Saturday, February 7, 2015

Homeopathic Medicine for Measles


Posted on: Friday, February 6th 2015 at 10:00 am
Written By: Larry Malerba, DO

Common symptoms of measles include fever, irritated eyes, runny nose, white spots inside the mouth, and dry cough, followed several days later by a red rash that starts at the head or neck and moves down the body. A homeopathic prescription is based upon the unique way in which these symptoms manifest in each individual case. If you suspect that you or your loved one has a case of the measles, it is best to consult an experienced homeopathic professional.
Let's review the symptom profiles of some of the most commonly indicated homeopathic medicines for measles.
Aconitum: This medicine is indicated in the early stages of measles, before the rash emerges. There is sudden onset of high fever, with red eyes, runny nose, sore throat, and dry cough. There is often a thirst for cold drinks, and an anxious, frightened state of mind that makes the person appear physically and mentally restless.
Apis mellifica: This medicine may be indicated when the measles rash is slow to erupt and there is puffiness and swelling, especially on the face around the eyes and lips. There is also irritability and itchiness, both of which are aggravated from warmth in general.
Belladonna: The hallmark of this medicine is the sudden onset of high fever, often around 3pm, that results in a pounding headache and a bright red face. There may be delirium, with a cloudy, confused, or drowsy state of mind.
Bryonia: This is a commonly indicated medicine in all types of viral illnesses. The telltale indication is that the person feels worse from any kind of motion, and is inclined to sit or lie quietly so as not to provoke symptoms. Headache and dry cough intensify with motion and lessen with stillness. There is often irritability and thirst for cold drinks.
Euphrasia: Useful when the symptoms look like conjunctivitis and center on the eyes, which are very runny, red, inflamed, and sensitive to light. Particularly indicated when the tears are burning and irritating but the nasal discharge is conversely mild and bland. Cough occurs during the daytime but is better at night in bed.
Gelsemium: Clues that indicate this medicine include chills, fatigue, great drowsiness, an overall lack of thirst, and headache in the back of the head. The person who needs this medicine will sleep long hours through night and day.
Pulsatilla: For cases of measles where the fever is not high and the symptoms are not too intense. The person is often warm, avoids too much clothing or heavy blankets, and is reluctant to drink fluids for lack of thirst. The state of mind is needy, sad, and desirous of company and comforting.
Rhus toxicodendron: The keynote indication here is the itchy skin that feels better from warm applications. There is also a restless state of mind and body that causes the person to toss and turn while trying to lie at rest, or sleep at night.
Stramonium: Here, we see high fever, red face, fear, and restlessness. The child is afraid of the dark and does not want to be left alone. There can be nightmares and neurologic symptoms such as twitching of muscles and grinding of the teeth.
Sulphur: The emphasis with this medicine is on itching, which is aggravated from the warmth of clothing and bedcovers. The skin can appear purplish, and the itching can be a function of a failure of the rash to fully emerge.
A few doses of the correct homeopathic medicine can reduce symptoms, encourage the measles rash to erupt without delay (like it should), prevent complications, and speed recovery.
(1) Zero U.S. Measles Deaths in 10 Years, but Over 100 Measles Vaccine Deaths Reported.,
(2) David A. Strickler, MD. Comparative vital statistics. Transactions of the American Institute of Homeopathy 1898: 527-542.
(3) National Center for Homeopathy, Research Library.
Larry Malerba, DO, DHt is a classical homeopath, osteopathic physician, and educator whose mission is to build bridges between holistic healing, conventional medicine, and spirituality. He is the author of Metaphysics & Medicine: Restoring Freedom of Thought to the Art and Science of Healing and Green Medicine: Challenging the Assumptions of Conventional Health Care. Dr. Malerba is board certified in Homeotherapeutics, is Clinical Assistant Professor at New York Medical College, and past president of the Homeopathic Medical Society of the State of New York.
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    Larry Malerba, DO, DHt is a classical homeopath, osteopathic physician, and educator whose mission is to build bridges between holistic healing, conventional medicine, and spirituality. His new book is Metaphysics & Medicine: Restoring Freedom of Thought to the Art and Science of Healing. He is also the author of Green Medicine: Challenging the Assumptions of Conventional Health Care. Dr. Malerba is board certified in Homeotherapeutics, is Clinical Assistant Professor at New York Medical College, and past president of the Homeopathic Medical Society of the State of New York. Visit his website:

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