Monday, August 18, 2014

Beat Cancer by Alkalizing

February 1, 2013 by Paul Fassa
  • Help Protect Teens And Young Women From Cervical Cancer In The Future.
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    (Health Secrets) For most people alkalizing is important for building immunity and avoiding cancer. A level of acidity that is too high sets the stage for cancer and other degenerative diseases, and signals the need for alkalizing.  And though very rare, a level of alkalinity that is too high is causes dangerously low potassium levels, and signals the need to increase acidity. With some attention, the right balance between acidity and alkalinity can be easily achieved.
    Symptoms of acidity and alkalinity imbalance are easy to identify.  Too much acidity produces headache, sleepiness, confusion, shortness of breath, increased heart rate, heart palpatations, nausea and vomiting.  Symptoms of too much alkalinity include muscular weakness, myalgia, muscle cramps and constipation.
    The acidity and alkalinity balance can be monitored by pH readings, which range from zero to 14. The midpoint of 7 indicates a perfect balance. Under 7 is acid; over 7 is alkaline. Strips can be purchased for saliva and urine pH readings for those interested in monitoring their pH levels.
    It’s common for urine pH readings to be slightly lower than saliva readings. But slight numerical differences, say 6.8 compared to 6.5, signify a larger pH differential than the numerical values indicate. It’s similar to earthquake Richter Scale readings. For example, 7.0 quake is proportionately more devastating than a 6.5 Richter reading.
    Details of this simple basis for good or bad health can be somewhat complicated, but we’ll just keep it as simple as possible. The symbol pH represents potential or power of H, which is hydrogen. Basically, this is a reference to the amount of hydrogen ions present in a fluid. The more hydrogen ions in one’s body or cellular fluids, the more acidic one is and the lower a pH one has, a scenario that requires alkalizing. Less hydrogen ions indicate alkalinity with a higher pH.
    The blood serum’s pH should be in the 7 to 7.5 range. That’s considered neutral or slightly alkaline. Prolonged high acidity can lead to acidosis, and prolonged alkalinity can lead to alkalosis.
    Why acidosis is more common than alkalosis
    It’s the diet. And even that is a little confusing because not all foods that are acid create acidity, while some foods that are alkaline produce acidity. In other words, some foods create acidity or alkalinity after they’re metabolized, in a manner that is contrary to their native pH values.
    A common example is limes, lemons, and other citrus fruits. Their fluids are acidic. But when consumed and metabolized, they leave what the experts call an alkaline ash, which is alkalizing. So it’s easy to enhance your diet’s alkaline producing capacity by drinking lime or lemon water without any type of sweetener, just before your meals. A squeeze of lime or lemon on your food helps also.
    Acidosis is prevalent in modern society because of acid producing processed foods and soda pop. Heavy meat eating is another culprit. Yes, red meats are alkaline, but they produce acidity when metabolized. Sugar and all other sweeteners, especially high fructose corn syrup, are very acid producing. One can of pop or soda contains more sugar or other sweeteners than a grown man should take in one day, approximately 13 teaspoons!
    All processed or fast foods contain some sort of sugar or sweetener and refined salt. Refined salt produces acidity, but sea salt is alkalizing. So avoid cheap table salts while you’re attempting to minimize processed and junk foods.
    Another acid producing item is coffee. Drinking too much coffee creates a good deal of acid in those bodily and cellular fluids. Then there’s bleached white flour that’s used in pastries, pizzas and other prepared food items. Don’t forget that beer with your pizza. Both are very acid producing.
    The Standard American Diet (SAD) is comprised of mostly acid producing foods and beverages. Pastries with coffee, pizza with beer, meats with alcohol, fast foods filled with sugars and refined salt, all lead to acidosis.  Add this diet to the acid producing pesticides used in conventional farming, along with the household chemicals used on a daily basis, and you have a high octane acid ash producing cocktail.
    A rich alkaline ash producing diet consists of very little or none of the above while increasing organic vegetable and fruit consumption. Don’t forget the lemon and lime trick for alkalizing, and the use of unrefined sea salt. Eliminating toxic household chemicals, deodorizers, cleaners, and solvents helps too.  And getting rid of all those chemicals you use on yourself in the bathroom makes a big difference.
    By the way, antibiotics and all pharmaceutical drugs are acid forming.
    Walking with a balance beam
    Our bodies contain bio-chemical buffers that work to balance the pH in our blood serum regardless of the acid producing potentials we consume. It’s enough for now to know that a constant acid producing diet will over tax these buffers, causing shortages of major minerals. If any one of the buffer systems fails, acidosis sets in. The point is to make the buffers work less to avoid pH buffer failures.
    Extreme measures
    There are extreme measures that can be taken up for short periods. Certain special high pH waters are on the market for alkalizing, as well as machines that produce such water. They are not panaceas to replace a pH balanced diet. But for short periods of consumption, they can take you out of acidosis and help you detoxify.
    Another commonly used drastic solution for alkalizing is bicarbonate of soda, sometimes combined with ascorbic acid Vitamin C. Bicarbonate of soda raises alkaline levels radically. It’s even used by some, such as Rome based oncologist Dr. Tulio Simoncini, for curing cancer.
    Sudden pH peaks help flood oxygen into cancer cells. Cancer cells ferment glucose (sugars) for their energy. They are anaerobic, and they cannot survive in oxygen. The links to cancer cells, sugar, and low or acid pH are obvious. Acidosis creates the environment for Candida and cancer.
    Cesium is another drastic pH raiser used for alkalizing during cancer treatment. The problem with these drastic solutions is that they deplete minerals, especially potassium. So it’s wise to supplement potassium, magnesium, and other minerals when using either bicarbonate of soda (baking soda) or cesium chloride.
    Using these extreme measures for alkalizing  tend to harm healthy cells as well. Those sudden pH peaks, though cancer cell killers with oxygenating rushes, are stressful for healthy cells as well. Users of either baking soda or cesium chloride generally limit their intake to one or two week periods.
    These short, intense solutions can be used as boosts in pH for general health purposes, to raise immunity and assist detoxification. If one is working on cancer or detoxing, don’t be surprised to see much lower pH readings in urine than in saliva. That’s an indication of acidic waste being expelled.
    Long term it’s best to incorporate a proper pH diet of both acid producing and alkaline producing foods, leaning toward alkaline of course. Here are some examples.
    Foods that influence alkalinity are: vegetables, most fruits including citrus, watermelon, most herbs, pure sea salt, freshly made vegetable juices, salad greens, ginger, seaweed, organic apple cider vinegar, white vinegar.
    Foods that influence acidity are: Most beans, most seafood, most grains, refined table salt, soda pop, coffee, anything made with bleached white flour, alcoholic beverages, sugar or sweeteners.
    This incomplete list is just to give you some ideas of what to eat and drink. As you can see, the alkalizing foods  are generally regarded as healthy anyway. If you increase your consumption of those foods, you’ll find it easy to get away with enjoying some of the foods that produce acidity.
    Sources for more information include:

    Published with permission from Alignlife.  Original article link is here.

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