ture was built up to create a new man­u­fac­turing empire con­trolled by a Western-led con­sor­tium of com­pa­nies like Bechtel Engi­neering, Gen­eral Elec­tric, IBM, etc., all of which had direct ties to the Tri­lat­eral Com­mis­sion. Starting in 1984, their strategy began to bear fruit. Between 1984 and 2012, the U.S. trade deficit with China grew from a minis­cule amount to over $450 bil­lion per year. America per­ma­nently lost mil­lions of jobs as com­pa­nies and indus­tries aban­doned Amer­ican shores for the Chi­nese nir­vana of cheap labor. In the process, America was lit­er­ally plun­dered by these global corporations.
America is rapidly becoming a Tech­noc­racy as gov­ern­ment func­tions are turned over to unelected and unac­count­able experts, engi­neers, sci­en­tists and tech­ni­cians. When Obama recently called for a $100 mil­lion ini­tia­tive to map the human brain, he even gave him­self the new title of “Scientist-in-chief.” So, we have an evolving nation­wide smart grid elec­trical system, mas­sive data­bases on cit­i­zens that are being updated in real-time, com­put­er­ized eaves­drop­ping on all phone calls and emails, a never-ending “war on terror” that has mys­te­ri­ously refo­cused itself on Constitution-loving Amer­ican cit­i­zens instead of Islamic enemy combatants.
In the midst of this global and stealthy tech­no­cratic takeover, let’s recon­sider the for­merly sov­er­eign nation of Cyprus. After its com­mu­nist and socialist gov­ern­ment leaders ran their fiscal system into the ground, they finally ran out of cash and had to beg the EU for a bailout. The EU lead­er­ship instead forced them to do a “bail-in” before they would get any “bail-out” funds. Thus far, the bail-in resulted in the con­fis­cating up to 60 per­cent of all bank deposits in excess of 100,000 euros.
The con­fis­cated deposits are being plowed back into equity shares of the nation’s banks prior to being absorbed by global banks for pen­nies on the dollar.
Cit­i­zens 0 – Tech­nocrats 1.
To add insult to injury, Cypriot leaders announced today that they are being forced (by the EU tech­no­cratic lead­er­ship) to dump $530 mil­lion of their national gold reserves as an addi­tional part of the “bail-in.” This rep­re­sents approx­i­mately 70 per­cent of the entire Cypriot gold hoard. If this isn’t a pic­ture of national plun­dering, then I don’t know what is.
Who will buy this gold from Cyprus? Not cen­tral banks! Rather it will be the global bul­lion banks, con­sisting pri­marily of Bar­clays, Deutsche Bank AG, HSBC, Goldman Sachs, Citi Group, JP Morgan Chase and UBS. Freeing up a 10 ton block of gold is a huge win for the global elite who have been accu­mu­lating gold over the years.
Cit­i­zens 0 – Tech­nocrats 2: Game over
I sug­gested in a 2008 report Tri­lat­eral Plan to Corner World Gold Market that the “hidden” gold reserves of many coun­tries would be even­tu­ally attacked and absorbed by these bul­lion banks, all of which have some mem­ber­ship con­nec­tion to the Tri­lat­eral Com­mis­sion. My con­clu­sions at the time were:
  • “The mas­sive amounts of gold leased to bul­lion banks will ulti­mately be seized by these same banks as col­lat­eral against worth­less paper loans made to the Central Banks.
  • “Cen­tral Banks (including the Fed­eral Reserve) could well be left to dis­in­te­grate in order to give way to a single global cen­tral bank con­trolled and fueled by the bul­lion banks who have monopoly con­trol over the world’s gold.
  • “These super­banks are all closely tied to the goals and mem­ber­ship of the Tri­lat­eral Com­mis­sion, whose mem­bers have method­i­cally car­ried out a mon­e­tary policy designed to bring about this eventuality.
  • “For all prac­tical intent, indi­vid­uals will be frozen out of the gold market at any price.”
Five years later, my analysis looks better now than it did then.
If the Tri­lat­eral elite intend to create a global tech­noc­racy, then they are cer­tainly doing a good job of it. The plun­dering of Cyprus sends a strong mes­sage to the global com­mu­nity: “Don’t mess with us or we will crush you.” Are Italy, Spain, France and Greece lis­tening? It won’t take long to find out. One way or another, expect addi­tional sales of national stores of gold to take place in the future.
My last obser­va­tion is that global Tech­noc­racy will ulti­mately con­trol people by the issuance of energy credits instead of money. The tech­no­crat elites, how­ever, will mea­sure their wealth in terms of the gold they own — and that’s why they want it today!
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Note: Addi­tional con­tent on this page is avail­able only to Pre­mium sub­scribers of Find­ings & Fore­castsThe August Forecast & Review

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