Sunspots and Cell Towers Fueled the Northern California Firestorm

Forest fire scarred mountain slopes in the Colorado Rockies, where pine trees were stripped bare by the fire. [Credit: James Grundvig, August 11, 2017.]
Two seismic, overlapping events — one celestial, the other manmade — created the unique condition igniting the Northern California fires that swept through wine country on October 8 and 9. The chain reaction setoff more than a dozen clusters at the same time scattered across multiple counties on one hellish night.
At first, authorities suspected arson. Journalists absurdly blamed ISIS, then Mexican drug cartels for coordinating attacks. Napa and Sonoma Counties are not the regions to grow cannabis; pot farms are located far north along the coast.
The wildfires weren’t wild at all. The houses cooked from the inside out. They often burned from the top of the roofs, incinerating the walls, floors, appliances, and cladding down to the foundation. Yet, 90 percent of the trees on the properties remained standing with leaves on the branches — not burnt, merely dried out. It was as if a neutron bomb had detonated burning everything manmade, but leaving the greenery alone.

Drone footage, photos, and eyewitness accounts confirmed that was the case. Pine trees trapped by the fires stood unscathed, while the houses burned. Scarred shells of cars seen in photo after photos had their tires vaporized to the rims, the windshields melted away, and the metal bodies warped by the intense heat. None of it was normal or had been seen before.
What caused the inferno? How did it escalate so fast? Why did the fires burn so hot?
Wrong Theories Die Fast
With the houses bursting in flames on their own, the claim that the ‘Diablo’ wind caused the raging fires is patently false. The winds, on the still, cloudless night, came after the fires erupted. While “dry lightning,” an event that needs a cloud-to-ground funnel didn’t happen that evening.
Others have theorized that a military direct energy weapon (DEW) — aka laser — was used to ignite the structures on the ground in a microwave effect. Contrary to the fantasy of James Bond’s Goldeneye, however, the limitation of laser-mounted weapons has a maximum range of 60 miles, but mostly far less than five miles. They won’t be combat operational until the next couple of years.
One long time veteran Fire Captain John Lord, in the Lake County Region north of Napa, went on record in a video interview that a DEWs weapon started the fires and that “plastics” in modern home construction materials were the cause. Fire Captain Lord is close on both the ignition and the flammable material, but not quite there.

Solar Flares and Hurricanes
The 1859 coronal mass ejection (CME), the largest in history, lasted five days. The direct hit, known as the Carrington Flare, penetrated the earth’s magnetosphere sending “electric shocks through telegraphs lines” and “threw sparks” at the poles.
This century, scientists have worried that a CME event would wipe out communication satellites. But like the Carrington Flare, they failed to look closer to earth. What would the damage be if sunspots breached the magnetosphere? In 2017, after an active summer of solar flares, governments need to focus on terrestrial hot spots and exposure, and worry less about GPS and satellite relays.
This past March, a pair of Russian scientists published a whitepaper, Evolution of Extra-tropical Cyclones During Disturbed Geomagnetic Conditions.
It concluded: “During geomagnetic disturbances, favorable conditions for increasing intensity and cyclone lifetime are formed . . . The distributions of the temperature of air masses of extratropical cyclones were shown to change due to the changes in geomagnetic activity.”
In October, they posted a video on YouTube analyzing this year’s high number of powerful hurricanes, from Harvey and Jose, to Maria and Ophelia. The last storm turned back toward Ireland becoming the “strongest east hurricane ever recorded.”
Contrary to Climate Change fueling the ferocity of hurricanes this season or in years past, it appears solar flares are the mechanism for both steering the hurricanes and their robustness. In matching the formation and landing of Ophelia with a six-day geomagnetic storm of a “coronal hole high-speed solar wind streams,” the scientists had the smoking gun. With each one of the major hurricanes this season, they matched the storm dates with solar flare activity.
They back-tested their theory on hurricanes Sandy (2012) and Katrina (2005), and one in 1974, each lining up with solar disturbances. At the 13:30 mark of the video, they discuss sunspots melting power lines and causing an electrical explosion in Washington in 2015, while igniting a transformer fire in India in 2012.
The solar flares that penetrated earth’s magnetosphere were not wreaking havoc on the array of satellites orbiting earth, but were fueling hurricanes at sea and zapping the power grid on land.
Days Before the Firestorm
A professional, who lives and works in Sonoma, and who wants to remain anonymous, wrote in an email: “Two weeks before the fire, people were thirsty. They bought large amounts of water emptying the stores’ shelves.” Yet the air wasn’t hotter than historical averages for the region — but it did have one weird effect on people’s hair being “statically charged with electricity.”
When the firestorm burst that Sunday evening, witnesses claimed to have seen an “orange glow” behind and above the trees. They didn’t attribute the halos to the fires, but to an unknown anomaly in the air that felt charged.
The Santa Rosa Fire Department and other investigators have suspected power lines played a role in causing the fires, while others blamed smart meters. Yes to both, but they played a diminished one, acting more like a conduit to igniting some of the structures. The electrical grid, however, wasn’t the mechanism that lit the fires or charged the air with static electricity in the days before the catastrophe.

1) Trees remain standing; shell of a car microwaved; 2) Hilton in Santa Rosa burned from the top down and inside out, greenery left alone; 3) House fire burned from the roof down, trees untouched; 4) House incinerated to the foundation slab, trees in the background left unscathed.
Cell Towers Generate Microwaves
In crowdsolving the firestorm, a few journalists, scientists, and this author believe that the 4G-network of cell towers created an electromagnetic field that allowed the solar flares to cook the houses directly without running through the power lines or smart meters. In total, 77 cell towers burned up or were damaged; they were not the source that lit the fires, but the feeders.
Cell towers burned, the houses baked, the trees remained standing.
The current cell tower system in use is called WiMAX: Worldwide Interoperability for Microwave Access. The 4G-system sends out signals through panels or antennas in narrow beams from tower to tower, not aimed at the ground. But the network does emit non-ionizing radiation, which the industry qualifies as typically safe: “It causes some heating effect, but usually not enough to cause any type of long-term damage to tissue. Radio-frequency energy, visible light and microwave radiation are considered non-ionizing.”
All well and good. But tell that to the dozens of people who died and the more than 7,500 homes and businesses that were destroyed by the fires.
If you put tinfoil in a microwave oven it will spark with flames shooting about, giving off an orange halo glow. It’s not the metal that catches fire, but the aluminum oxide coating. When superheated by microwave energy the coating releases oxygen on the surface engorging the material to burn even hotter. This phenomenon is known as “field-activated combustion synthesis.” Like a Duraflame log, the self-sustaining oxygen fuels the flames as had been seen with the ceramics roof tiles and the metals used to build — materials that do not burn in a normal forest fire.
With the invisible microwave field formed by the many clusters of cell towers in and around Napa and Sonoma, and the sunspots lighting the charged air, it created the orange halos while igniting hundreds of homes at once like Roman candles.
On October 7, observed that a “minor stream of solar wind brushed Earth’s magnetic field” and that a geomagnetic storm would hit on October 11.
Other evidence arose when a “second source of light,” a band that stretched from Washington state down to Arizona, crossed the US in less than thirty minutes, captured by the GOES 16 satellite on October 9. The speaker notes the anomaly, while eliminating the sun and moon as suspects, since the August 21 solar eclipse took more than two hours to transit across country.
For the professional who described the strange days before the event, she returned on October 24 to hear an update in a Hyatt Hotel. She noticed her watch acting peculiar and captured the compass and second arm going haywire — aroused by electromagnetic disturbances still in the area.
An error occurred.
The new vulnerability of the Digital Age boils down to a mix of oxide-coated materials, clusters of cell towers, and the right climate and atmospheric condition for sunspots to reach earth to ignite microwave energized air. Meaning, the buildings and houses in Silicon Valley are just as exposed as any place in California, and any place in the world with similar developments.
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