Saturday, April 19, 2014

New Natural Treatment Succeeds Against Prostate Cancer in Clinical Trial:

New Natural Treatment Succeeds Against Prostate Cancer in Clinical Trial: In this new breakthrough study, men with prostate cancer were given a whole-food supplement containing 100 mg each of green tea extract, pomegranate whole fruit powder, turmeric (containing curcumin) and broccoli powder. Other men were given a placebo pill. After six months, the patients taking the natural treatment saw their PSA (Prostate Specific Antigen) levels rise by only 14.7% while the patients taking the placebo pill saw their PSA levels rise by a much worse 78.5%. PSA is a marker for prostate cancer, and when PSA levels rise more slowly it may indicate that the cancer is also progressing more slowly. Thus, this supplement may have succeeded in slowing down the progression of prostate cancer for these patients - at least in the short term. Each of the foods provided in the treatment has known anti-cancer effects against prostate cancer. But what’s most intriguing about this new treatment is that the dose provided of each superfood is actually quite low. It can be easily achieved by combining individual supplements that are already available on the market – or just eating the fruit, vegetable, herb, and drinking green tea. As always, optimal health is best achieved on a healthy diet rich in organic vegetables, fruits, whole foods, natural herbs and spices.

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