Saturday, November 8, 2008

Promises & 'The Promised Land'

Promises &
'The Promised Land'
Jim Kirwan

'Who Controls
the Past Controls the Future
Who controls the Present Controls the Past'
-- Orwell's 1984

An Excerpt:

"November 07, 2008 Counterpunch -- In the first major appointment of his administration, President-elect Barack Obama has named as his chief of staff Congressman Rahm Emanuel, an Israeli citizen and Israeli army veteran whose father, according to the Israeli newspaper Haaretz, was a member of Menachem Begin's Irgun forces during the Nakba and named his son after a Lehi combatant who was killed" -- i.e., a member of Yitzhak Shamir's terrorist Stern Gang, responsible for, in addition to other atrocities against Palestinians, the more famous bombing of the King David Hotel and assassination of the UN peace envoy Count Folke Bernadotte.

In rapid response to this news, the editorial in the next day's Arab News (Jeddah) was entitled "Don't pin much hope on Obama -- Emanuel is his chief of staff and that sends a message". This editorial referred to the Irgun as a "terror organization" (a judgment call) and concluded: "Far from challenging Israel, the new team may turn out to be as pro-Israel as the one it is replacing."

That was always likely. Obama repeatedly pledged unconditional allegiance to Israel during his campaign, most memorably in an address to the AIPAC national convention which Israeli peace activist Uri Avnery characterized as "a speech that broke all records for obsequiousness and fawning", and America's electing a black president has always been more easily imagined than any American president's declaring his country's independence from Israeli domination.

Still, one of the greatest advantages for the United States in electing Barack Hussein Obama was the prospect that the world's billion-plus Muslims, who now view the United States with almost universal loathing and hatred, would be dazzled by the new president's eloquence, life story, skin color and middle name, would think again with open minds and would give America a chance to redeem itself in their eyes and hearts -- not incidentally, drastically shortening the long lines of aspiring Jihadi's eager to sacrifice their lives while striking a blow against the evil empire.

The profound loathing and hatred of the Muslim world toward the United States, which has always had its roots for America's unconditional support for the injustices inflicted and still being inflicted on the Palestinians, can fairly be considered the core of the primary foreign policy and "national security" problems confronting the United States in recent years. Why would Obama, a man of unquestioned brilliance, have chosen to send such a contemptuous message to the Muslim world with his first major appointment? Why would he wish to disabuse the Muslim world of its hopes (however modest) and slap it across the face at the earliest opportunity?

A further contemptuous message is widely rumored to be forthcoming -- the naming as "Special Envoy for Middle East Peace" of Dennis Ross, the notorious Israel-Firster who, throughout the 12 years of the Bush the First and Clinton administrations, ensured that American policy toward the Palestinians did not deviate one millimeter from Israeli policy and that no progress toward peace could be made and who has since headed the AIPAC spin-off "think tank", the Washington Institute for Near East Policy.

Nevertheless, since it is almost always constructive to seek a silver lining in the darkest clouds, a silver lining can be found and cited. For decades, the Palestinian leadership has been "waiting for Godot" -- waiting for the U.S. Government to finally do the right thing (if only in its own obvious self-interest) and to force Israel to comply with international law and UN Resolutions and permit them to have a decent mini-state on a tiny portion of the land that once was theirs.

This was never a realistic hope. It has not happened, and it will never happen. So it may well be salutary not to waste eight more days (let alone eight more years) playing along and playing the fool while more Palestinian lands are confiscated and more Jewish colonies and Jews-only bypass roads are built on them, clinging to the delusion that the charming Mr. Obama, admirable though he may be in so many other respects, will eventually (if only in a second term, when he no longer has to worry about reelection) see the light and do the right thing. It is long overdue for the Palestinians themselves to seize the initiative, to reset the agenda and to declare a new "only game in town".

Furthermore, in February, Israel will elect a new Knesset. Bibi Netanyahu, who, most polls and coalition-building calculations suggest, is most likely to emerge as the next prime minister, has one (if only one) great virtue. He is absolutely honest in not professing any desire (however insincere) to see the creation of any Palestinian "state" (whether decent or less-than-a-Bantustan in nature) or to engage in any talks (even never-ending and fraudulent ones) ostensibly about that possibility. His return to power would definitively slam the door on the illusion of a "two-state solution" somewhere over an ever-receding horizon.

This would constitute a blessing and a liberation for Palestinian minds and Palestinian aspirations. Their leadership(s) could then return, after a long, costly and painful diversion, to fundamental principles, to pursuing the goal of a democratic, nonracist and nonsectarian state in all of Israel/Palestine with equal rights for all who live there.

This just goal could and should be pursued by strictly nonviolent means. If the goal is to convince a determined and powerful settler- colonial movement which wishes to seize your land, settle it and keep it (eventually cleansing it of you and your fellow natives) that it should cease, desist and leave, nonviolent forms of resistance are suicidal. If, however, the goal were to be to obtain the full rights of citizenship in a democratic, nonracist state (as was the case in the American civil rights movement and the South African anti-apartheid movement), then nonviolence would be the only viable approach. Violence would be totally inappropriate and counterproductive. The morally impeccable approach would also be the tactically effective approach. The high road would be the only road.

No American president -- least of all Barack Obama -- could easily support racism and apartheid and oppose democracy and equal rights, particularly if democracy and equal rights were being pursued by nonviolent means. No one anywhere could easily do so. The writing would be on the wall, and the clock would be running out on the tired game of using a perpetual "peace process" as an excuse to delay decisions (while building more "facts on the ground") forever."
John V. Whitbeck". (1) & (2)

For decades I have written about George Orwell and his novel "1984" which apparently most people today are still not familiar with. To understand what is literally happening on the global stage, as seen through the presidential politics that are unfolding now, one must obtain an intimate awareness of what was behind the warnings in "1984" that are a minimum basic requirement: for anyone that seeks a different outcome from what we've created, in just the last eight years. Here, thanks to John LeKay and Heyoka Magazine is the full- length film made from that book. (3)

America is about to discover within just a few more days, the extent of the real changes that Obama was selected to bring to the United States and thus to the world.

Already we have seen, in just a few days, the beginnings of things from Obama that have never been discussed or even considered; things and methods that will begin to reshape this country along the lines of the failed state of Zionist Israel.

Some might agree with his hidden agendas, I do not. My views on Obama have nothing to do with his race or his country of origin; but they have everything to do with this ideology and the methods of implementation for that ideology, that I believe he intends to use to change this country; from one of an open and yearning nation to that of a closed and fearful state that dictates to its people; rather than even attempting to serve them as a government.

Israel is his model and the Mossad (by way of Deception thou shalt do war) will be his template. Rahm Emanuel, an Israeli Army Veteran, is a power-hungry political tool, not unlike Cheney before him, that will soon begin to rule this nation by stealth at first, but with time the shadows will fall away, and what shall remain will be a slave-state much like the one that is depicted in "1984" and in the currently occupied areas of Palestine today.

Much has been made of "The Promised Land," NOT the one that Martin Luther King spoke so longingly of, but the one that the Zionist State of Israel will not let the rest of the world ever forget. That 'Promised Land' is a poisonous place that is being built on stolen and blood-soaked lands, with US dollars and US complicity, in all the crimes that the Zionists have used to get them to this point.

Once again Americans find themselves at the crossroads of history: at that place where what we chose to do will directly affect the entire planet. The question before all of us is whether or not we are willing to pay for our freedoms with the real sacrifices that must be made, if we want to remain alive and individual in our views and in our own lives. If we fail to choose that course, then we shall become nothing more than those faceless screaming crowds that blindly support INGSOC to the last being, in "1984." The choice is ours to make or to refuse to make. To that end Krishnamurti has a question to ask you; in a four minute video called: Why Don't You Care. (4)

We have wasted the last eight years in sloth and privatization, on greed and arrogance compounded by a self-absorbsion that is unequalled in modern history. Now we must choose among the many problems that we have allowed ourselves to introduce into the world. There is no time left for 'chances' or for polite toleration of political doctrines that are foreign to American interests. This is a daunting task, and the results of our choices shall determine whether or not there will continue to be a United States of America or much of anything else in our lives, in the coming days.

The true irony is that if we begin to fix this; then the convoluted crimes that are strangling our economy will also begin to unravel as well!

1) Obama, Emanuel & Israel

2) The Iron Wall - 57 minute video

3) 1984 ­ The full length film

4) Why Don't You Care ­ 4 minute video

For ease of reference: these articles & more can be found here:

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